#!/usr/bin/env zsh set -exuo pipefail # user if [[ `whoami` == "root" ]]; then echo "Running as root, skipping user updates..." else git --git-dir=$HOME/.dotfiles --work-tree=$HOME pull --rebase pass git pull fi # system # update archlinux-keyring first, since occasionally a laptop will be unused for a few months paru -S archlinux-keyring paru -Syu # TODO skip unless paru just updated the kernel (files in /lib/modules will be newer than in /boot/EFI/Linux) # TODO keep only 2-3 latest images for -lts and -arch1 if [[ `cat /etc/hostname` == 'dziban' ]]; then for kernel in /lib/modules/*; do sudo dracut --verbose --force --uefi --kver "${kernel##*/}" done fi