# frozen_string_literal: true class Bangtags include BangtagHelper attr_reader :status, :account def initialize(status) @status = status @account = status.account @parent_status = Status.find(status.in_reply_to_id) if status.in_reply_to_id @crunch_newlines = false @prefix_ns = { 'permalink' => ['link'], 'cloudroot' => ['link'], 'blogroot' => ['link'], } @aliases = { ['media', 'end'] => ['var', 'end'], ['media', 'stop'] => ['var', 'end'], ['media', 'endall'] => ['var', 'endall'], ['media', 'stopall'] => ['var', 'endall'], ['admin', 'end'] => ['var', 'end'], ['admin', 'stop'] => ['var', 'end'], ['admin', 'endall'] => ['var', 'endall'], ['admin', 'stopall'] => ['var', 'endall'], ['parent', 'visibility'] => ['visibility', 'parent'], ['parent', 'v'] => ['visibility', 'parent'], ['parent', 'l'] => ['live', 'parent'], ['parent', 'live'] => ['live', 'parent'], ['parent', 'lifespan'] => ['lifespan', 'parent'], ['parent', 'delete_in'] => ['delete_in', 'parent'], ['all', 'l'] => ['l', 'all'], ['all', 'live'] => ['live', 'all'], ['all', 'lifespan'] => ['lifespan', 'all'], ['all', 'delete_in'] => ['delete_in', 'all'], } # sections of the final status text @chunks = [] # list of transformation commands @tf_cmds = [] # list of post-processing commands @post_cmds = [] # hash of bangtag variables @vars = account.user.vars # keep track of what variables we're appending the value of between chunks @vore_stack = [] # keep track of what type of nested components are active so we can !end them in order @component_stack = [] end def process return unless !@vars['_bangtags:disable'] && status.text&.present? && status.text.include?('#!') status.text.gsub!('#!!', "#\uf666!") status.text.split(/(#!(?:.*:!#|{.*?}|[^\s#]+))/).each do |chunk| if @vore_stack.last == '_draft' || (@chunks.present? && @chunks.first.include?('#!draft')) chunk.gsub("#\uf666!", '#!') @chunks << chunk elsif chunk.starts_with?("#!") chunk.sub!(/(\\:)?+:+?!#\Z/, '\1') chunk.sub!(/{(.*)}\Z/, '\1') if @vore_stack.last != '_comment' cmd = chunk[2..-1].strip next if cmd.blank? cmd = cmd.split(':::') cmd = cmd[0].split('::') + cmd[1..-1] cmd = cmd[0].split(':') + cmd[1..-1] cmd.map! {|c| c.gsub(/\\:/, ':').gsub(/\\\\:/, '\:')} prefix = @prefix_ns[cmd[0]] cmd = prefix + cmd unless prefix.nil? @aliases.each_key do |old_cmd| cmd = @aliases[old_cmd] + cmd.drop(old_cmd.length) if cmd.take(old_cmd.length) == old_cmd end elsif chunk.in?(['#!comment:end', '#!comment:stop', '#!comment:endall', '#!comment:stopall']) @vore_stack.pop @component_stack.pop next else next end next if cmd[0].nil? case cmd[0].downcase when 'var' chunk = nil next if cmd[1].nil? case cmd[1].downcase when 'end', 'stop' @vore_stack.pop @component_stack.pop when 'endall', 'stopall' @vore_stack = [] @component_stack.reject! {|c| c == :var} else var = cmd[1] next if var.nil? || var.starts_with?('_') new_value = cmd[2..-1] if new_value.blank? chunk = @vars[var] elsif new_value.length == 1 && new_value[0] == '-' @vore_stack.push(var) @component_stack.push(:var) else @vars[var] = new_value.join(':') end end when 'tf' chunk = nil next if cmd[1].nil? case cmd[1].downcase when 'end', 'stop' @tf_cmds.pop @component_stack.pop when 'endall', 'stopall' @tf_cmds = [] @component_stack.reject! {|c| c == :tf} else @vars['_tf:head:count'] = 0 if cmd[1].downcase.in?(%w(head take)) @tf_cmds.push(cmd[1..