# frozen_string_literal: true require 'concurrent' require_relative '../../config/boot' require_relative '../../config/environment' require_relative 'cli_helper' module Mastodon class DomainsCLI < Thor include CLIHelper def self.exit_on_failure? true end option :concurrency, type: :numeric, default: 5, aliases: [:c] option :verbose, type: :boolean, aliases: [:v] option :dry_run, type: :boolean option :limited_federation_mode, type: :boolean desc 'purge [DOMAIN...]', 'Remove accounts from a DOMAIN without a trace' long_desc <<-LONG_DESC Remove all accounts from a given DOMAIN without leaving behind any records. Unlike a suspension, if the DOMAIN still exists in the wild, it means the accounts could return if they are resolved again. When the --limited-federation-mode option is given, instead of purging accounts from a single domain, all accounts from domains that have not been explicitly allowed are removed from the database. LONG_DESC def purge(*domains) dry_run = options[:dry_run] ? ' (DRY RUN)' : '' scope = begin if options[:limited_federation_mode] Account.remote.where.not(domain: DomainAllow.pluck(:domain)) elsif !domains.empty? Account.remote.where(domain: domains) else say('No domain(s) given', :red) exit(1) end end say('Scheduling account defederation messages to be sent to target domains...') DefederateDomainService.new.call(scope.pluck(:domain).uniq) say('Done!', :green) say('Deleting accounts from target domains...') processed, = parallelize_with_progress(scope) do |account| DeleteAccountService.new.call(account, reserve_username: false, skip_side_effects: true) unless options[:dry_run] end DomainBlock.where(domain: domains).destroy_all unless options[:dry_run] say("Removed #{processed} accounts#{dry_run}", :green) custom_emojis = CustomEmoji.where(domain: domains) custom_emojis_count = custom_emojis.count custom_emojis.destroy_all unless options[:dry_run] say("Removed #{custom_emojis_count} custom emojis", :green) end option :concurrency, type: :numeric, default: 50, aliases: [:c] option :format, type: :string, default: 'summary', aliases: [:f] option :exclude_suspended, type: :boolean, default: false, aliases: [:x] desc 'crawl [START]', 'Crawl all known peers, optionally beginning at START' long_desc <<-LONG_DESC Crawl the fediverse by using the Mastodon REST API endpoints that expose all known peers, and collect statistics from those peers, as long as those peers support those API endpoints. When no START is given, the command uses this server's own database of known peers to seed the crawl. The --concurrency (-c) option controls the number of threads performing HTTP requests at the same time. More threads means the crawl may complete faster. The --format (-f) option controls how the data is displayed at the end. By default (`summary`), a summary of the statistics is returned. The other options are `domains`, which returns a newline-delimited list of all discovered peers, and `json`, which dumps all the aggregated data raw. The --exclude-suspended (-x) option means that domains that are suspended instance-wide do not appear in the output and are not included in summaries. This also excludes subdomains of any of those domains. LONG_DESC def crawl(start = nil) stats = Concurrent::Hash.new processed = Concurrent::AtomicFixnum.new(0) failed = Concurrent::AtomicFixnum.new(0) start_at = Time.now.to_f seed = start ? [start] : Account.remote.domains blocked_domains = Regexp.new('\\.?' + DomainBlock.where(severity: 1).pluck(:domain).join('|') + '$') progress = create_progress_bar pool = Concurrent::ThreadPoolExecutor.new(min_threads: 0, max_threads: options[:concurrency], idletime: 10, auto_terminate: true, max_queue: 0) work_unit = ->(domain) do next if stats.key?(domain) next if options[:exclude_suspended] && domain.match(blocked_domains) stats[domain] = nil begin Request.new(:get, "https://#{domain}/api/v1/instance").perform do |res| next unless res.code == 200 stats[domain] = Oj.load(res.to_s) end Request.new(:get, "https://#{domain}/api/v1/instance/peers").perform do |res| next unless res.code == 200 Oj.load(res.to_s).reject { |peer| stats.key?(peer) }.each do |peer| pool.post(peer, &work_unit) end end Request.new(:get, "https://#{domain}/api/v1/instance/activity").perform do |res| next unless res.code == 200 stats[domain]['activity'] = Oj.load(res.to_s) end rescue StandardError failed.increment ensure processed.increment progress.increment unless progress.finished? end end seed.each do |domain| pool.post(domain, &work_unit) end sleep 20 sleep 20 until pool.queue_length.zero? pool.shutdown pool.wait_for_termination(20) ensure progress.finish pool.shutdown case options[:format] when 'summary' stats_to_summary(stats, processed, failed, start_at) when 'domains' stats_to_domains(stats) when 'json' stats_to_json(stats) end end private def stats_to_summary(stats, processed, failed, start_at) stats.compact! total_domains = stats.size total_users = stats.reduce(0) { |sum, (_key, val)| val.is_a?(Hash) && val['stats'].is_a?(Hash) ? sum + val['stats']['user_count'].to_i : sum } total_active = stats.reduce(0) { |sum, (_key, val)| val.is_a?(Hash) && val['activity'].is_a?(Array) && val['activity'].size > 2 && val['activity'][1].is_a?(Hash) ? sum + val['activity'][1]['logins'].to_i : sum } total_joined = stats.reduce(0) { |sum, (_key, val)| val.is_a?(Hash) && val['activity'].is_a?(Array) && val['activity'].size > 2 && val['activity'][1].is_a?(Hash) ? sum + val['activity'][1]['registrations'].to_i : sum } say("Visited #{processed.value} domains, #{failed.value} failed (#{(Time.now.to_f - start_at).round}s elapsed)", :green) say("Total servers: #{total_domains}", :green) say("Total registered: #{total_users}", :green) say("Total active last week: #{total_active}", :green) say("Total joined last week: #{total_joined}", :green) end def stats_to_domains(stats) say(stats.keys.join("\n")) end def stats_to_json(stats) stats.compact! say(Oj.dump(stats)) end end end