# frozen_string_literal: true class Bangtags include BangtagHelper attr_reader :status, :account def initialize(status) @status = status @account = status.account @parent_status = Status.find(status.in_reply_to_id) if status.in_reply_to_id @crunch_newlines = false @prefix_ns = { 'permalink' => ['link'], 'cloudroot' => ['link'], 'blogroot' => ['link'], } @aliases = { ['media', 'end'] => ['var', 'end'], ['media', 'stop'] => ['var', 'end'], ['media', 'endall'] => ['var', 'endall'], ['media', 'stopall'] => ['var', 'endall'], } # sections of the final status text @chunks = [] # list of transformation commands @tf_cmds = [] # list of post-processing commands @post_cmds = [] # hash of bangtag variables @vars = account.user.vars # keep track of what variables we're appending the value of between chunks @vore_stack = [] # keep track of what type of nested components are active so we can !end them in order @component_stack = [] end def process return unless !@vars['_bangtags:disable'] && status.text&.present? && status.text.include?('#!') status.text.gsub!('#!!', "#\uf666!") status.text.split(/(#!(?:.*:!#|{.*?}|[^\s#]+))/).each do |chunk| if @vore_stack.last == '_draft' || (@chunks.present? && @chunks.first.include?('#!draft')) chunk.gsub("#\uf666!", '#!') @chunks << chunk elsif chunk.starts_with?("#!") chunk.sub!(/(\\:)?+:+?!#\Z/, '\1') chunk.sub!(/{(.*)}\Z/, '\1') if @vore_stack.last != '_comment' cmd = chunk[2..-1].strip next if cmd.blank? cmd = cmd.split(':::') cmd = cmd[0].split('::') + cmd[1..-1] cmd = cmd[0].split(':') + cmd[1..-1] cmd.map! {|c| c.gsub(/\\:/, ':').gsub(/\\\\:/, '\:')} prefix = @prefix_ns[cmd[0]] cmd = prefix + cmd unless prefix.nil? @aliases.each_key do |old_cmd| cmd = @aliases[old_cmd] + cmd.drop(old_cmd.length) if cmd.take(old_cmd.length) == old_cmd end elsif chunk.in?(['#!comment:end', '#!comment:stop', '#!comment:endall', '#!comment:stopall']) @vore_stack.pop @component_stack.pop next else next end next if cmd[0].nil? case cmd[0].downcase when 'var' chunk = nil next if cmd[1].nil? case cmd[1].downcase when 'end', 'stop' @vore_stack.pop @component_stack.pop when 'endall', 'stopall' @vore_stack = [] @component_stack.reject! {|c| c == :var} else var = cmd[1] next if var.nil? || var.starts_with?('_') new_value = cmd[2..-1] if new_value.blank? chunk = @vars[var] elsif new_value.length == 1 && new_value[0] == '-' @vore_stack.push(var) @component_stack.push(:var) else @vars[var] = new_value.join(':') end end when 'tf' chunk = nil next if cmd[1].nil? case cmd[1].downcase when 'end', 'stop' @tf_cmds.pop @component_stack.pop when 'endall', 'stopall' @tf_cmds = [] @component_stack.reject! {|c| c == :tf} else @vars['_tf:head:count'] = 0 if cmd[1].downcase.in?(%w(head take)) @tf_cmds.push(cmd[1..-1]) @component_stack.push(:tf) end when 'end', 'stop' chunk = nil case @component_stack.pop when :tf @tf_cmds.pop when :var, :hide @vore_stack.pop end when 'endall', 'stopall' chunk = nil @tf_cmds = [] @vore_stack = [] @component_stack = [] when 'emojify' chunk = nil next if cmd[1].nil? src_img = nil shortcode = cmd[2] case cmd[1].downcase when 'avatar' src_img = status.account.avatar when 'parent' next unless cmd[3].present? && reply? shortcode = cmd[3] next if cmd[2].nil? || @parent_status.nil? case cmd[2].downcase when 'avatar' src_img = @parent_status.account.avatar end end next if src_img.nil? || shortcode.nil? || !shortcode.match?