Except where noted, all content is (c) 2020-2021 Starfall. All rights reserved. We don't currently have a preferred free software / open source license, so we will leave you with just a few bits of wisdom to guide you on what you can ethically do despite the copyright statement above. * "It shall be permissible to make quotations from a work ... provided that their making is compatible with fair practice." - Berne Convention * Information wants to be free. * Be gay, do crimes. If you want to get in touch and ask if your specific use is alright, go ahead! We enjoy hearing that what we've done helps people out. And if you have any specific license suggestions that give the finger to exploitation and oppression, please also feel free to get in touch. We're leaning towards CC BY-NC-SA for general text and something like the Hippocratic or Peer Production licenses for source code. While we probably won't be writing anything that's useful to a corporation, military, or fascist, and the idea that bad actors could actually be stopped by something like a license is laughable (just look at the reimplementation of MongoDB as DocumentDB), we still want to at least communicate to folks that we care about the ethical use of the things we make more than the short-sighted "freedom" to be taken advantage of.