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path: root/app/javascript/flavours/glitch/features/account
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authorbeatrix <beatrix.bitrot@gmail.com>2017-12-06 17:44:07 -0500
committerGitHub <noreply@github.com>2017-12-06 17:44:07 -0500
commit81b01457598459c42a7b14d9aa14f91ba60dcae1 (patch)
tree7d3e6dadb75f3be95e5a5ed8b7ecfe90e7711831 /app/javascript/flavours/glitch/features/account
parentf1cbea77a4a52929244198dcbde26d63d837489a (diff)
parent017fc81caf8f265e5c5543186877437485625795 (diff)
Merge pull request #229 from glitch-soc/glitch-theme
Advanced Next-Level Flavours And Skins For Mastodon™
Diffstat (limited to 'app/javascript/flavours/glitch/features/account')
2 files changed, 244 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/app/javascript/flavours/glitch/features/account/components/action_bar.js b/app/javascript/flavours/glitch/features/account/components/action_bar.js
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..7c9c1af4e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/app/javascript/flavours/glitch/features/account/components/action_bar.js
@@ -0,0 +1,145 @@
+import React from 'react';
+import ImmutablePropTypes from 'react-immutable-proptypes';
+import PropTypes from 'prop-types';
+import DropdownMenuContainer from 'flavours/glitch/containers/dropdown_menu_container';
+import { Link } from 'react-router-dom';
+import { defineMessages, injectIntl, FormattedMessage, FormattedNumber } from 'react-intl';
+import { me } from 'flavours/glitch/util/initial_state';
+const messages = defineMessages({
+  mention: { id: 'account.mention', defaultMessage: 'Mention @{name}' },
+  edit_profile: { id: 'account.edit_profile', defaultMessage: 'Edit profile' },
+  unblock: { id: 'account.unblock', defaultMessage: 'Unblock @{name}' },
+  unfollow: { id: 'account.unfollow', defaultMessage: 'Unfollow' },
+  unmute: { id: 'account.unmute', defaultMessage: 'Unmute @{name}' },
+  block: { id: 'account.block', defaultMessage: 'Block @{name}' },
+  mute: { id: 'account.mute', defaultMessage: 'Mute @{name}' },
+  follow: { id: 'account.follow', defaultMessage: 'Follow' },
+  report: { id: 'account.report', defaultMessage: 'Report @{name}' },
+  share: { id: 'account.share', defaultMessage: 'Share @{name}\'s profile' },
+  media: { id: 'account.media', defaultMessage: 'Media' },
+  blockDomain: { id: 'account.block_domain', defaultMessage: 'Hide everything from {domain}' },
+  unblockDomain: { id: 'account.unblock_domain', defaultMessage: 'Unhide {domain}' },
+  hideReblogs: { id: 'account.hide_reblogs', defaultMessage: 'Hide boosts from @{name}' },
+  showReblogs: { id: 'account.show_reblogs', defaultMessage: 'Show boosts from @{name}' },
+export default class ActionBar extends React.PureComponent {
+  static propTypes = {
+    account: ImmutablePropTypes.map.isRequired,
+    onFollow: PropTypes.func,
+    onBlock: PropTypes.func.isRequired,
+    onMention: PropTypes.func.isRequired,
+    onReblogToggle: PropTypes.func.isRequired,
+    onReport: PropTypes.func.isRequired,
+    onMute: PropTypes.func.isRequired,
+    onBlockDomain: PropTypes.func.isRequired,
+    onUnblockDomain: PropTypes.func.isRequired,
+    intl: PropTypes.object.isRequired,
+  };
+  handleShare = () => {
+    navigator.share({
+      url: this.props.account.get('url'),
+    });
+  }
+  render () {
+    const { account, intl } = this.props;
+    let menu = [];
+    let extraInfo = '';
+    menu.push({ text: intl.formatMessage(messages.mention, { name: account.get('username') }), action: this.props.onMention });
+    if ('share' in navigator) {
+      menu.push({ text: intl.formatMessage(messages.share, { name: account.get('username') }), action: this.handleShare });
+    }
+    menu.push(null);
+    menu.push({ text: intl.formatMessage(messages.media), to: `/accounts/${account.get('id')}/media` });
+    menu.push(null);
