var mastodon = require('mastodon'); var pg = require('pg'); var DB_USER = process.env.DB_USER || 'ambassador'; var DB_NAME = process.env.DB_NAME || 'mastodon_production'; var DB_PASSWORD = process.env.DB_PASSWORD || ''; var DB_HOST = process.env.DB_HOST || '/var/run/postgresql'; var AMBASSADOR_TOKEN = process.env.AMBASSADOR_TOKEN; var INSTANCE_HOST = process.env.INSTANCE_HOST; var BOOSTS_PER_CYCLE = process.env.BOOSTS_PER_CYCLE || 2; var THRESHOLD_INTERVAL_DAYS = process.env.THRESHOLD_INTERVAL_DAYS || 30; var BOOST_MAX_DAYS = process.env.BOOST_MAX_DAYS || 5; var THRESHOLD_CHECK_INTERVAL = process.env.THRESHOLD_CHECK_INTERVAL || 15; // cycles var CYCLE_INTERVAL = process.env.CYCLE_INTERVAL || 15; // minutes var BOOST_MIN_HOURS = process.env.BOOST_MIN_HOURS || 12; var THRESHOLD_NUMERATOR = process.env.THRESHOLD_NUMERATOR || 1; var THRESHOLD_DENOMINATOR = process.env.THRESHOLD_DENOMINATOR || 1; var USER_BOOST_LIMIT = process.env.USER_BOOST_LIMIT || 3; var USER_BOOST_INTERVAL_HOURS = process.env.USER_BOOST_INTERVAL_HOURS || 24; var config = { user: process.env.DB_USER || 'ambassador', database: process.env.DB_NAME || 'mastodon_production', password: process.env.DB_PASSWORD || '', host: process.env.DB_HOST || '/var/run/postgresql', port: 5432, //env var: PGPORT max: 2, // max number of clients in the pool idleTimeoutMillis: 30000 // how long a client is allowed to remain idle before being closed }; // Define our threshold (average faves over the past x days) var thresh_query = `SELECT ceil(avg(favourites_count)) AS threshold FROM public_toots WHERE favourites_count > 1 AND updated_at > NOW() - INTERVAL '` + THRESHOLD_INTERVAL_DAYS + ` days'` // Find all toots we haven't boosted yet, but ought to // sub-query 1: // have we boosted this already? // sub-query 2: // if we look at how many statuses we've boosted from a given account over // the past n hours, is that number greater than three? var query = `SELECT FROM public_toots WHERE favourites_count >= ceil($1) AND NOT EXISTS ( SELECT 1 FROM public_toots AS pt2 WHERE pt2.reblog_of_id = AND pt2.account_id = $2 ) AND NOT EXISTS ( SELECT 1 FROM ( SELECT pt3.account_id, count(*) AS count FROM public_toots pt3, public_toots WHERE = public_toots.reblog_of_id AND public_toots.account_id = $2 AND public_toots.updated_at > NOW() - INTERVAL '` + USER_BOOST_INTERVAL_HOURS + ` hours' GROUP BY pt3.account_id ) AS dt, public_toots AS pt4 WHERE dt.count > ` + USER_BOOST_LIMIT + ` AND dt.account_id = pt4.account_id ) AND updated_at > NOW() - INTERVAL '` + BOOST_MAX_DAYS + ` days' AND updated_at < NOW() - INTERVAL '` + BOOST_MIN_HOURS + ` hours' ORDER BY favourites_count DESC LIMIT $3` console.dir('STARTING AMBASSADOR'); console.log('\tDB_USER:', DB_USER); console.log('\tDB_NAME:', DB_NAME); console.log('\tDB_PASSWORD:', DB_PASSWORD.split('').map(function() { return "*" }).join('')); console.log('\tDB_HOST:', DB_HOST); console.log('\tAMBASSADOR_TOKEN:', AMBASSADOR_TOKEN); console.log('\tINSTANCE_HOST:', INSTANCE_HOST); console.log('\tBOOSTS_PER_CYCLE:', BOOSTS_PER_CYCLE); console.log('\tTHRESHOLD_INTERVAL_DAYS:', THRESHOLD_INTERVAL_DAYS); console.log('\tBOOST_MAX_DAYS:', BOOST_MAX_DAYS); console.log('\tTHRESHOLD_CHECK_INTERVAL:', THRESHOLD_CHECK_INTERVAL); console.log('\tCYCLE_INTERVAL:', CYCLE_INTERVAL); console.log('\tUSER_BOOST_LIMIT:', USER_BOOST_LIMIT); console.log('\tUSER_BOOST_INTERVAL_HOURS:', USER_BOOST_INTERVAL_HOURS); var g_threshold_downcount = 0; var g_threshold = 0; function getThreshold(client, f) { if (g_threshold_downcount <= 0 || g_threshold <= 0) { console.log('Threshold is stale, recalculating...'); client.query(thresh_query, [], function (err, result) { if (err) { throw "error running threshold query: " + err; } g_threshold = result.rows[0].threshold * THRESHOLD_NUMERATOR / THRESHOLD_DENOMINATOR; g_threshold_downcount = THRESHOLD_CHECK_INTERVAL; return f(g_threshold); }); } else { g_threshold_downcount--; console.log('Cycles until next threshold update: ' + g_threshold_downcount); return f(g_threshold); } } function cycle() { console.log('Cycle beginning'); var client = new pg.Client(config); client.connect(function (err) { if (err) { console.error('error connecting to client'); return console.dir(err); } whoami(function (account_id) { getThreshold(client, function (threshold) { console.log('Current threshold: ' + threshold); if (threshold < 1) { throw "threshold too low: " + threshold; } client.query(query, [threshold, account_id, BOOSTS_PER_CYCLE], function (err, result) { if (err) { throw "error running toot query: " + err; } client.end(function (err) { if (err) { throw "error disconnecting from client: " + err; } }); boost(result.rows); console.log('Cycle complete'); }); }); }) }); } var M = new mastodon({ access_token: AMBASSADOR_TOKEN, api_url: INSTANCE_HOST + '/api/v1' }); function whoami(f) { M.get('/accounts/verify_credentials', function(err, result) { if (err) { console.error('error getting current user id'); throw err; } if ( === undefined) { console.error('verify_credentials result is undefined'); throw "verify_credentials failed"; } console.log('Authenticated as ' + + ' (' + result.display_name + ')'); return f(; }) } function boost(rows) { rows.forEach(function(row) { console.log('boosting status #' +;'/statuses/' + + '/reblog', function(err, result) { if (err) { if (err.message === 'Validation failed: Reblog of status already exists') { return console.log('Warning: tried to boost #' + + ' but it had already been boosted by this account.'); } if (err.message === 'This action is not allowed') { return console.log('Warning: tried to boost #' + + ' but the action was not allowed.'); } return console.log(err); } }); }) } cycle(); setInterval(cycle, 1000 * 60 * CYCLE_INTERVAL);