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path: root/src/pronouns/util.clj
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authorMorgan Astra <m@morganastra.me>2016-08-09 21:05:50 -0700
committerMorgan Astra <m@morganastra.me>2016-08-09 21:05:50 -0700
commite3c5f5d366af76cb39f2716455cb220abdc0bfae (patch)
treef384b07b11a1f70a7d9f6621ab4a5cb3379e4296 /src/pronouns/util.clj
parentcd832bcd7049e9d4ce80ef2907e084edc5813319 (diff)
get rid of useless config var and use dynamic var for *pronouns-table*, clean up project.clj
Diffstat (limited to 'src/pronouns/util.clj')
1 files changed, 7 insertions, 6 deletions
diff --git a/src/pronouns/util.clj b/src/pronouns/util.clj
index 3a4bf10..ef353a8 100644
--- a/src/pronouns/util.clj
+++ b/src/pronouns/util.clj
@@ -16,19 +16,20 @@
   (table-lookup query-key (slurp-tabfile tabfile)))
 (defn minimum-unambiguous-path
-  ([pronouns-table sections] (minimum-unambiguous-path pronouns-table sections 1))
-  ([pronouns-table sections number-of-sections]
+  ([table sections] (minimum-unambiguous-path table sections 1))
+  ([table sections number-of-sections]
     (let [sections-subset (take number-of-sections sections)
-          results (filter #(= (take number-of-sections %) sections-subset) pronouns-table)]
+          results (filter #(= (take number-of-sections %) sections-subset)
+                          table)]
       (case (count results)
         0 nil
         1 (clojure.string/join "/" sections-subset)
-        (recur pronouns-table sections (+ number-of-sections 1))))))
+        (recur table sections (+ number-of-sections 1))))))
 (defn abbreviate
   "given a list of pronoun rows, return a list of minimum unabiguous paths"
-  [pronouns-table]
-  (map (partial minimum-unambiguous-path pronouns-table) pronouns-table))
+  [table]
+  (map (partial minimum-unambiguous-path table) table))
 (defn vec-coerce [x]
   (if (vector? x) x [x]))