// Package imports. import PropTypes from 'prop-types'; import React from 'react'; import ImmutablePropTypes from 'react-immutable-proptypes'; import { defineMessages } from 'react-intl'; import classNames from 'classnames'; // Actions. import { openModal } from 'flavours/glitch/actions/modal'; import { changeSearch, clearSearch, showSearch, submitSearch, } from 'flavours/glitch/actions/search'; import { cycleElefriendCompose } from 'flavours/glitch/actions/compose'; // Components. import Composer from 'flavours/glitch/features/composer'; import DrawerAccount from './account'; import DrawerHeader from './header'; import DrawerResults from './results'; import DrawerSearch from './search'; // Utils. import { me } from 'flavours/glitch/util/initial_state'; import { wrap } from 'flavours/glitch/util/redux_helpers'; // Messages. const messages = defineMessages({ compose: { id: 'navigation_bar.compose', defaultMessage: 'Compose new toot' }, }); // State mapping. const mapStateToProps = state => ({ account: state.getIn(['accounts', me]), columns: state.getIn(['settings', 'columns']), elefriend: state.getIn(['compose', 'elefriend']), results: state.getIn(['search', 'results']), searchHidden: state.getIn(['search', 'hidden']), searchValue: state.getIn(['search', 'value']), submitted: state.getIn(['search', 'submitted']), unreadNotifications: state.getIn(['notifications', 'unread']), showNotificationsBadge: state.getIn(['local_settings', 'notifications', 'tab_badge']), }); // Dispatch mapping. const mapDispatchToProps = (dispatch, { intl }) => ({ onChange (value) { dispatch(changeSearch(value)); }, onClear () { dispatch(clearSearch()); }, onClickElefriend () { dispatch(cycleElefriendCompose()); }, onShow () { dispatch(showSearch()); }, onSubmit () { dispatch(submitSearch()); }, onOpenSettings (e) { e.preventDefault(); e.stopPropagation(); dispatch(openModal('SETTINGS', {})); }, }); // The component. class Drawer extends React.Component { // Constructor. constructor (props) { super(props); } // Rendering. render () { const { account, columns, elefriend, intl, multiColumn, onChange, onClear, onClickElefriend, onOpenSettings, onShow, onSubmit, results, searchHidden, searchValue, submitted, isSearchPage, unreadNotifications, showNotificationsBadge, } = this.props; const computedClass = classNames('drawer', `mbstobon-${elefriend}`); // The result. return ( <div className={computedClass} role='region' aria-label={intl.formatMessage(messages.compose)}> {multiColumn ? ( <DrawerHeader columns={columns} unreadNotifications={unreadNotifications} showNotificationsBadge={showNotificationsBadge} intl={intl} onSettingsClick={onOpenSettings} /> ) : null} {(multiColumn || isSearchPage) && <DrawerSearch intl={intl} onChange={onChange} onClear={onClear} onShow={onShow} onSubmit={onSubmit} submitted={submitted} value={searchValue} /> } <div className='contents'> {!isSearchPage && <DrawerAccount account={account} />} {!isSearchPage && <Composer />} {multiColumn && <button className='mastodon' onClick={onClickElefriend} />} {(multiColumn || isSearchPage) && <DrawerResults results={results} visible={submitted && !searchHidden} />} </div> </div> ); } } // Props. Drawer.propTypes = { intl: PropTypes.object.isRequired, isSearchPage: PropTypes.bool, multiColumn: PropTypes.bool, // State props. account: ImmutablePropTypes.map, columns: ImmutablePropTypes.list, results: ImmutablePropTypes.map, elefriend: PropTypes.number, searchHidden: PropTypes.bool, searchValue: PropTypes.string, submitted: PropTypes.bool, unreadNotifications: PropTypes.number, showNotificationsBadge: PropTypes.bool, // Dispatch props. onChange: PropTypes.func, onClear: PropTypes.func, onClickElefriend: PropTypes.func, onShow: PropTypes.func, onSubmit: PropTypes.func, onOpenSettings: PropTypes.func, }; // Connecting and export. export { Drawer as WrappedComponent }; export default wrap(Drawer, mapStateToProps, mapDispatchToProps, true);