# frozen_string_literal: true require 'rails_helper' RSpec.describe MediaAttachment, type: :model do describe 'local?' do subject { media_attachment.local? } let(:media_attachment) { Fabricate(:media_attachment, remote_url: remote_url) } context 'remote_url is blank' do let(:remote_url) { '' } it 'returns true' do expect(subject).to be true end end context 'remote_url is present' do let(:remote_url) { 'remote_url' } it 'returns false' do expect(subject).to be false end end end describe 'needs_redownload?' do subject { media_attachment.needs_redownload? } let(:media_attachment) { Fabricate(:media_attachment, remote_url: remote_url, file: file) } context 'file is blank' do let(:file) { nil } context 'remote_url is present' do let(:remote_url) { 'remote_url' } it 'returns true' do expect(subject).to be true end end end context 'file is present' do let(:file) { attachment_fixture('avatar.gif') } context 'remote_url is blank' do let(:remote_url) { '' } it 'returns false' do expect(subject).to be false end end context 'remote_url is present' do let(:remote_url) { 'remote_url' } it 'returns true' do expect(subject).to be false end end end end describe '#to_param' do let(:media_attachment) { Fabricate(:media_attachment, shortcode: shortcode) } let(:shortcode) { nil } context 'when media attachment has a shortcode' do let(:shortcode) { 'foo' } it 'returns shortcode' do expect(media_attachment.to_param).to eq shortcode end end context 'when media attachment does not have a shortcode' do let(:shortcode) { nil } it 'returns string representation of id' do expect(media_attachment.to_param).to eq media_attachment.id.to_s end end end describe 'animated gif conversion' do let(:media) { MediaAttachment.create(account: Fabricate(:account), file: attachment_fixture('avatar.gif')) } it 'sets type to gifv' do expect(media.type).to eq 'gifv' end it 'converts original file to mp4' do expect(media.file_content_type).to eq 'video/mp4' end it 'sets meta' do expect(media.file.meta['original']['width']).to eq 128 expect(media.file.meta['original']['height']).to eq 128 end end describe 'non-animated gif non-conversion' do fixtures = [ { filename: 'attachment.gif', width: 600, height: 400, aspect: 1.5 }, { filename: 'mini-static.gif', width: 32, height: 32, aspect: 1.0 }, ] fixtures.each do |fixture| context fixture[:filename] do let(:media) { MediaAttachment.create(account: Fabricate(:account), file: attachment_fixture(fixture[:filename])) } it 'sets type to image' do expect(media.type).to eq 'image' end it 'leaves original file as-is' do expect(media.file_content_type).to eq 'image/gif' end it 'sets meta' do expect(media.file.meta['original']['width']).to eq fixture[:width] expect(media.file.meta['original']['height']).to eq fixture[:height] expect(media.file.meta['original']['aspect']).to eq fixture[:aspect] end end end end describe 'ogg with cover art' do let(:media) { MediaAttachment.create(account: Fabricate(:account), file: attachment_fixture('boop.ogg')) } it 'detects it as an audio file' do expect(media.type).to eq 'audio' end it 'sets meta for the duration' do expect(media.file.meta['original']['duration']).to be_within(0.05).of(0.235102) end it 'extracts thumbnail' do expect(media.thumbnail.present?).to be true end it 'extracts colors from thumbnail' do expect(media.file.meta['colors']['background']).to eq '#3088d4' end it 'gives the file a random name' do expect(media.file_file_name).to_not eq 'boop.ogg' end end describe 'mp3 with large cover art' do let(:media) { described_class.create(account: Fabricate(:account), file: attachment_fixture('boop.mp3')) } it 'detects it as an audio file' do expect(media.type).to eq 'audio' end it 'sets meta for the duration' do expect(media.file.meta['original']['duration']).to be_within(0.05).of(0.235102) end it 'extracts thumbnail' do expect(media.thumbnail.present?).to be true end it 'gives the file a random name' do expect(media.file_file_name).to_not eq 'boop.mp3' end end describe 'jpeg' do let(:media) { MediaAttachment.create(account: Fabricate(:account), file: attachment_fixture('attachment.jpg')) } it 'sets meta for different style' do expect(media.file.meta['original']['width']).to eq 600 expect(media.file.meta['original']['height']).to eq 400 expect(media.file.meta['original']['aspect']).to eq 1.5 expect(media.file.meta['small']['width']).to eq 588 expect(media.file.meta['small']['height']).to eq 392 expect(media.file.meta['small']['aspect']).to eq 1.5 end it 'gives the file a random name' do expect(media.file_file_name).to_not eq 'attachment.jpg' end end describe 'base64-encoded jpeg' do let(:base64_attachment) { "data:image/jpeg;base64,#{Base64.encode64(attachment_fixture('attachment.jpg').read)}" } let(:media) { MediaAttachment.create(account: Fabricate(:account), file: base64_attachment) } it 'saves media attachment' do expect(media.persisted?).to be true expect(media.file).to_not be_nil end it 'gives the file a file name' do expect(media.file_file_name).to_not be_blank end end it 'is invalid without file' do media = MediaAttachment.new(account: Fabricate(:account)) expect(media.valid?).to be false end describe 'size limit validation' do it 'rejects video files that are too large' do stub_const 'MediaAttachment::IMAGE_LIMIT', 100.megabytes stub_const 'MediaAttachment::VIDEO_LIMIT', 1.kilobyte expect { MediaAttachment.create!(account: Fabricate(:account), file: attachment_fixture('attachment.webm')) }.to raise_error(ActiveRecord::RecordInvalid) end it 'accepts video files that are small enough' do stub_const 'MediaAttachment::IMAGE_LIMIT', 1.kilobyte stub_const 'MediaAttachment::VIDEO_LIMIT', 100.megabytes media = MediaAttachment.create!(account: Fabricate(:account), file: attachment_fixture('attachment.webm')) expect(media.valid?).to be true end it 'rejects image files that are too large' do stub_const 'MediaAttachment::IMAGE_LIMIT', 1.kilobyte stub_const 'MediaAttachment::VIDEO_LIMIT', 100.megabytes expect { MediaAttachment.create!(account: Fabricate(:account), file: attachment_fixture('attachment.jpg')) }.to raise_error(ActiveRecord::RecordInvalid) end it 'accepts image files that are small enough' do stub_const 'MediaAttachment::IMAGE_LIMIT', 100.megabytes stub_const 'MediaAttachment::VIDEO_LIMIT', 1.kilobyte media = MediaAttachment.create!(account: Fabricate(:account), file: attachment_fixture('attachment.jpg')) expect(media.valid?).to be true end end end