# frozen_string_literal: true class Trends::Statuses < Trends::Base PREFIX = 'trending_statuses' self.default_options = { threshold: 5, review_threshold: 3, score_halflife: 6.hours.freeze, } class Query < Trends::Query def filtered_for!(account) @account = account self end def filtered_for(account) clone.filtered_for!(account) end private def apply_scopes(scope) if @account.nil? scope else scope.not_excluded_by_account(@account).not_domain_blocked_by_account(@account) end end end def register(status, at_time = Time.now.utc) add(status.proper, status.account_id, at_time) if eligible?(status) end def add(status, _account_id, at_time = Time.now.utc) # We rely on the total reblogs and favourites count, so we # don't record which account did the what and when here record_used_id(status.id, at_time) end def query Query.new(key_prefix, klass) end def refresh(at_time = Time.now.utc) statuses = Status.where(id: (recently_used_ids(at_time) + currently_trending_ids(false, -1)).uniq).includes(:account, :media_attachments) calculate_scores(statuses, at_time) end def request_review statuses = Status.where(id: currently_trending_ids(false, -1)).includes(:account) statuses.filter_map do |status| next unless would_be_trending?(status.id) && !status.trendable? && status.requires_review_notification? status.account.touch(:requested_review_at) status end end protected def key_prefix PREFIX end def klass Status end private def eligible?(status) original_status = status.proper original_status.public_visibility? && original_status.account.discoverable? && !original_status.account.silenced? && (original_status.spoiler_text.blank? || Setting.trending_status_cw) && !original_status.sensitive? && !original_status.reply? end def calculate_scores(statuses, at_time) redis.pipelined do statuses.each do |status| expected = 1.0 observed = (status.reblogs_count + status.favourites_count).to_f score = begin if expected > observed || observed < options[:threshold] 0 else ((observed - expected)**2) / expected end end decaying_score = score * (0.5**((at_time.to_f - status.created_at.to_f) / options[:score_halflife].to_f)) add_to_and_remove_from_subsets(status.id, decaying_score, { all: true, allowed: status.trendable? && status.account.discoverable?, }) next unless valid_locale?(status.language) add_to_and_remove_from_subsets(status.id, decaying_score, { "all:#{status.language}" => true, "allowed:#{status.language}" => status.trendable? && status.account.discoverable?, }) end trim_older_items # Clean up localized sets by calculating the intersection with the main # set. We do this instead of just deleting the localized sets to avoid # having moments where the API returns empty results Trends.available_locales.each do |locale| redis.zinterstore("#{key_prefix}:all:#{locale}", ["#{key_prefix}:all:#{locale}", "#{key_prefix}:all"], aggregate: 'max') redis.zinterstore("#{key_prefix}:allowed:#{locale}", ["#{key_prefix}:allowed:#{locale}", "#{key_prefix}:allowed"], aggregate: 'max') end end end def would_be_trending?(id) score(id) > score_at_rank(options[:review_threshold] - 1) end end