(/\A\w+\Z/) chunk = ":#{shortcode}:" emoji = CustomEmoji.find_or_initialize_by(shortcode: shortcode, domain: nil) if emoji.id.nil? emoji.image = src_img emoji.save end when 'emoji' next if cmd[1].nil? shortcode = cmd[1] domain = (cmd[2].blank? ? nil : cmd[2].downcase) chunk = ":#{shortcode}:" ours = CustomEmoji.find_or_initialize_by(shortcode: shortcode, domain: nil) if ours.id.nil? if domain.nil? theirs = CustomEmoji.find_by(shortcode: shortcode) else theirs = CustomEmoji.find_by(shortcode: shortcode, domain: domain) end unless theirs.nil? ours.image = theirs.image ours.save end end when 'char' chunk = nil charmap = { 'zws' => "\u200b", 'zwnj' => "\u200c", 'zwj' => "\u200d", '\n' => "\n", '\r' => "\r", '\t' => "\t", '\T' => ' ' } cmd[1..-1].each do |c| next if c.nil? if c.in?(charmap) @chunks << charmap[cmd[1]] elsif (/^\h{1,5}$/ =~ c) && c.to_i(16) > 0 begin @chunks << [c.to_i(16)].pack('U*') rescue @chunks << '?' end end end when 'link' chunk = nil next if cmd[1].nil? case cmd[1].downcase when 'permalink', 'self' chunk = TagManager.instance.url_for(status) when 'cloudroot' chunk = "https://monsterpit.cloud/~/#{account.username}" when 'blogroot' chunk = "https://monsterpit.blog/~/#{account.username}" end when 'ping' mentions = [] next if cmd[1].nil? case cmd[1].downcase when 'admins' mentions = User.admins.map { |u| "@#{u.account.username}" } mentions.sort! when 'mods' mentions = User.moderators.map { |u| "@#{u.account.username}" } mentions.sort! when 'staff' mentions = User.admins.map { |u| "@#{u.account.username}" } mentions += User.moderators.map { |u| "@#{u.account.username}" } mentions.uniq! mentions.sort! end chunk = mentions.join(' ') when 'tag' chunk = nil tags = cmd[1..-1].map {|t| t.gsub(':', '.')} add_tags(status, *tags) when '10629' chunk = "\u200b:gargamel:\u200b I really don't think we should do this." when 'thread' chunk = nil next if cmd[1].nil? case cmd[1].downcase when 'reall' if status.conversation_id.present? participants = Status.where(conversation_id: status.conversation_id) .pluck(:account_id).uniq.without(@account.id) participants = Account.where(id: participants) .pluck(:username, :domain) .map { |a| "@#{a.compact.join('@')}" } participants = (cmd[2..-1].map(&:strip) | participants) unless cmd[2].nil? chunk = participants.join(' ') end when 'sharekey' next if cmd[2].nil? case cmd[2].downcase when 'revoke' if status.conversation_id.present? roars = Status.where(conversation_id: status.conversation_id, account_id: @account.id) roars.each do |roar| if roar.sharekey.present? roar.sharekey = nil roar.save Rails.cache.delete("statuses/#{roar.id}") end end end when 'sync', 'new' if status.conversation_id.present? roars = Status.where(conversation_id: status.conversation_id, account_id: @account.id) earliest_roar = roars.last # The results are in reverse-chronological order. if cmd[2] == 'new' || earlist_roar.sharekey.blank? sharekey = SecureRandom.urlsafe_base64(32) earliest_roar.sharekey = sharekey earliest_roar.save Rails.cache.delete("statuses/#{earliest_roar.id}") else sharekey = earliest_roar.sharekey end roars.each do |roar| if