import React from 'react'; import PropTypes from 'prop-types'; import { getScrollbarWidth } from 'flavours/glitch/util/scrollbar'; import Base from 'flavours/glitch/components/modal_root'; import BundleContainer from '../containers/bundle_container'; import BundleModalError from './bundle_modal_error'; import ModalLoading from './modal_loading'; import ActionsModal from './actions_modal'; import MediaModal from './media_modal'; import VideoModal from './video_modal'; import BoostModal from './boost_modal'; import FavouriteModal from './favourite_modal'; import AudioModal from './audio_modal'; import DoodleModal from './doodle_modal'; import ConfirmationModal from './confirmation_modal'; import FocalPointModal from './focal_point_modal'; import { OnboardingModal, MuteModal, BlockModal, ReportModal, SettingsModal, EmbedModal, ListEditor, ListAdder, PinnedAccountsEditor, } from 'flavours/glitch/util/async-components'; const MODAL_COMPONENTS = { 'MEDIA': () => Promise.resolve({ default: MediaModal }), 'ONBOARDING': OnboardingModal, 'VIDEO': () => Promise.resolve({ default: VideoModal }), 'AUDIO': () => Promise.resolve({ default: AudioModal }), 'BOOST': () => Promise.resolve({ default: BoostModal }), 'FAVOURITE': () => Promise.resolve({ default: FavouriteModal }), 'DOODLE': () => Promise.resolve({ default: DoodleModal }), 'CONFIRM': () => Promise.resolve({ default: ConfirmationModal }), 'MUTE': MuteModal, 'BLOCK': BlockModal, 'REPORT': ReportModal, 'SETTINGS': SettingsModal, 'ACTIONS': () => Promise.resolve({ default: ActionsModal }), 'EMBED': EmbedModal, 'LIST_EDITOR': ListEditor, 'LIST_ADDER':ListAdder, 'FOCAL_POINT': () => Promise.resolve({ default: FocalPointModal }), 'PINNED_ACCOUNTS_EDITOR': PinnedAccountsEditor, }; export default class ModalRoot extends React.PureComponent { static propTypes = { type: PropTypes.string, props: PropTypes.object, onClose: PropTypes.func.isRequired, }; state = { backgroundColor: null, }; componentDidUpdate () { if (!!this.props.type) { document.body.classList.add('with-modals--active'); = `${getScrollbarWidth()}px`; } else { document.body.classList.remove('with-modals--active'); = 0; } } setBackgroundColor = color => { this.setState({ backgroundColor: color }); } renderLoading = modalId => () => { return ['MEDIA', 'VIDEO', 'BOOST', 'FAVOURITE', 'DOODLE', 'CONFIRM', 'ACTIONS'].indexOf(modalId) === -1 ? <ModalLoading /> : null; } renderError = (props) => { const { onClose } = this.props; return <BundleModalError {...props} onClose={onClose} />; } handleClose = () => { const { onClose } = this.props; let message = null; try { message = this._modal?.getWrappedInstance?.().getCloseConfirmationMessage?.(); } catch (_) { // injectIntl defines `getWrappedInstance` but errors out if `withRef` // isn't set. // This would be much smoother with react-intl 3+ and `forwardRef`. } onClose(message); } setModalRef = (c) => { this._modal = c; } render () { const { type, props } = this.props; const { backgroundColor } = this.state; const visible = !!type; return ( <Base backgroundColor={backgroundColor} onClose={this.handleClose} noEsc={props ? props.noEsc : false}> {visible && ( <BundleContainer fetchComponent={MODAL_COMPONENTS[type]} loading={this.renderLoading(type)} error={this.renderError} renderDelay={200}> {(SpecificComponent) => <SpecificComponent {...props} onChangeBackgroundColor={this.setBackgroundColor} onClose={this.handleClose} ref={this.setModalRef} />} </BundleContainer> )} </Base> ); } }