# Future home of Median XL Dropcalc and maybe a proper MXLDB eventually, too all it does right now is read some of the txts and dump them into an in-memory SQLite database, then do nothing with them ## Dependencies Install python3, pip, and pipenv; I leave it up to the reader to decide how to do it because for me it's `paru -S python python-pip python-pipenv`. Run `pipenv shell` to create the dev environment which will install everything from the Pipfile (just sqlalchemy for now). If you don't like pipenv you still need python3 and pip, then just `pip install --user sqlalchemy`. ## Usage ``` create_db.py /path/to/txts ``` If you just give it the MOD repo or your d2 install folder (if you have the txts in it) that'll work too.