-1]) @component_stack.push(:tf) end when 'end', 'stop' chunk = nil case @component_stack.pop when :tf @tf_cmds.pop when :var, :hide @vore_stack.pop end when 'endall', 'stopall' chunk = nil @tf_cmds = [] @vore_stack = [] @component_stack = [] when 'emojify' chunk = nil next if cmd[1].nil? src_img = nil shortcode = cmd[2] case cmd[1].downcase when 'avatar' src_img = status.account.avatar when 'parent' next unless cmd[3].present? && reply? shortcode = cmd[3] next if cmd[2].nil? || @parent_status.nil? case cmd[2].downcase when 'avatar' src_img = @parent_status.account.avatar end end next if src_img.nil? || shortcode.nil? || !shortcode.match?(/\A\w+\Z/) chunk = ":#{shortcode}:" emoji = CustomEmoji.find_or_initialize_by(shortcode: shortcode, domain: nil) if emoji.id.nil? emoji.image = src_img emoji.save end when 'emoji' next if cmd[1].nil? shortcode = cmd[1] domain = (cmd[2].blank? ? nil : cmd[2].downcase) chunk = ":#{shortcode}:" ours = CustomEmoji.find_or_initialize_by(shortcode: shortcode, domain: nil) if ours.id.nil? if domain.nil? theirs = CustomEmoji.find_by(shortcode: shortcode) else theirs = CustomEmoji.find_by(shortcode: shortcode, domain: domain) end unless theirs.nil? ours.image = theirs.image ours.save end end when 'char' chunk = nil charmap = { 'zws' => "\u200b", 'zwnj' => "\u200c", 'zwj' => "\u200d", '\n' => "\n", '\r' => "\r", '\t' => "\t", '\T' => ' ' } cmd[1..-1].each do |c| next if c.nil? if c.in?(charmap) @chunks << charmap[cmd[1]] elsif (/^\h{1,5}$/ =~ c) && c.to_i(16) > 0 begin @chunks << [c.to_i(16)].pack('U*') rescue @chunks << '?' end end end when 'link' chunk = nil next if cmd[1].nil? case cmd[1].downcase when 'permalink', 'self' chunk = TagManager.instance.url_for(status) when 'cloudroot' chunk = "https://monsterpit.cloud/~/#{account.username}" when 'blogroot' chunk = "https://monsterpit.blog/~/#{account.username}" end when 'ping' mentions = [] next if cmd[1].nil? case cmd[1].downcase when 'admins' mentions = User.admins.map { |u| "@#{u.account.username}" } mentions.sort! when 'mods' mentions = User.moderators.map { |u| "@#{u.account.username}" } mentions.sort! when 'staff' mentions = User.admins.map { |u| "@#{u.account.username}" } mentions += User.moderators.map { |u| "@#{u.account.username}" } mentions.uniq! mentions.sort! end chunk = mentions.join(' ') when 'tag' chunk = nil tags = cmd[1..-1].map {|t| t.gsub(':', '.')} add_tags(status, *tags) when '10629' chunk = "\u200b:gargamel:\u200b I really don't think we should do this." when 'thread' chunk = nil next if cmd[1].nil? case cmd[1].downcase when 'reall' if status.conversation_id.present? participants = Status.where(conversation_id: status.conversation_id) .pluck(:account_id).uniq.without(@account.id) participants = Account.where(id: participants) .pluck(:username, :domain) .map { |a| "@#{a.compact.join('@')}" } participants = (cmd[2..-1].map(&:strip) | participants) unless cmd[2].nil? chunk = participants.join(' ') end when 'sharekey' next if cmd[2].nil? case cmd[2].downcase when 'revoke' if status.conversation_id.present? roars = Status.where(conversation_id: status.conversation_id, account_id: @account.id) roars.each do |roar| if roar.sharekey.present? roar.sharekey = nil roar.save Rails.cache.delete("statuses/#{roar.id}") end end end when 'sync', 'new' if status.conversation_id.present? roars = Status.where(conversation_id: status.conversation_id, account_id: @account.id) earliest_roar = roars.last # The results are in reverse-chronological order. if cmd[2] == 'new' || earlist_roar.sharekey.blank? sharekey = SecureRandom.urlsafe_base64(32) earliest_roar.sharekey = sharekey earliest_roar.save Rails.cache.delete("statuses/#{earliest_roar.id}") else