roar.sharekey != sharekey roar.sharekey = sharekey roar.save Rails.cache.delete("statuses/#{roar.id}") end end else status.sharekey = SecureRandom.urlsafe_base64(32) Rails.cache.delete("statuses/#{status.id}") end end when 'emoji' next if status.conversation_id.nil? roars = Status.where(conversation_id: status.conversation_id, account_id: @account.id) roars.each do |roar| roar.emojis.each do |theirs| ours = CustomEmoji.find_or_initialize_by(shortcode: theirs.shortcode, domain: nil) if ours.id.nil? ours.image = theirs.image ours.save end end end end when 'parent' chunk = nil next if cmd[1].nil? || @parent_status.nil? case cmd[1].downcase when 'permalink', 'link' chunk = TagManager.instance.url_for(@parent_status) when 'tag', 'untag' chunk = nil next unless @parent_status.account.id == @account.id || @account.user.admin? tags = cmd[2..-1].map {|t| t.gsub(':', '.')} if cmd[1].downcase == 'tag' add_tags(@parent_status, *tags) else del_tags(@parent_status, *tags) end Rails.cache.delete("statuses/#{@parent_status.id}") when 'emoji' @parent_status.emojis.each do |theirs| ours = CustomEmoji.find_or_initialize_by(shortcode: theirs.shortcode, domain: nil) if ours.id.nil? ours.image = theirs.image ours.save end end when 'urls' plain = @parent_status.text.gsub(/(
|<\/p>)+/) { |match| "#{match}\n" } plain = ActionController::Base.helpers.strip_tags(plain) plain.gsub!(/ dot /i, '.') chunk = plain.scan(/https?:\/\/[\w\-]+\.[\w\-]+(?:\.[\w\-]+)*/).uniq.join(' ') when 'domains' plain = @parent_status.text.gsub(/(
|<\/p>)+/) { |match| "#{match}\n" } plain = ActionController::Base.helpers.strip_tags(plain) plain.gsub!(/ dot /i, '.') chunk = plain.scan(/[\w\-]+\.[\w\-]+(?:\.[\w\-]+)*/).uniq.join(' ') end when 'media' chunk = nil media_idx = cmd[1] media_cmd = cmd[2] media_args = cmd[3..-1] next unless media_cmd.present? && media_idx.present? && media_idx.scan(/\D/).empty? media_idx = media_idx.to_i next if status.media_attachments[media_idx-1].nil? case media_cmd.downcase when 'desc' if media_args.present? @vars["_media:#{media_idx}:desc"] = media_args.join(':') else @vars.delete("_media:#{media_idx}:desc") @vore_stack.push("_media:#{media_idx}:desc") @component_stack.push(:var) end end @post_cmds.push(['media', media_idx, media_cmd]) when 'bangtag' chunk = chunk.sub('bangtag:', '').gsub(':', ":\u200c") when 'join' chunk = nil next if cmd[1].nil? charmap = { 'zws' => "\u200b", 'zwnj' => "\u200c", 'zwj' => "\u200d", '\n' => "\n", '\r' => "\r", '\t' => "\t", '\T' => ' ' } sep = charmap[cmd[1]] chunk = cmd[2..-1].join(sep.nil? ? cmd[1] : sep) when 'hide' chunk = nil next if cmd[1].nil? case cmd[1].downcase when 'end', 'stop', 'endall', 'stopall' @vore_stack.reject! {|v| v == '_'} @compontent_stack.reject! {|c| c == :hide} else if cmd[1].nil? && !'_'.in?(@vore_stack) @vore_stack.push('_') @component_stack.push(:hide) end end when 'comment' chunk = nil if cmd[1].nil? @vore_stack.push('_comment') @component_stack.push(:var) end when 'i', 'we' chunk = nil next if cmd[1].nil? case cmd[1].downcase when 'am', 'are' who = cmd[2] if who.blank? @vars.delete('_they:are') status.footer = nil next elsif who == 'not' who = cmd[3] next if who.blank? name = who.downcase.gsub(/\s+/, '') @vars.delete("_they:are:#{name}") next unless @vars['_they:are'] == name @vars.delete('_they:are') status.footer = nil next elsif who == 'list' @status.visibility = :direct @status.local_only = true @status.content_type = 'text/markdown' names = @vars.keys.select { |k| k.start_with?('_they:are:') } names.map! { |k| "#{k[10..-1]} is #{@vars[k]}" } @chunks << (["\n# #!i:am:list:\n