+    if (account.get('id') === me) {
+      menu.push({ text: intl.formatMessage(messages.edit_profile), href: '/settings/profile' });
+    } else {
+      const following = account.getIn(['relationship', 'following']);
+      if (following) {
+        if (following.get('reblogs')) {
+          menu.push({ text: intl.formatMessage(messages.hideReblogs, { name: account.get('username') }), action: this.props.onReblogToggle });
+        } else {
+          menu.push({ text: intl.formatMessage(messages.showReblogs, { name: account.get('username') }), action: this.props.onReblogToggle });
+        }
+      }
+      if (account.getIn(['relationship', 'muting'])) {
+        menu.push({ text: intl.formatMessage(messages.unmute, { name: account.get('username') }), action: this.props.onMute });
+      } else {
+        menu.push({ text: intl.formatMessage(messages.mute, { name: account.get('username') }), action: this.props.onMute });
+      }
+      if (account.getIn(['relationship', 'blocking'])) {
+        menu.push({ text: intl.formatMessage(messages.unblock, { name: account.get('username') }), action: this.props.onBlock });
+      } else {
+        menu.push({ text: intl.formatMessage(messages.block, { name: account.get('username') }), action: this.props.onBlock });
+      }
+      menu.push({ text: intl.formatMessage(messages.report, { name: account.get('username') }), action: this.props.onReport });
+    }
+    if (account.get('acct') !== account.get('username')) {
+      const domain = account.get('acct').split('@')[1];
+      extraInfo = (
+        <div className='account__disclaimer'>
+          <FormattedMessage
+            id='account.disclaimer_full'
+            defaultMessage="Information below may reflect the user's profile incompletely."
+          />
+          {' '}
+          <a target='_blank' rel='noopener' href={account.get('url')}>
+            <FormattedMessage id='account.view_full_profile' defaultMessage='View full profile' />
+          </a>
+        </div>
+      );
+      menu.push(null);
+      if (account.getIn(['relationship', 'domain_blocking'])) {
+        menu.push({ text: intl.formatMessage(messages.unblockDomain, { domain }), action: this.props.onUnblockDomain });
+      } else {
+        menu.push({ text: intl.formatMessage(messages.blockDomain, { domain }), action: this.props.onBlockDomain });
+      }
+    }
+    return (
+      <div>
+        {extraInfo}
+        <div className='account__action-bar'>
+          <div className='account__action-bar-dropdown'>
+            <DropdownMenuContainer items={menu} icon='bars' size={24} direction='right' />
+          </div>
+          <div className='account__action-bar-links'>
+            <Link className='account__action-bar__tab' to={`/accounts/${account.get('id')}`}>
+              <span><FormattedMessage id='account.posts' defaultMessage='Posts' /></span>
+              <strong><FormattedNumber value={account.get('statuses_count')} /></strong>
+            </Link>
+            <Link className='account__action-bar__tab' to={`/accounts/${account.get('id')}/following`}>
+              <span><FormattedMessage id='account.follows' defaultMessage='Follows' /></span>
+              <strong><FormattedNumber value={account.get('following_count')} /></strong>
+            </Link>
+            <Link className='account__action-bar__tab' to={`/accounts/${account.get('id')}/followers`}>
+              <span><FormattedMessage id='account.followers' defaultMessage='Followers' /></span>
+              <strong><FormattedNumber value={account.get('followers_count')} /></strong>
+            </Link>
+          </div>
+        </div>
+      </div>
+    );
+  }
diff --git a/app/javascript/flavours/glitch/features/account/components/header.js b/app/javascript/flavours/glitch/features/account/components/header.js
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..f5ecaae71
