import { NOTIFICATIONS_UPDATE, NOTIFICATIONS_EXPAND_SUCCESS, NOTIFICATIONS_EXPAND_REQUEST, NOTIFICATIONS_EXPAND_FAIL, NOTIFICATIONS_CLEAR, NOTIFICATIONS_SCROLL_TOP, NOTIFICATIONS_DELETE_MARKED_REQUEST, NOTIFICATIONS_DELETE_MARKED_SUCCESS, NOTIFICATION_MARK_FOR_DELETE, NOTIFICATIONS_DELETE_MARKED_FAIL, NOTIFICATIONS_ENTER_CLEARING_MODE, NOTIFICATIONS_MARK_ALL_FOR_DELETE, } from 'flavours/glitch/actions/notifications'; import { ACCOUNT_BLOCK_SUCCESS, ACCOUNT_MUTE_SUCCESS, } from 'flavours/glitch/actions/accounts'; import { TIMELINE_DELETE, TIMELINE_DISCONNECT } from 'flavours/glitch/actions/timelines'; import { Map as ImmutableMap, List as ImmutableList } from 'immutable'; const initialState = ImmutableMap({ items: ImmutableList(), hasMore: true, top: true, unread: 0, isLoading: false, cleaningMode: false, // notification removal mark of new notifs loaded whilst cleaningMode is true. markNewForDelete: false, }); const notificationToMap = (state, notification) => ImmutableMap({ id:, type: notification.type, account:, markedForDelete: state.get('markNewForDelete'), status: notification.status ? : null, }); const normalizeNotification = (state, notification) => { const top = state.get('top'); if (!top) { state = state.update('unread', unread => unread + 1); } return state.update('items', list => { if (top && list.size > 40) { list = list.take(20); } return list.unshift(notificationToMap(state, notification)); }); }; const newer = (m, n) => { const mId = m.get('id'); const nId = n.get('id'); return mId.length === nId.length ? mId > nId : mId.length > nId.length; }; const expandNormalizedNotifications = (state, notifications, next) => { let items = ImmutableList(); notifications.forEach((n, i) => { items = items.set(i, notificationToMap(state, n)); }); return state.withMutations(mutable => { if (!items.isEmpty()) { mutable.update('items', list => { const lastIndex = 1 + list.findLastIndex( item => item !== null && (newer(item, items.last()) || item.get('id') === items.last().get('id')) ); const firstIndex = 1 + list.take(lastIndex).findLastIndex( item => item !== null && newer(item, items.first()) ); return list.take(firstIndex).concat(items, list.skip(lastIndex)); }); } if (!next) { mutable.set('hasMore', true); } mutable.set('isLoading', false); }); }; const filterNotifications = (state, relationship) => { return state.update('items', list => list.filterNot(item => item !== null && item.get('account') ===; }; const updateTop = (state, top) => { if (top) { state = state.set('unread', 0); } return state.set('top', top); }; const deleteByStatus = (state, statusId) => { return state.update('items', list => list.filterNot(item => item !== null && item.get('status') === statusId)); }; const markForDelete = (state, notificationId, yes) => { return state.update('items', list => => { if(item.get('id') === notificationId) { return item.set('markedForDelete', yes); } else { return item; } })); }; const markAllForDelete = (state, yes) => { return state.update('items', list => => { if(yes !== null) { return item.set('markedForDelete', yes); } else { return item.set('markedForDelete', !item.get('markedForDelete')); } })); }; const unmarkAllForDelete = (state) => { return state.update('items', list => => item.set('markedForDelete', false))); }; const deleteMarkedNotifs = (state) => { return state.update('items', list => list.filterNot(item => item.get('markedForDelete'))); }; export default function notifications(state = initialState, action) { let st; switch(action.type) { case NOTIFICATIONS_EXPAND_REQUEST: case NOTIFICATIONS_DELETE_MARKED_REQUEST: return state.set('isLoading', true); case NOTIFICATIONS_DELETE_MARKED_FAIL: case NOTIFICATIONS_EXPAND_FAIL: return state.set('isLoading', false); case NOTIFICATIONS_SCROLL_TOP: return updateTop(state,; case NOTIFICATIONS_UPDATE: return normalizeNotification(state, action.notification); case NOTIFICATIONS_EXPAND_SUCCESS: return expandNormalizedNotifications(state, action.notifications,; case ACCOUNT_BLOCK_SUCCESS: case ACCOUNT_MUTE_SUCCESS: return filterNotifications(state, action.relationship); case NOTIFICATIONS_CLEAR: return state.set('items', ImmutableList()).set('hasMore', false); case TIMELINE_DELETE: return deleteByStatus(state,; case TIMELINE_DISCONNECT: return action.timeline === 'home' ? state.update('items', items => items.first() ? items.unshift(null) : items) : state; case NOTIFICATION_MARK_FOR_DELETE: return markForDelete(state,, action.yes); case NOTIFICATIONS_DELETE_MARKED_SUCCESS: return deleteMarkedNotifs(state).set('isLoading', false); case NOTIFICATIONS_ENTER_CLEARING_MODE: st = state.set('cleaningMode', action.yes); if (!action.yes) { return unmarkAllForDelete(st).set('markNewForDelete', false); } else { return st; } case NOTIFICATIONS_MARK_ALL_FOR_DELETE: st = state; if (action.yes === null) { // Toggle - this is a bit confusing, as it toggles the all-none mode //st = st.set('markNewForDelete', !st.get('markNewForDelete')); } else { st = st.set('markNewForDelete', action.yes); } return markAllForDelete(st, action.yes); default: return state; } };