sharekey = earliest_roar.sharekey end roars.each do |roar| if roar.sharekey != sharekey roar.sharekey = sharekey roar.save Rails.cache.delete("statuses/#{roar.id}") end end else status.sharekey = SecureRandom.urlsafe_base64(32) Rails.cache.delete("statuses/#{status.id}") end end when 'emoji' next if status.conversation_id.nil? roars = Status.where(conversation_id: status.conversation_id, account_id: @account.id) roars.each do |roar| roar.emojis.each do |theirs| ours = CustomEmoji.find_or_initialize_by(shortcode: theirs.shortcode, domain: nil) if ours.id.nil? ours.image = theirs.image ours.save end end end end when 'parent' chunk = nil next if cmd[1].nil? || @parent_status.nil? case cmd[1].downcase when 'permalink', 'link' chunk = TagManager.instance.url_for(@parent_status) when 'tag', 'untag' chunk = nil next unless @parent_status.account.id == @account.id || @account.user.admin? tags = cmd[2..-1].map {|t| t.gsub(':', '.')} if cmd[1].downcase == 'tag' add_tags(@parent_status, *tags) else del_tags(@parent_status, *tags) end Rails.cache.delete("statuses/#{@parent_status.id}") when 'emoji' @parent_status.emojis.each do |theirs| ours = CustomEmoji.find_or_initialize_by(shortcode: theirs.shortcode, domain: nil) if ours.id.nil? ours.image = theirs.image ours.save end end when 'urls' plain = @parent_status.text.gsub(/(
|<\/p>)+/) { |match| "#{match}\n" } plain = ActionController::Base.helpers.strip_tags(plain) plain.gsub!(/ dot /i, '.') chunk = plain.scan(/https?:\/\/[\w\-]+\.[\w\-]+(?:\.[\w\-]+)*/).uniq.join(' ') when 'domains' plain = @parent_status.text.gsub(/(
|<\/p>)+/) { |match| "#{match}\n" } plain = ActionController::Base.helpers.strip_tags(plain) plain.gsub!(/ dot /i, '.') chunk = plain.scan(/[\w\-]+\.[\w\-]+(?:\.[\w\-]+)*/).uniq.join(' ') end when 'media' chunk = nil media_idx = cmd[1] media_cmd = cmd[2] media_args = cmd[3..-1] next unless media_cmd.present? && media_idx.present? && media_idx.scan(/\D/).empty? media_idx = media_idx.to_i next if status.media_attachments[media_idx-1].nil? case media_cmd.downcase when 'desc' if media_args.present? @vars["_media:#{media_idx}:desc"] = media_args.join(':') else @vars.delete("_media:#{media_idx}:desc") @vore_stack.push("_media:#{media_idx}:desc") @component_stack.push(:var) end end @post_cmds.push(['media', media_idx, media_cmd]) when 'bangtag' chunk = chunk.sub('bangtag:', '').gsub(':', ":\u200c") when 'join' chunk = nil next if cmd[1].nil? charmap = { 'zws' => "\u200b", 'zwnj' => "\u200c", 'zwj' => "\u200d", '\n' => "\n", '\r' => "\r", '\t' => "\t", '\T' => ' ' } sep = charmap[cmd[1]] chunk = cmd[2..-1].join(sep.nil? ? cmd[1] : sep) when 'hide' chunk = nil next if cmd[1].nil? case cmd[1].downcase when 'end', 'stop', 'endall', 'stopall' @vore_stack.reject! {|v| v == '_'} @compontent_stack.reject! {|c| c == :hide} else if cmd[1].nil? && !'_'.in?(@vore_stack) @vore_stack.push('_') @component_stack.push(:hide) end end when 'comment' chunk = nil if cmd[1].nil? @vore_stack.push('_comment') @component_stack.push(:var) end when 'i', 'we' chunk = nil next if cmd[1].nil? case cmd[1].downcase when 'am', 'are' who = cmd[2] if who.blank? @vars.delete('_they:are') status.footer = nil next elsif who == 'not' who = cmd[3] next if who.blank? name = who.downcase.gsub(/\s+/, '') @vars.delete("_they:are:#{name}") next unless @vars['_they:are'] == name @vars.delete('_they:are') status.footer = nil next elsif who == 'list' @status.visibility = :direct @status.local_only = true @status.content_type = 'text/markdown' names = @vars.keys.select { |k| k.start_with?('_they:are:') } names.map! { |k| "#{k[10..-1]} is #{@vars[k]}" } @chunks << (["\n# #!i:am:list:\n
