A combination of the ampersand (&) and treble clef (𝄞) to symbolize both manyness and harmony. It is for all who identify as plural, no matter what created them or what diagnoses they do or do not have. This includes, but is not limited to those: who are diagnosed with a dissociative disorder who are not diagnosed with a dissociative disorder who were created by trauma who were not created by trauma who intentionally became plural who did not intentionally become plural who believe their plurality is psychological who believe their plurality is spiritual who are many different, separate people who are facets or midcontinuum who are struggling with their plurality who are not struggling with their plurality who are still figuring out who they are who do not care about the circumstances of their creation ...and many, many more. 🙂 Once more, this symbol is for the use of any who identify as plural. You may use it freely and even sell merchandise with it. You do not need to credit us. All that we ask is that you do not claim ownership of it, nor police others in their use of it. To this end, we dedicate this symbol to the public domain. CC0 To the extent possible under law, (Anonymous) has waived all copyright and related or neighboring rights to the treble ampersand. This work is published from: United States. May it serve you well. 😊 [Retrieved from https://treblesand.dreamwidth.org/ on 2020-01-29.]