From ee5e24807fb59c398e7dfca807c51242269c7588 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Eugen Rochko <>
Date: Tue, 15 Jan 2019 09:24:35 +0100
Subject: Add `tootctl domains crawl` (#9809)

 lib/mastodon/domains_cli.rb | 118 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 1 file changed, 118 insertions(+)

(limited to 'lib')

diff --git a/lib/mastodon/domains_cli.rb b/lib/mastodon/domains_cli.rb
index 16e298584..be68ae84b 100644
--- a/lib/mastodon/domains_cli.rb
+++ b/lib/mastodon/domains_cli.rb
@@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
 # frozen_string_literal: true
+require 'concurrent'
 require_relative '../../config/boot'
 require_relative '../../config/environment'
 require_relative 'cli_helper'
@@ -32,5 +33,122 @@ module Mastodon
       say("Removed #{removed} accounts#{dry_run}", :green)
+    option :concurrency, type: :numeric, default: 50, aliases: [:c]
+    option :silent, type: :boolean, default: false, aliases: [:s]
+    option :format, type: :string, default: 'summary', aliases: [:f]
+    desc 'crawl [START]', 'Crawl all known peers, optionally beginning at START'
+    long_desc <<-LONG_DESC
+      Crawl the fediverse by using the Mastodon REST API endpoints that expose
+      all known peers, and collect statistics from those peers, as long as those
+      peers support those API endpoints. When no START is given, the command uses
+      this server's own database of known peers to seed the crawl.
+      The --concurrency (-c) option controls the number of threads performing HTTP
+      requests at the same time. More threads means the crawl may complete faster.
+      The --silent (-s) option controls progress output.
+      The --format (-f) option controls how the data is displayed at the end. By
+      default (`summary`), a summary of the statistics is returned. The other options
+      are `domains`, which returns a newline-delimited list of all discovered peers,
+      and `json`, which dumps all the aggregated data raw.
+    def crawl(start = nil)
+      stats     =
+      processed =
+      failed    =
+      start_at  =
+      seed      = start ? [start] :
+      pool = 0, max_threads: options[:concurrency], idletime: 10, auto_terminate: true, max_queue: 0)
+      work_unit = ->(domain) do
+        next if stats.key?(domain)
+        stats[domain] = nil
+        processed.increment
+        begin
+, "https://#{domain}/api/v1/instance").perform do |res|
+            next unless res.code == 200
+            stats[domain] = Oj.load(res.to_s)
+          end
+, "https://#{domain}/api/v1/instance/peers").perform do |res|
+            next unless res.code == 200
+            Oj.load(res.to_s).reject { |peer| stats.key?(peer) }.each do |peer|
+    , &work_unit)
+            end
+          end
+, "https://#{domain}/api/v1/instance/activity").perform do |res|
+            next unless res.code == 200
+            stats[domain]['activity'] = Oj.load(res.to_s)
+          end
+          say('.', :green, false) unless options[:silent]
+        rescue StandardError
+          failed.increment
+          say('.', :red, false) unless options[:silent]
+        end
+      end
+      seed.each do |domain|
+, &work_unit)
+      end
+      sleep 20
+      sleep 20 until
+      pool.shutdown
+      pool.wait_for_termination(20)
+    ensure
+      pool.shutdown
+      say unless options[:silent]
+      case options[:format]
+      when 'summary'
+        stats_to_summary(stats, processed, failed, start_at)
+      when 'domains'
+        stats_to_domains(stats)
+      when 'json'
+        stats_to_json(stats)
+      end
+    end
+    private
+    def stats_to_summary(stats, processed, failed, start_at)
+      stats.compact!
+      total_domains = stats.size
+      total_users   = stats.reduce(0) { |sum, (_key, val)| val.is_a?(Hash) && val['stats'].is_a?(Hash) ? sum + val['stats']['user_count'].to_i : sum }
+      total_active  = stats.reduce(0) { |sum, (_key, val)| val.is_a?(Hash) && val['activity'].is_a?(Array) && val['activity'].size > 2 && val['activity'][1].is_a?(Hash) ? sum + val['activity'][1]['logins'].to_i : sum }
+      total_joined  = stats.reduce(0) { |sum, (_key, val)| val.is_a?(Hash) && val['activity'].is_a?(Array) && val['activity'].size > 2 && val['activity'][1].is_a?(Hash) ? sum + val['activity'][1]['registrations'].to_i : sum }
+      say("Visited #{processed.value} domains, #{failed.value} failed (#{( - start_at).round}s elapsed)", :green)
+      say("Total servers: #{total_domains}", :green)
+      say("Total registered: #{total_users}", :green)
+      say("Total active last week: #{total_active}", :green)
+      say("Total joined last week: #{total_joined}", :green)
+    end
+    def stats_to_domains(stats)
+      say(stats.keys.join("\n"))
+    end
+    def stats_to_json(stats)
+      totals.each_key do |domain|
+        if totals[domain].is_a?(Hash)
+          totals[domain]['activity'] = stats[domain]
+        else
+          totals.delete(domain)
+        end
+      end
+      say(Oj.dump(totals))
+    end