        text: You can use roar syntax, such as URLs, hashtags and mentions
        send_email_notification: The creature will receive an explanation of what happened with their account
        text_html: Optional. You can use roar syntax. You can <a href="%{path}">add warning presets</a> to save time
        type_html: Choose what to do with <strong>%{acct}</strong>
        warning_preset_id: Optional. You can still add custom text to end of the preset
        unlisted: Excludes you from public repeated/admired by lists of *local* monsters
        autofollow: People who sign up through the invite will automatically join your pack
        avatar: PNG, GIF or JPG. At most %{size}. Will be downscaled to %{dimensions}px
        bot: This account mainly performs automated actions and might not be monitored
        context: One or multiple contexts where the filter should apply
        digest: Only sent after a long period of inactivity and only if you have received any monsteral messages in your absence
        discoverable_html: The <a href="%{path}" target="_blank">directory</a> lets monsters find accounts based on interests and activity. Requires at least %{min_followers} packmates
        email: You will be sent a confirmation e-mail
        fields: You can have up to 4 items displayed as a table on your profile
        header: PNG, GIF or JPG. At most %{size}. Will be downscaled to %{dimensions}px
        inbox_url: Copy the URL from the frontpage of the relay you want to use
        irreversible: Filtered roars will disappear irreversibly, even if filter is later removed
        locale: The language of the creature interface, e-mails and push notifications
        locked: Requires you to manually approve packmates
        password: Use at least 8 characters
        phrase: Will be matched regardless of casing in text or content warning of a roar
        scopes: Which APIs the application will be allowed to access. If you select a top-level scope, you don't need to select individual ones.
        setting_aggregate_reblogs: Do not show new repeats for roars that have been recently repeated (only affects newly-received repeats)
        setting_default_content_type_html_html: "<strong>&lt;strong&gt;Bold&lt;/strong&gt;</strong>, <u>&lt;u&gt;Underline&lt;/u&gt;</u>, <em>&lt;em&gt;Italic&lt;/em&gt;</em>, <code>&lt;code&gt;Console&lt;/code&gt;</code>, ..."
        setting_default_content_type_markdown_html: "<strong>**Bold**</strong>, <u>_Underline_</u>, <em>*Italic*</em>, <code>`Console`</code>, ..."
        setting_default_content_type_plain_html: No formatting.
        setting_default_content_type_x_bbcode_html: "<strong>[b]Bold[/b]</strong>, <u>[u]Underline[/u]</u>, <em>[i]Italic[/i]</em>, <code>[code]Console[/code]</code>, ..."
        setting_default_content_type_x_bbcode_markdown_html: "<strong>**Bold**</strong>, <u>[u]Underline[/u]</u>, <em>*Italic*</em>, <code>[code]Console[/code]</code>, ..."
        setting_default_language: The language of your roars can be detected automatically, but it's not always accurate
        setting_display_media_default: Hide media marked as sensitive
        setting_display_media_hide_all: Always hide all media
        setting_display_media_show_all: Always show media marked as sensitive
        setting_hide_network: Who in your pack and who joins your pack will not be shown on your profile
        setting_noindex: Affects your public profile and roar pages
        setting_show_application: The application you use to roar will be displayed in the detailed view of your roars
        setting_skin: Reskins the selected Monsterpit flavour
        username: Your username will be unique on %{domain}
        whole_word: When the keyword or phrase is alphanumeric only, it will only be applied if it matches the whole word
        name: 'You might want to use one of these:'
        data: CSV or JSON file exported from another server
        text: This helps us determine which registrations are made in sincerity and prevent spam.  It is only visible to admins.
        otp: 'Enter the two-factor code generated by your phone app or use one of your recovery codes:'
        chosen_languages: When checked, only roars in selected languages will be displayed in public timelines
          name: Label
          value: Content
        text: Preset text
        send_email_notification: Notify the creature per e-mail
        text: Custom warning
        type: Action
          disable: Disable
          none: Do nothing
          force_sensitive: Force sensitive
          force_unlisted: Force unlisted
          silence: Silence
          suspend: Suspend and irreversibly delete account data
        warning_preset_id: Use a warning preset
        hidden: Invisible mode (affects outgoing federation and discovery!)
