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path: root/test/pronouns
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Diffstat (limited to 'test/pronouns')
1 files changed, 18 insertions, 7 deletions
diff --git a/test/pronouns/pages_test.clj b/test/pronouns/pages_test.clj
index e32a2ee..7563be1 100644
--- a/test/pronouns/pages_test.clj
+++ b/test/pronouns/pages_test.clj
@@ -3,10 +3,21 @@
             [clojure.test :refer [deftest testing is are]]))
 (deftest prose-comma-list
-  (testing "prose-comma-list turns a list of strings into a prose list"
-    (are [call result] (= call result)
-      (pages/prose-comma-list ["foo"]) "foo"
-      (pages/prose-comma-list ["foo" "bar"]) "foo and bar"
-      (pages/prose-comma-list ["foo" "bar" "baz"]) "foo, bar, and baz"
-      (pages/prose-comma-list ["foo" "bar" "baz" "bobble"]) "foo, bar, baz, and bobble"
-      (pages/prose-comma-list []) "")))
+  (testing "`prose-comma-list` turns a list of strings into a prose list"
+    (are [v s] (= (pages/prose-comma-list v) s)
+      ["foo" "bar" "baz" "bobble"] "foo, bar, baz, and bobble"
+      ["foo" "bar" "baz"]          "foo, bar, and baz"
+      ["foo" "bar"]                "foo and bar"
+      ["foo"]                      "foo"
+      []                           "")))
+(deftest lookup-pronouns
+  (are [pronoun-strs pronouns]
+      (= (pages/lookup-pronouns pronoun-strs)
+         pronouns)
+    ["she/her"]           '(["she" "her" "her" "hers" "herself"])
+    ["she" "they"]        '(["she" "her" "her" "hers" "herself"]
+                            ["they" "them" "their" "theirs" "themselves"])
+    ["she/her" "foo/bar"] '(["she" "her" "her" "hers" "herself"])
+    ["foo/bar"]           '()
+    ["a/b/c/d/e"]         '(("a" "b" "c" "d" "e"))))