--- /dev/null
+++ b/app/javascript/flavours/glitch/features/account/components/header.js
@@ -0,0 +1,99 @@
+import React from 'react';
+import ImmutablePropTypes from 'react-immutable-proptypes';
+import PropTypes from 'prop-types';
+import { defineMessages, injectIntl, FormattedMessage } from 'react-intl';
+import ImmutablePureComponent from 'react-immutable-pure-component';
+import Avatar from 'flavours/glitch/components/avatar';
+import IconButton from 'flavours/glitch/components/icon_button';
+import emojify from 'flavours/glitch/util/emoji';
+import { me } from 'flavours/glitch/util/initial_state';
+import { processBio } from 'flavours/glitch/util/bio_metadata';
+const messages = defineMessages({
+  unfollow: { id: 'account.unfollow', defaultMessage: 'Unfollow' },
+  follow: { id: 'account.follow', defaultMessage: 'Follow' },
+  requested: { id: 'account.requested', defaultMessage: 'Awaiting approval. Click to cancel follow request' },
+export default class Header extends ImmutablePureComponent {
+  static propTypes = {
+    account: ImmutablePropTypes.map,
+    onFollow: PropTypes.func.isRequired,
+    intl: PropTypes.object.isRequired,
+  };
+  render () {
+    const { account, intl } = this.props;
+    if (!account) {
+      return null;
+    }
+    let displayName = account.get('display_name_html');
+    let info        = '';
+    let actionBtn   = '';
+    if (me !== account.get('id') && account.getIn(['relationship', 'followed_by'])) {
+      info = <span className='account--follows-info'><FormattedMessage id='account.follows_you' defaultMessage='Follows you' /></span>;
+    }
+    if (me !== account.get('id')) {
+      if (account.getIn(['relationship', 'requested'])) {
+        actionBtn = (
+          <div className='account--action-button'>
+            <IconButton size={26} active icon='hourglass' title={intl.formatMessage(messages.requested)} onClick={this.props.onFollow} />
+          </div>
+        );
+      } else if (!account.getIn(['relationship', 'blocking'])) {
+        actionBtn = (
+          <div className='account--action-button'>
+            <IconButton size={26} icon={account.getIn(['relationship', 'following']) ? 'user-times' : 'user-plus'} active={account.getIn(['relationship', 'following'])} title={intl.formatMessage(account.getIn(['relationship', 'following']) ? messages.unfollow : messages.follow)} onClick={this.props.onFollow} />
+          </div>
+        );
+      }
+    }
+    const { text, metadata } = processBio(account.get('note'));
+    return (
+      <div className='account__header__wrapper'>
+        <div className='account__header' style={{ backgroundImage: `url(${account.get('header')})` }}>
+          <div>
+            <Avatar account={account} size={90} />
+            <span className='account__header__display-name' dangerouslySetInnerHTML={{ __html: displayName }} />
+            <span className='account__header__username'>@{account.get('acct')} {account.get('locked') ? <i className='fa fa-lock' /> : null}</span>
+            <div className='account__header__content' dangerouslySetInnerHTML={{ __html: emojify(text) }} />
+            {info}
+            {actionBtn}
+          </div>
+        </div>
+        {metadata.length && (
+          <table className='account__metadata'>
+            <tbody>
+              {(() => {
+                let data = [];
+                for (let i = 0; i < metadata.length; i++) {
+                  data.push(
+                    <tr key={i}>
+                      <th scope='row'><div dangerouslySetInnerHTML={{ __html: emojify(metadata[i][0]) }} /></th>
+                      <td><div dangerouslySetInnerHTML={{ __html: emojify(metadata[i][1]) }} /></td>
+                    </tr>
+                  );
+                }
+                return data;
+              })()}
+            </tbody>
+          </table>
+        ) || null}
+      </div>
+    );
+  }