        adult_content: Contains adult content
        gently: Gently the kobolds
        kobold: I am a kobold
        unlisted: Exclude from public interaction lists
        replies: Show your public replies
        autofollow: Invite to join your pack
        avatar: Avatar
        bot: This is a bot account
        chosen_languages: Filter languages
        confirm_new_password: Confirm new password
        confirm_password: Confirm password
        context: Filter contexts
        current_password: Current password
        data: Data
        discoverable: List this account on the directory
        display_name: Display name
        email: E-mail address
        expires_in: Expire after
        fields: Profile metadata
        header: Header
        inbox_url: URL of the relay inbox
        irreversible: Drop instead of hide
        exclude_media: Don't filter roars with attachments
        media_only: Only filter roars with attachments
        locale: Interface language
        locked: Lock account
        max_uses: Max number of uses
        new_password: New password
        note: Bio
        otp_attempt: Two-factor code
        password: Password
        phrase: Keyword or phrase
        setting_aggregate_reblogs: Group repeats in timelines
        setting_auto_play_gif: Auto-play animated GIFs
        setting_boost_modal: Show confirmation dialog before repeating
        setting_default_content_type: Default format for roars
        setting_default_content_type_html: HTML
        setting_default_content_type_markdown: Markdown
        setting_default_content_type_plain: Plain text
        setting_default_content_type_x_bbcode: BBCode
        setting_default_content_type_x_bbcode_markdown: BBdown
        setting_default_language: Posting language
        setting_default_privacy: Post privacy
        setting_roar_lifespan: Auto-delete new roars after
        setting_default_local: Default to Monsterpit-only roars (in Glitch flavour)
        setting_always_local: Don't send your roars outside Monsterpit
        setting_rawr_federated: Show raw world timeline (may contain offensive content!)
        setting_hide_stats: Hide statistics on public pages
        setting_disable_color: Ignore text color formatting
        setting_hide_captions: Hide media captions
        setting_larger_menus: Increase size and spacing of menu items
        setting_larger_buttons: Increase size and spacing of action buttons
        setting_larger_drawer: Increase width of compose drawer column
        setting_larger_emoji: Increase size of emoji
        setting_remove_filtered: Don't show placeholder gap for filtered roars
        setting_hide_replies_muted: Filter replies to those who you are muting
        setting_hide_replies_blocked: Filter replies to those who you are blocking
        setting_hide_replies_blocker: Filter replies to those who are blocking you
        setting_hide_mntions_muted: Filter mentions of those who you are muting
        setting_hide_mntions_blocked: Filter mentions of those who you are blocking
        setting_hide_mntions_blocker: Filter mentions of those who are blocking you
        setting_hide_mntions_packm8: Filter group chat branches addressed to participants you aren't a packmate of
        setting_hide_mascot: Don't show the mascot image
        setting_hide_interactions: Make your roar interaction lists private
        setting_aggregate_reblogs: Group repeats in timelines
        setting_auto_play_gif: Auto-play animated GIFs
        setting_boost_modal: Show confirmation dialog before repeating
        setting_default_language: Posting language
        setting_default_privacy: Post privacy
        setting_default_sensitive: Always mark media as sensitive
        setting_delete_modal: Show confirmation dialog before deleting a roar
        setting_display_media: Media display
        setting_display_media_default: Default
        setting_display_media_hide_all: Hide all
        setting_display_media_show_all: Show all
        setting_expand_spoilers: Always expand roars marked with content warnings
        setting_favourite_modal: Show confirmation dialog before admiring (in Glitch flavour)
        setting_hide_followers_count: Hide your packmates count
        setting_hide_network: Make your packmate lists private
        setting_hide_public_profile: Hide your public profile from anonymous viewers
        setting_hide_public_outbox: Hide your public ActivityPub outbox (affects discoverability)
        setting_max_public_history: Limit history of roars on public profile to
        setting_noindex: Opt-out of search engine indexing
        setting_reduce_motion: Reduce motion in animations
        setting_show_application: Disclose application used to send roars
        setting_skin: Skin
        setting_system_font_ui: Use system's default font
        setting_unfollow_modal: Show confirmation dialog before unfollowing someone
        severity: Severity
        type: Import type
        username: Username
        username_or_email: Username or Email
        whole_word: Whole word
        '0': No limit
        1: 1 day
        3: 3 days
        6: 6 days
        7: 1 week
        14: 2 weeks
        30: 6 weeks
        60: 2 months
        90: 3 months
        180: 6 months
        365: 1 year
        730: 2 years
        1095: 3 years
        2190: 6 years
        name: Hashtag
        must_be_follower: Block notifications from non-packmates
        must_be_following: Block notifications from monsters you aren't in the pack of
        must_be_following_dm: Block whispers from monsters you aren't in the pack of
        text: "Introduce yourself and let the admins know what brings you to Monsterpit."
        digest: Send digest e-mails
        favourite: Send e-mail when someone admires your roar
        follow: Send e-mail when someone joins your pack
        follow_request: Send e-mail when someone requests to join your pack
        mention: Send e-mail when someone mentions you
        pending_account: Send e-mail when a new account needs review
        reblog: Send e-mail when someone repeats your roar
        report: Send e-mail when a new report is submitted
    'no': 'No'
      mark: "*"
      text: required
    'yes': 'Yes'