___ __ _______ _______ ___ ___ _________ ______ _______ .´ / / / (___ /.´ _____) .´ / / _/ .´ _____ /.´ ____).´ _____) / /___/ / _____/ // / / /_/ / / /____/ // / / /____ / ____ /.´____ // / / _____ `. / ______.´/ / /_______ `. / / / // /____/ // /____ / / / // /___ / / ______/ / /___/ /_//_________/ `._______)/___/ /__/ `._____) /___/ (________/ [ T H E M A N U A L ] [1] GAME TERMS [1.1] DECK A stack of cards, shuffled, face down. Tidy. If at any time there are no cards left in the DECK then HACK THE PLANET. [1.2] SNOOP SPACE 1 card, face up beside the DECK at all times. Any time the card in the SNOOP space is removed, immediately replenish the SNOOP space by turning over the top card on the DECK & placing it in the SNOOP space. If there are no cards left in the DECK after replenishing the SNOOP space then HACK THE PLANET. [1.3] FILES The cards, face up, in front of a player. A player can store up to 3 cards in their FILES. If at any time a player has more than 3 cards in their FILES the player must return cards from their FILES to the bottom of the DECK until they have 3 cards in their FILES. [1.4] HACK THE PLANET Endgame. The finale. Each player takes 1 more turn & the score is tallied. See HACK THE PLANET below for more info. [2] CARD ANATOMY & TERMS [2.1] DATA VALUE This is how many points the card is worth when tallying up the score at the end of the game. [2.2] BAUD RATE Some card effects only apply to cards with specific BAUD rates, cards are grouped into 3 categories, 300 BAUD, 1200 BAUD & 2400 BAUD. [2.3] CARD NAME The name of the card, some card effects only apply to cards with specific names. [2.4] INFO BOX Describes the card action. There are 2 types of card actions, both actions are resolved immediately when triggered. [2.4.1] When Added to your FILES. These actions occur once when a card is added to your FILES from your hand. [2.4.2] While in your FILES. These actions occur any time the crieteria on the card instructions are met for as long as the card remains in your FILES. [3] GETTING SET UP [3.1] STARTING PLAYER Decide on a starting player. If you're the winner from the previous game, you're the starting player, if it's the first game & you're reading this then it's you, you're the starting player. [3.2] PLAY SPACE SET UP [3.2.1] The starting player should gather 2 or 3 other players. This game plays best with 4 players but works with 3 players in a pinch. [3.2.2] The starting player should gather all 20 game cards together & pull out the 300 BAUD Hacker cards, then choose 1 of the 4 300 BAUD Hacker cards & return it to the box, that hacker is fixing the phones & is out of play for the rest of the game. Canonically Cereal should be fixing the phones but the starting player can choose whichever of the 300 BAUD Hacker cards they please. [3.2.3] The starting player should then shuffle the remaining 19 cards & deal 3 cards to themselves, face down, then deal 1 card to the player on their right, face down, & deal 2 cards to the remaining players, face down. [3.2.4] The starting player should then place the remaining cards in a stack, face down to create the DECK. [3.2.5] The starting player should then turn over the top card on the DECK, place it beside the DECK face up to populate the SNOOP space. [4] GAMEPLAY [4.1] OVERVIEW Starting with the starting player (obviously) players take turns in clockwise order until a player announces HACK THE PLANET. Each turn proceeds as below. [4.2] TAKING A TURN [4.2.1] Add a card from your hand to your FILES & resolve the action described in the card's Info Box if the card's criteria are met. [4.2.2] Add the card from the top of the deck or the card in the SNOOP space to your hand. If you remove the card from the SNOOP space, replenish the SNOOP space immediately & if there are no cards left in the DECK after replenishing the SNOOP space then HACK THE PLANET. Some cards modify how you draw cards, draw appropriately where the criteria in the card's Info Box are met, the effect of these cards apply to drawing from the DECK only & do not apply if you chose to move the card from the SNOOP space to your hand. [4.2.3] Without revealing the cards to any other players, move 1 card from your hand to the hand of the player on your left & move 1 card from your hand to the hand of the player on your right. [4.2.4] From your hand, return cards to the bottom of the DECK until you are left with only 1 card in your hand. [5] HACK THE PLANET [5.1] When there are no cards left in the DECK or when resolving a card that instructs you to HACK THE PLANET, the player who's turn it is should loudly announce "HACK THE PLANET", all other players should loudly respond "HACK THE PLANET" - there is no penalty for not doing this aside from having to live with being a lamer. [5.2] The player that announced HACK THE PLANET should complete their turn & play should proceed as normal. [5.3] When the player who announced HACK THE PLANET takes their next turn, the game is over & the score should be tallied. See WINNING & LOSING below for more info. [7] WINNING & LOSING [7.1] At the end of the game, each player adds up the DATA VALUE of the cards in their FILES & the player with the highest number wins. Easy. [7.2] In the event of a draw, I'm sorry, you have to play again. [8] VARIANTS [8.1] Open Source. Players hands are kept face up, below their FILES so each player can see what the other players have in their hand. [8.2] Encrypted. Players FILES are kept face down. When it's time to HACK THE PLANET, all players overturn their cards before the last round is played. The card in the SNOOP space should remain face up in this variant. __________ ________ ╱ ╱ ╱ ╲ ╱ ╱╱ ╱ ╱ ╲ ╱ ╱ ╱ ╱ ╲________╱__________╱ [ B 4 U D W 3 R K 5 ] 2022