module BlocklistHelper FEDIVERSE_SPACE_URLS = [""] VULPINE_CLUB_URL = "" def merged_blocklist # ordered by preference # prefer vulpine b/c they have easy-to-parse reason text blocklist = vulpine_club_blocks | dialup_express_blocks | ten_forward_blocks | fediverse_space_blocks blocklist.uniq { |entry| entry[:domain] } end def domain_map(domains, reason)! do |domain| {domain: domain, severity: :suspend, reason: reason} end end def dialup_express_blocks admin_id = Account.find_remote('xenon', '')&.id return [] if admin_id.nil? domains = ActiveRecord::Base.connection.select_values("SELECT unnest(regexp_matches(text, '\\m[\\w\\-]+\\.[\\w\-]+(?:\\.[\\w\\-]+)*', 'g')) FROM statuses WHERE account_id = #{admin_id.to_i} AND NOT reply AND created_at >= (NOW() - INTERVAL '2 days') AND tsv @@ to_tsquery('new <-> dialup <-> express <2> block') EXCEPT SELECT domain FROM domain_blocks") domain_map(domains, "Imported from .") end def ten_forward_blocks admin_id = Account.find_remote('guinan', '')&.id return [] if admin_id.nil? domains = ActiveRecord::Base.connection.select_values("SELECT unnest(regexp_matches(text, '\\m[\\w\\-]+\\.[\\w\-]+(?:\\.[\\w\\-]+)*', 'g')) FROM statuses WHERE account_id = #{admin_id.to_i} AND NOT reply AND created_at >= (NOW() - INTERVAL '2 days') AND tsv @@ to_tsquery('ten <-> forward <-> moderation <-> announcement') EXCEPT SELECT domain FROM domain_blocks") domain_map(domains, "Imported from .") end def vulpine_club_blocks body =, VULPINE_CLUB_URL).perform do |response| response.code != 200 ? nil : response.body_with_limit(66.kilobytes) end return [] unless body.present? yaml = YAML::load(body)! do |entry| domain = entry['domain'] next if domain.blank? severity = entry['severity'].split('/') reject_media = 'nomedia'.in?(severity) severity = (severity[0].nil? || severity[0] == 'nomedia') ? 'noop' : severity[0] reason = "Imported from : \"#{entry['reason']}\"#{entry['link'].present? ? " (#{entry['link']})" : ''}".rstrip {domain: domain, severity: severity.to_sym, reject_media: reject_media, reason: reason} end end # shamelessly adapted from's `silence` tool # # which you'll find useful if you're a non-monsterfork mastoadmin def fediverse_space_fetch_domains(url) body =, url).perform do |response| response.code != 200 ? nil : response.body_with_limit(66.kilobytes) end return [] unless body.present? document = Nokogiri::HTML(body) document.css('table.table-condensed td a').collect { |link| link.content.strip } end def fediverse_space_blocks domains = FEDIVERSE_SPACE_URLS.flat_map { |url| fediverse_space_fetch_domains(url) } domains.uniq! domain_map(domains, "Imported from .") end end