\n"] + names).join("\n") + "\n" next end name = who.downcase.gsub(/\s+/, '').strip description = cmd[3..-1].join(':').strip if description.blank? if @vars["_they:are:#{name}"].nil? @vars["_they:are:#{name}"] = who.strip end else @vars["_they:are:#{name}"] = description end @vars['_they:are'] = name status.footer = @vars["_they:are:#{name}"] end when 'sharekey' next if cmd[1].nil? case cmd[1].downcase when 'new' chunk = nil status.sharekey = SecureRandom.urlsafe_base64(32) end when 'draft' chunk = nil @chunks.insert(0, "[center]`#!draft!#`[/center]\n") unless @chunks.present? && @chunks.first.include?('#!draft') @status.visibility = :direct @status.local_only = true @status.content_type = 'text/x-bbcode+markdown' @vore_stack.push('_draft') @component_stack.push(:var) add_tags(status, 'self.draft') when 'format', 'type' chunk = nil next if cmd[1].nil? content_types = { 't' => 'text/plain', 'txt' => 'text/plain', 'text' => 'text/plain', 'plain' => 'text/plain', 'plaintext' => 'text/plain', 'm' => 'text/markdown', 'md' => 'text/markdown', 'markdown' => 'text/markdown', 'b' => 'text/x-bbcode', 'bbc' => 'text/x-bbcode', 'bbcode' => 'text/x-bbcode', 'd' => 'text/x-bbcode+markdown', 'bm' => 'text/x-bbcode+markdown', 'bbm' => 'text/x-bbcode+markdown', 'bbdown' => 'text/x-bbcode+markdown', 'h' => 'text/html', 'htm' => 'text/html', 'html' => 'text/html', } v = cmd[1].downcase status.content_type = content_types[c] unless content_types[c].nil? when 'visibility', 'v' chunk = nil next if cmd[1].nil? visibilities = { 'direct' => :direct, 'dm' => :direct, 'whisper' => :direct, 'd' => :direct, 'private' => :private, 'packmate' => :private, 'group' => :private, 'f' => :private, 'g' => :private, 'unlisted' => :unlisted, 'u' => :unlisted, 'local' => :local, 'monsterpit' => :local, 'community' => :local, 'c' => :local, 'l' => :local, 'm' => :local, 'public' => :public, 'world' => :public, 'p' => :public, } allowed_visibility_changes = { 'unlisted' => [:local], 'local' => [:unlisted], } if cmd[1].downcase == 'parent' next unless cmd[2].present? && @parent_status.present? && @parent_status.account_id == @account.id v = visibilities[cmd[2].downcase] o = @parent_status.visibility next if v.nil? || allowed_visibility_changes[o].nil? next unless allowed_visibility_changes[o].include?(v) @parent_status.visibility = v @parent_status.local_only = false if cmd[3].downcase.in? %w(federate f public p world) @parent_status.save Rails.cache.delete("statuses/#{@parent_status.id}") DistributionWorker.perform_async(@parent_status.id) ActivityPub::DistributionWorker.perform_async(@parent_status) unless @parent_status.local_only? else v = cmd[1].downcase status.visibility = visibilities[v] unless visibilities[v].nil? case cmd[2].downcase when 'federate', 'f', 'public', 'p', 'world' status.local_only = false when 'nofederate', 'nf', 'localonly', 'lo', 'local', 'l', 'monsterpit', 'm', 'community', 