# frozen_string_literal: true require 'rails_helper' RSpec.describe Import, type: :model do let(:account) { Fabricate(:account) } let(:type) { 'following' } let(:data) { attachment_fixture('imports.txt') } describe 'validations' do it 'has a valid parameters' do import = Import.create(account: account, type: type, data: data) expect(import).to be_valid end it 'is invalid without an type' do import = Import.create(account: account, data: data) expect(import).to model_have_error_on_field(:type) end it 'is invalid without a data' do import = Import.create(account: account, type: type) expect(import).to model_have_error_on_field(:data) end it 'is invalid with malformed data' do import = Import.create(account: account, type: type, data: StringIO.new('\"test')) expect(import).to model_have_error_on_field(:data) end it 'is invalid with too many rows in data' do import = Import.create(account: account, type: type, data: StringIO.new("foo@bar.com\n" * (ImportService::ROWS_PROCESSING_LIMIT + 10))) expect(import).to model_have_error_on_field(:data) end it 'is invalid when there are more rows when following limit' do import = Import.create(account: account, type: type, data: StringIO.new("foo@bar.com\n" * (FollowLimitValidator.limit_for_account(account) + 10))) expect(import).to model_have_error_on_field(:data) end end end