\n"] + names).join("\n") + "\n" next end name = who.downcase.gsub(/\s+/, '').strip description = cmd[3..-1].join(':').strip if description.blank? if @vars["_they:are:#{name}"].nil? @vars["_they:are:#{name}"] = who.strip end else @vars["_they:are:#{name}"] = description end @vars['_they:are'] = name status.footer = @vars["_they:are:#{name}"] end when 'sharekey' next if cmd[1].nil? case cmd[1].downcase when 'new' chunk = nil status.sharekey = SecureRandom.urlsafe_base64(32) end when 'draft' chunk = nil @chunks.insert(0, "[center]`#!draft!#`[/center]\n") unless @chunks.present? && @chunks.first.include?('#!draft') @status.visibility = :direct @status.local_only = true @status.content_type = 'text/x-bbcode+markdown' @vore_stack.push('_draft') @component_stack.push(:var) add_tags(status, 'self.draft') when 'format', 'type' chunk = nil next if cmd[1].nil? content_types = { 't' => 'text/plain', 'txt' => 'text/plain', 'text' => 'text/plain', 'plain' => 'text/plain', 'plaintext' => 'text/plain', 'm' => 'text/markdown', 'md' => 'text/markdown', 'markdown' => 'text/markdown', 'b' => 'text/x-bbcode', 'bbc' => 'text/x-bbcode', 'bbcode' => 'text/x-bbcode', 'd' => 'text/x-bbcode+markdown', 'bm' => 'text/x-bbcode+markdown', 'bbm' => 'text/x-bbcode+markdown', 'bbdown' => 'text/x-bbcode+markdown', 'h' => 'text/html', 'htm' => 'text/html', 'html' => 'text/html', } v = cmd[1].downcase status.content_type = content_types[c] unless content_types[c].nil? when 'visibility', 'v' chunk = nil next if cmd[1].nil? visibilities = { 'direct' => :direct, 'dm' => :direct, 'whisper' => :direct, 'd' => :direct, 'private' => :private, 'packmate' => :private, 'group' => :private, 'f' => :private, 'g' => :private, 'unlisted' => :unlisted, 'u' => :unlisted, 'local' => :local, 'monsterpit' => :local, 'community' => :local, 'c' => :local, 'l' => :local, 'm' => :local, 'public' => :public, 'world' => :public, 'p' => :public, } allowed_visibility_changes = { 'unlisted' => [:local], 'local' => [:unlisted], } if cmd[1].downcase == 'parent' next unless cmd[2].present? && @parent_status.present? && @parent_status.account_id == @account.id v = visibilities[cmd[2].downcase] o = @parent_status.visibility next if v.nil? || allowed_visibility_changes[o].nil? next unless allowed_visibility_changes[o].include?(v) @parent_status.visibility = v @parent_status.local_only = false if cmd[3].downcase.in? %w(federate f public p world) @parent_status.save Rails.cache.delete("statuses/#{@parent_status.id}") DistributionWorker.perform_async(@parent_status.id) ActivityPub::DistributionWorker.perform_async(@parent_status) unless @parent_status.local_only? else v = cmd[1].downcase status.visibility = visibilities[v] unless visibilities[v].nil? case cmd[2].downcase when 'federate', 'f', 'public', 'p', 'world' status.local_only = false when 'nofederate', 'nf', 'localonly', 'lo', 'local', 'l', 'monsterpit', 'm', 'community', 'c' status.local_only = true end end when 'live', 'lifespan', 'l', 'delete_in' chunk = nil next if cmd[1].nil? case cmd[1].downcase when 'parent' next unless @parent_status.present? && @parent_status.account_id == @account.id s = @parent_status i = cmd[2].to_i unit = cmd[3].present? ? cmd[3].downcase : 'minutes' when 'all' s = :all i = cmd[2].to_i unit = cmd[3].present? ? cmd[3].downcase : 'minutes' else s = @status i = cmd[1].to_i unit = cmd[2].present? ? cmd[2].downcase : 'minutes' end delete_after = case unit when 's', 'second', 'seconds' [60, i].max.seconds when 'm', 'minute', 'minutes' i.minutes when 'h', 'hour', 'hours' i.hours when 'd', 'day', 'days' i.days when 'w', 'week', 'weeks' i.weeks when 'm', 'month', 'months' i.months when 'y', 'year', 'years' i.years end if s == :all @account.statuses.find_each do |s| s.delete_after = delete_after Rails.cache.delete("statuses/#{s.id}") end else s.delete_after = delete_after Rails.cache.delete("statuses/#{s.id}") end when 'keysmash' keyboard = [ 'asdf', 'jkl;', 'gh', "'", 'we', 'io', 'r', 'u', 'cv', 'nm', 't', 'x', ',', 'q', 'z', 'y', 'b', 'p', '[', '.', '/', ']', "\\", ] chunk = rand(6..33).times.collect do keyboard[(keyboard.size * (rand ** 3)).floor].split('').sample end chunk = chunk.join when 'admin' chunk = nil next unless @account.user.admin? next if cmd[1].nil? @status.visibility = :local @status.local_only = true add_tags(@status, 'monsterpit.admin') @status.content_type = 'text/markdown' @chunks << "\n# #!admin:#{cmd[1].downcase}:\n
\n" case cmd[1].downcase when 'silence', 'unsilence', 'suspend', 'unsuspend', 'force_unlisted', 'allow_public', 'force_sensitive', 'allow_nonsensitive', 'reset', 'forgive' @tf_cmds.push(cmd) @component_stack.push(:tf) when 'exec', 'eval' unless @account.username.in?((ENV['ALLOW_ADMIN_EVAL_FROM'] || '').split) @chunks << "Unauthorized." next end unless cmd[2].present? && cmd[2].downcase == 'last' @vars.delete("_admin:eval") @vore_stack.push("_admin:eval") @component_stack.push(:var) end @post_cmds.push(['admin', 'eval']) when 'announce' @vars.delete("_admin:announce") @vore_stack.push("_admin:announce") @component_stack.push(:var) c = ['admin', 'announce'] c << 'local' if cmd[2].present? && cmd[2].downcase == 'local' @post_cmds.push(c) when 'unannounce' @tf_cmds.push(cmd) @component_stack.push(:tf) end end end chunk.gsub!("#\uf666!", '#!') unless chunk.blank? if chunk.present? && @tf_cmds.present? @tf_cmds.each do |tf_cmd| next if chunk.nil? || tf_cmd[0].nil? case tf_cmd[0].downcase when 'replace', 'sub', 's' tf_cmd[1..-1].in_groups_of(2) do |args| chunk.sub!(*args) if args.all? end when 'replaceall', 'gsub', 'gs' tf_cmd[1..-1].in_groups_of(2) do |args| chunk.gsub!(*args) if args.all? end when 'stripanchors' chunk.gsub!(//mi, '') when 'striplinks' chunk.gsub!(/\S+:\/\/[\w\-]+\.\S+/, '') chunk = ActionController::Base.helpers.strip_links(chunk) when 'head', 'take' n = tf_cmd[1].to_i n = 1 unless n > 0 next if @vars['_tf:head:count'] == n c = @vars['_tf:head:count'] || 0 parts = chunk.split.take(n - c) @vars['_tf:head:full'] = c + parts.count chunk = parts.join(' ') when 'admin' next unless @account.user.admin? next if tf_cmd[1].nil? || chunk.start_with?('`admin:') output = [] action = tf_cmd[1].downcase case action when 'announce' announcer = ENV['ANNOUNCEMENTS_USER'] if announcer.blank? @chunks << 'No announcer set.' next end announcer = Account.find_local(announcer) if announcer.blank? @chunks << 'Announcer account missing.' next end chunk.split.each do |c| c.scan('\d+$').each do |status_id| s = Status.find_by(id: status_id.to_i) if s.nil? output << "Skipped non-existing ID #{status_id}." next elsif s.account.id != announcer.id output << "Skipped non-announcer ID #{status_id}." next end output << "Removed announcement ID #{status_id}." RemoveStatusService.new.call(s) end end when 'silence', 'unsilence', 'suspend', 'unsuspend', 'force_unlisted', 'allow_public', 'force_sensitive', 'allow_nonsensitive', 'reset', 'forgive' action = 'reset' if action == 'forgive' chunk.split.each do |c| if c.start_with?