'c' status.local_only = true end end when 'keysmash' keyboard = [ 'asdf', 'jkl;', 'gh', "'", 'we', 'io', 'r', 'u', 'cv', 'nm', 't', 'x', ',', 'q', 'z', 'y', 'b', 'p', '[', '.', '/', ']', "\\", ] chunk = rand(6..33).times.collect do keyboard[(keyboard.size * (rand ** 3)).floor].split('').sample end chunk = chunk.join when 'admin' chunk = nil next unless @account.user.admin? next if cmd[1].nil? @status.visibility = :direct @status.local_only = true @status.content_type = 'text/markdown' @chunks << "\n# #!admin:#{cmd[1].downcase}:\n
\n" case cmd[1].downcase when 'silence', 'unsilence', 'suspend', 'unsuspend', 'force_unlisted', 'allow_public', 'force_sensitive', 'allow_nonsensitive', 'reset', 'forgive' @tf_cmds.push(cmd) @component_stack.push(:tf) when 'exec', 'eval' unless @account.username.in?((ENV['ALLOW_ADMIN_EVAL_FROM'] || '').split) @chunks << "Unauthorized." next end unless cmd[2].present? && cmd[2].downcase == 'last' @vars.delete("_admin:eval") @vore_stack.push("_admin:eval") @component_stack.push(:var) end @post_cmds.push(['admin', 'eval']) when 'announce' @vars.delete("_admin:announce") @vore_stack.push("_admin:announce") @component_stack.push(:var) c = ['admin', 'announce'] c << 'local' if cmd[2].present? && cmd[2].downcase == 'local' @post_cmds.push(c) when 'unannounce' @tf_cmds.push(cmd) @component_stack.push(:tf) end end end chunk.gsub!("#\uf666!", '#!') unless chunk.blank? if chunk.present? && @tf_cmds.present? @tf_cmds.each do |tf_cmd| next if chunk.nil? || tf_cmd[0].nil? case tf_cmd[0].downcase when 'replace', 'sub', 's' tf_cmd[1..-1].in_groups_of(2) do |args| chunk.sub!(*args) if args.all? end when 'replaceall', 'gsub', 'gs' tf_cmd[1..-1].in_groups_of(2) do |args| chunk.gsub!(*args) if args.all? end when 'stripanchors' chunk.gsub!(//mi, '') when 'striplinks' chunk.gsub!(/\S+:\/\/[\w\-]+\.\S+/, '') chunk = ActionController::Base.helpers.strip_links(chunk) when 'head', 'take' n = tf_cmd[1].to_i n = 1 unless n > 0 next if @vars['_tf:head:count'] == n c = @vars['_tf:head:count'] || 0 parts = chunk.split.take(n - c) @vars['_tf:head:full'] = c + parts.count chunk = parts.join(' ') when 'admin' next unless @account.user.admin? next if tf_cmd[1].nil? || chunk.start_with?('`admin:') output = [] action = tf_cmd[1].downcase case action when 'announce' announcer = ENV['ANNOUNCEMENTS_USER'] if announcer.blank? @chunks << 'No announcer set.' next end announcer = Account.find_local(announcer) if announcer.blank? @chunks << 'Announcer account missing.' next end chunk.split.each do |c| c.scan('\d+$').each do |status_id| s = Status.find_by(id: status_id.to_i) if s.nil? output << "Skipped non-existing ID #{status_id}." next elsif s.account.id != announcer.id output << "Skipped non-announcer ID #{status_id}." next end output << "Removed announcement ID #{status_id}." RemoveStatusService.new.call(s) end end when 'silence', 'unsilence', 'suspend', 'unsuspend', 'force_unlisted', 'allow_public', 'force_sensitive', 'allow_nonsensitive', 'reset', 'forgive' action = 'reset' if action == 'forgive' chunk.split.each do |c| if c.start_with?