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path: root/app/views/settings/preferences
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authorEugen Rochko <eugen@zeonfederated.com>2018-09-18 16:45:58 +0200
committerGitHub <noreply@github.com>2018-09-18 16:45:58 +0200
commitf4d549d30081478b1fe2bde9d340262e132bb891 (patch)
treed920447e62986f1ec47ce88084cf58a7abcad312 /app/views/settings/preferences
parentf8b54d229f70cb726511bcd35e1440618e487672 (diff)
Redesign forms, verify link ownership with rel="me" (#8703)
* Verify link ownership with rel="me"

* Add explanation about verification to UI

* Perform link verifications

* Add click-to-copy widget for verification HTML

* Redesign edit profile page

* Redesign forms

* Improve responsive design of settings pages

* Restore landing page sign-up form

* Fix typo

* Support <link> tags, add spec

* Fix links not being verified on first discovery and passive updates
Diffstat (limited to 'app/views/settings/preferences')
1 files changed, 19 insertions, 15 deletions
diff --git a/app/views/settings/preferences/show.html.haml b/app/views/settings/preferences/show.html.haml
index 43430069f..c79ecf6d5 100644
--- a/app/views/settings/preferences/show.html.haml
+++ b/app/views/settings/preferences/show.html.haml
@@ -1,29 +1,32 @@
 - content_for :page_title do
   = t('settings.preferences')
+  %li= link_to t('preferences.languages'), '#settings_languages'
+  %li= link_to t('preferences.publishing'), '#settings_publishing'
+  %li= link_to t('preferences.other'), '#settings_other'
+  %li= link_to t('preferences.web'), '#settings_web'
 = simple_form_for current_user, url: settings_preferences_path, html: { method: :put } do |f|
   = render 'shared/error_messages', object: current_user
-  .actions.actions--top
-    = f.button :button, t('generic.save_changes'), type: :submit
-  %h4= t 'preferences.languages'
+  .fields-row#settings_languages
+    .fields-group.fields-row__column.fields-row__column-6
+      = f.input :locale, collection: I18n.available_locales, wrapper: :with_label, include_blank: false, label_method: lambda { |locale| human_locale(locale) }, selected: I18n.locale
+    .fields-group.fields-row__column.fields-row__column-6
+      = f.input :setting_default_language, collection: [nil] + filterable_languages.sort, wrapper: :with_label, label_method: lambda { |locale| locale.nil? ? I18n.t('statuses.language_detection') : human_locale(locale) }, required: false, include_blank: false
-    = f.input :locale, collection: I18n.available_locales, wrapper: :with_label, include_blank: false, label_method: lambda { |locale| human_locale(locale) }, selected: I18n.locale
-    = f.input :setting_default_language, collection: [nil] + filterable_languages.sort, wrapper: :with_label, label_method: lambda { |locale| locale.nil? ? I18n.t('statuses.language_detection') : human_locale(locale) }, required: false, include_blank: false
     = f.input :chosen_languages, collection: filterable_languages.sort, wrapper: :with_block_label, include_blank: false, label_method: lambda { |locale| human_locale(locale) }, required: false, as: :check_boxes, collection_wrapper_tag: 'ul', item_wrapper_tag: 'li'
-  %h4= t 'preferences.publishing'
+  %hr#settings_publishing/
-    = f.input :setting_default_privacy, collection: Status.visibilities.keys - ['direct'], wrapper: :with_label, include_blank: false, label_method: lambda { |visibility| safe_join([I18n.t("statuses.visibilities.#{visibility}"), content_tag(:span, I18n.t("statuses.visibilities.#{visibility}_long"), class: 'hint')]) }, required: false, as: :radio_buttons, collection_wrapper_tag: 'ul', item_wrapper_tag: 'li'
+    = f.input :setting_default_privacy, collection: Status.visibilities.keys - ['direct'], wrapper: :with_floating_label, include_blank: false, label_method: lambda { |visibility| safe_join([I18n.t("statuses.visibilities.#{visibility}"), content_tag(:span, I18n.t("statuses.visibilities.#{visibility}_long"), class: 'hint')]) }, required: false, as: :radio_buttons, collection_wrapper_tag: 'ul', item_wrapper_tag: 'li'
     = f.input :setting_default_sensitive, as: :boolean, wrapper: :with_label
-  %h4= t 'preferences.other'
+  %hr#settings_other/
     = f.input :setting_noindex, as: :boolean, wrapper: :with_label
@@ -31,12 +34,13 @@
     = f.input :setting_hide_network, as: :boolean, wrapper: :with_label
-  %h4= t 'preferences.web'
+  %hr#settings_web/
-  .fields-group
-    - if Themes.instance.names.size > 1
-      = f.input :setting_theme, collection: Themes.instance.names, label_method: lambda { |theme| I18n.t("themes.#{theme}", default: theme) }, wrapper: :with_label, include_blank: false
+  - if Themes.instance.names.size > 1
+    .fields-group
+      = f.input :setting_theme, collection: Themes.instance.names, label_method: lambda { |theme| I18n.t("themes.#{theme}", default: theme) }, wrapper: :with_block_label, include_blank: false
+  .fields-group
     = f.input :setting_unfollow_modal, as: :boolean, wrapper: :with_label
     = f.input :setting_boost_modal, as: :boolean, wrapper: :with_label
     = f.input :setting_delete_modal, as: :boolean, wrapper: :with_label