('@') account_parts = c.split('@')[1..2] successful = account_policy(account_parts[0], account_parts[1], action) else successful = domain_policy(c, action) end if successful output << "\u2705 #{c}" else output << "\u274c #{c}" end end output = ['No action.'] if output.blank? chunk = output.join("\n") + "\n" end end end end unless chunk.blank? || @vore_stack.empty? var = @vore_stack.last next if var == '_' if @vars[var].nil? @vars[var] = chunk.lstrip else @vars[var] += chunk.rstrip end chunk = nil end @chunks << chunk unless chunk.nil? end @vars.transform_values! {|v| v.rstrip if v.is_a?(String)} postprocess_before_save account.user.save text = @chunks.join text.gsub!(/\n\n+/, "\n") if @crunch_newlines if text.blank? RemoveStatusService.new.call(@status) else status.text = text status.save postprocess_after_save end end private def postprocess_before_save @post_cmds.each do |post_cmd| case post_cmd[0] when 'media' media_idx = post_cmd[1] media_cmd = post_cmd[2] media_args = post_cmd[3..-1] case media_cmd when 'desc' status.media_attachments[media_idx-1].description = @vars["_media:#{media_idx}:desc"] status.media_attachments[media_idx-1].save @vars.delete("_media:#{media_idx}:desc") end when 'admin' next unless @account.user.admin? next if post_cmd[1].nil? case post_cmd[1] when 'eval' @crunch_newlines = true @vars["_admin:eval"].strip! @chunks << "\nInput:" @chunks << "
          @chunks << html_entities.encode(@vars["_admin:eval"]).gsub("\n", '
') @chunks << "
" begin result = eval(@vars["_admin:eval"]) rescue Exception => e result = "\u274c #{e.message}" end @chunks << "Output:" @chunks << "
          @chunks << html_entities.encode(result).gsub("\n", '
') @chunks << "
" when 'announce' announcer = ENV['ANNOUNCEMENTS_USER'] if announcer.blank? @chunks << 'No announcer set.' next end announcer = Account.find_local(announcer) if announcer.blank? @chunks << 'Announcer account missing.' next end name = @account.user.vars['_they:are'] if name.present? footer = "#{@account.user.vars["_they:are:#{name}"]} from @#{@account.username}" else footer = "@#{@account.username}" end s = PostStatusService.new.call( announcer, visibility: :local, text: @vars['_admin:announce'], footer: footer, local_only: post_cmd[2] == 'local' ) DistributionWorker.perform_async(s.id) ActivityPub::DistributionWorker.perform_async(s) unless s.local_only? @chunks << 'Announce successful.' end end end end def postprocess_after_save @post_cmds.each do |post_cmd| case post_cmd[0] when 'mention' mention = @account.mentions.where(status: status).first_or_create(status: status) end end end def add_tags(to_status, *tags) valid_name = /^[[:word:]:._\-]*[[:alpha:]:._·\-][[:word:]:._\-]*$/ tags = tags.select {|t| t.present? && valid_name.match?(t)}.uniq ProcessHashtagsService.new.call(to_status, tags) to_status.save end def del_tags(from_status, *tags) valid_name = /^[[:word:]:._\-]*[[:alpha:]:._·\-][[:word:]:._\-]*$/ tags = tags.select {|t| t.present? && valid_name.match?(t)}.uniq tags.map { |str| str.mb_chars.downcase }.uniq(&:to_s).each do |name| name.gsub!(/[:.]+/, '.') next if name.blank? || name == '.' if name.ends_with?('.') filtered_tags = from_status.tags.select { |t| t.name == name || t.name.starts_with?(name) } else filtered_tags = from_status.tags.select { |t| t.name == name } end from_status.tags.destroy(filtered_tags) end from_status.save end def html_entities @html_entities ||= HTMLEntities.new end end