('@') account_parts = c.split('@')[1..2] successful = account_policy(account_parts[0], account_parts[1], action) else successful = domain_policy(c, action) end if successful output << "\u2705 #{c}" else output << "\u274c #{c}" end end output = ['No action.'] if output.blank? chunk = output.join("\n") + "\n" end end end end unless chunk.blank? || @vore_stack.empty? var = @vore_stack.last next if var == '_' if @vars[var].nil? @vars[var] = chunk.lstrip else @vars[var] += chunk.rstrip end chunk = nil end @chunks << chunk unless chunk.nil? end @vars.transform_values! {|v| v.rstrip if v.is_a?(String)} postprocess_before_save account.user.save text = @chunks.join text.gsub!(/\n\n+/, "\n") if @crunch_newlines if text.blank? RemoveStatusService.new.call(@status) else status.text = text status.save postprocess_after_save end end private def postprocess_before_save @post_cmds.each do |post_cmd| case post_cmd[0] when 'media' media_idx = post_cmd[1] media_cmd = post_cmd[2] media_args = post_cmd[3..-1] case media_cmd when 'desc' status.media_attachments[media_idx-1].description = @vars["_media:#{media_idx}:desc"] status.media_attachments[media_idx-1].save @vars.delete("_media:#{media_idx}:desc") end when 'admin' next unless @account.user.admin? next if post_cmd[1].nil? case post_cmd[1] when 'eval' @crunch_newlines = true @vars["_admin:eval"].strip! @chunks << "\nInput:" @chunks << "
          @chunks << html_entities.encode(@vars["_admin:eval"]).gsub("\n", '
') @chunks << "
" begin result = eval(@vars["_admin:eval"]) rescue Exception => e result = "\u274c #{e.message}" end @chunks << "Output:" @chunks << "
          @chunks << html_entities.encode(result).gsub("\n", '
') @chunks << "
" when 'announce' announcer = ENV['ANNOUNCEMENTS_USER'] if announcer.blank? @chunks << 'No announcer set.' next end announcer = Account.find_local(announcer) if announcer.blank? @chunks << 'Announcer account missing.' next end name = @account.user.vars['_they:are'] if name.present? footer = "#{@account.user.vars["_they:are:#{name}"]} from @#{@account.username}" else footer = "@#{@account.username}" end s = PostStatusService.new.call( announcer, visibility: :local, text: @vars['_admin:announce'], footer: footer, local_only: post_cmd[2] == 'local' ) DistributionWorker.perform_async(s.id) ActivityPub::DistributionWorker.perform_async(s) unless s.local_only? @chunks << 'Announce successful.' end end end end def postprocess_after_save @post_cmds.each do |post_cmd| case post_cmd[0] when 'mention' mention = @account.mentions.where(status: status).first_or_create(status: status) end end end def add_tags(to_status, *tags) valid_name = /^[[:word:]:._\-]*[[:alpha:]:._·\-][[:word:]:._\-]*$/ tags = tags.select {|t| t.present? && valid_name.match?(t)}.uniq ProcessHashtagsService.new.call(to_status, tags) to_status.save end def del_tags(from_status, *tags) valid_name = /^[[:word:]:._\-]*[[:alpha:]:._·\-][[:word:]:._\-]*$/ tags = tags.select {|t| t.present? && valid_name.match?(t)}.uniq tags.map { |str| str.mb_chars.downcase }.uniq(&:to_s).each do |name| name.gsub!(/[:.]+/, '.') next if name.blank? || name == '.' if name.ends_with?('.') filtered_tags = from_status.tags.select { |t| t.name == name || t.name.starts_with?(name) } else filtered_tags = from_status.tags.select { |t| t.name == name } end from_status.tags.destroy(filtered_tags) end from_status.save end def html_entities @html_entities ||= HTMLEntities.new end end