--- en-MP: about: about_hashtag_html: These are public roars tagged with #%{hashtag} from around the fediverse. available_content: Connected servers available_content_html: 'Users and content from these servers can be interacted with from here:' browse_local_posts: Browse a live stream of public roars from Monsterpit browse_public_posts: Browse a live stream of public roars on the fediverse federation_hint_html: Join Monsterpit and meet creatures around the fediverse. hosted_on: Monsterfork hosted on %{domain} instance_actor_flash: This account is a virtual actor used to represent the server itself. It is used for federation purposes and should not be blocked unless you want to block the whole server, in which case you should use a domain block. accounts: endorsements_hint: You can endorse creatures you follow from the web interface, and they will show up here. people_followed_by: Creatures whom %{name} follows people_who_follow: Creatures who follow %{name} pin_errors: following: You must be already following the creature you want to endorse posts: one: Roar other: Roars posts_tab_heading: Roars posts_with_replies: Roars & Growls admin: accounts: search_same_email_domain: Other creatures with the same e-mail domain search_same_ip: Other creatures with the same IP action_logs: actions: update_status: "%{name} updated roar by %{target}" deleted_status: "(deleted roar)" dashboard: pending_users: creatures waiting for review feature_hcaptcha: hCaptcha recent_users: Recent creatures single_user_mode: Single creature mode total_users: creatures in total week_users_new: creatures this week domain_allows: hidden: Exclude from public server list relays: description_html: A federation relay is an intermediary server that exchanges large volumes of public roars between servers that subscribe and publish to it. It can help small and medium servers discover content from the fediverse, which would otherwise require local users manually following other people on remote servers. enable_hint: Once enabled, your server will subscribe to all public roars from this relay, and will begin sending this server's public toots to it. settings: activity_api_enabled: desc_html: Counts of locally posted roars, active creatures, and new registrations in weekly buckets title: Publish aggregate statistics about creature activity bootstrap_timeline_accounts: title: Default follows for new creatures default_noindex: desc_html: Affects all creatures who have not changed this setting themselves title: Opt creatures out of search engine indexing by default domain_allows: title: Show allowed domains domain_blocks: users: To logged-in local creatures enable_bootstrap_timeline_accounts: title: Enable default follows for new creatures profile_directory: desc_html: Allow creatures to be discoverable registrations: errors: captcha_fail: Captcha verification failed show_staff_badge: desc_html: Display staff badges on profiles appearance: toot_layout: Roar layout auth: description: prefix_invited_by_user: "@%{name} invites you to join Monsterpit!" prefix_sign_up: Roar with Monsterpit! suffix: On Monsterpit, you'll be able to commune with creatures across the fediverse! authorize_follow: already_following: You are already following this creature already_requested: You have already sent a follow request to that creature error: Unfortunately, there was an error looking up that creature's account post_follow: return: Show the creature's profile existing_username_validator: not_found: could not find a local creature with that username exports: archive_takeout: hint_html: You can request an archive of your roars and media. The exported data will be in the ActivityPub format, readable by any compliant software. You can request an archive every 7 days. notification_mailer: favourite: body: 'Your status was admired by %{name}:' subject: "%{name} admired your roar" title: New admiration reblog: body: 'Your roar was boosted by %{name}:' subject: "%{name} boosted your roar" title: New roar remote_interaction: favourite: proceed: Proceed to admire prompt: 'You want to admire this roar:' reblog: proceed: Proceed to boost prompt: 'You want to boost this roar:' reply: proceed: Proceed to reply prompt: 'You want to reply to this roar:' scheduled_statuses: over_daily_limit: You have exceeded the limit of %{limit} scheduled roars for that day over_total_limit: You have exceeded the limit of %{limit} scheduled roars stream_entries: pinned: Pinned pin_errors: limit: You have already pinned the maximum number of roars ownership: Someone else's roar cannot be pinned private: Non-public roar cannot be pinned settings: monsterfork: Monsterfork user_mailer: warning: explanation: silence: While your account is limited, only creatures who are already following you will see your roars on this server, and you may be excluded from various public listings. However, others may still manually follow you. suspend: Your account has been suspended, and all of your roars and your uploaded media files have been irreversibly removed from this server, and servers where you had followers.