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path: root/app/javascript/flavours/glitch/features/status/components/detailed_status.js
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Diffstat (limited to 'app/javascript/flavours/glitch/features/status/components/detailed_status.js')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 335 deletions
diff --git a/app/javascript/flavours/glitch/features/status/components/detailed_status.js b/app/javascript/flavours/glitch/features/status/components/detailed_status.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 907fc3f1c..000000000
--- a/app/javascript/flavours/glitch/features/status/components/detailed_status.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,335 +0,0 @@
-import React from 'react';
-import PropTypes from 'prop-types';
-import ImmutablePropTypes from 'react-immutable-proptypes';
-import Avatar from 'flavours/glitch/components/avatar';
-import DisplayName from 'flavours/glitch/components/display_name';
-import StatusContent from 'flavours/glitch/components/status_content';
-import MediaGallery from 'flavours/glitch/components/media_gallery';
-import AttachmentList from 'flavours/glitch/components/attachment_list';
-import { Link } from 'react-router-dom';
-import { injectIntl, FormattedDate } from 'react-intl';
-import Card from './card';
-import ImmutablePureComponent from 'react-immutable-pure-component';
-import Video from 'flavours/glitch/features/video';
-import Audio from 'flavours/glitch/features/audio';
-import VisibilityIcon from 'flavours/glitch/components/status_visibility_icon';
-import scheduleIdleTask from '../../ui/util/schedule_idle_task';
-import classNames from 'classnames';
-import PollContainer from 'flavours/glitch/containers/poll_container';
-import Icon from 'flavours/glitch/components/icon';
-import AnimatedNumber from 'flavours/glitch/components/animated_number';
-import PictureInPicturePlaceholder from 'flavours/glitch/components/picture_in_picture_placeholder';
-import EditedTimestamp from 'flavours/glitch/components/edited_timestamp';
-export default @injectIntl
-class DetailedStatus extends ImmutablePureComponent {
-  static contextTypes = {
-    router: PropTypes.object,
-  };
-  static propTypes = {
-    status: ImmutablePropTypes.map,
-    settings: ImmutablePropTypes.map.isRequired,
-    onOpenMedia: PropTypes.func.isRequired,
-    onOpenVideo: PropTypes.func.isRequired,
-    onToggleHidden: PropTypes.func,
-    onTranslate: PropTypes.func.isRequired,
-    expanded: PropTypes.bool,
-    measureHeight: PropTypes.bool,
-    onHeightChange: PropTypes.func,
-    domain: PropTypes.string.isRequired,
-    compact: PropTypes.bool,
-    showMedia: PropTypes.bool,
-    pictureInPicture: ImmutablePropTypes.contains({
-      inUse: PropTypes.bool,
-      available: PropTypes.bool,
-    }),
-    onToggleMediaVisibility: PropTypes.func,
-    intl: PropTypes.object.isRequired,
-  };
-  state = {
-    height: null,
-  };
-  handleAccountClick = (e) => {
-    if (e.button === 0 && !(e.ctrlKey || e.altKey || e.metaKey) && this.context.router) {
-      e.preventDefault();
-      let state = {...this.context.router.history.location.state};
-      state.mastodonBackSteps = (state.mastodonBackSteps || 0) + 1;
-      this.context.router.history.push(`/@${this.props.status.getIn(['account', 'acct'])}`, state);
-    }
-    e.stopPropagation();
-  }
-  parseClick = (e, destination) => {
-    if (e.button === 0 && !(e.ctrlKey || e.altKey || e.metaKey) && this.context.router) {
-      e.preventDefault();
-      let state = {...this.context.router.history.location.state};
-      state.mastodonBackSteps = (state.mastodonBackSteps || 0) + 1;
-      this.context.router.history.push(destination, state);
-    }
-    e.stopPropagation();
-  }
-  handleOpenVideo = (options) => {
-    this.props.onOpenVideo(this.props.status.getIn(['media_attachments', 0]), options);
-  }
-  _measureHeight (heightJustChanged) {
-    if (this.props.measureHeight && this.node) {
-      scheduleIdleTask(() => this.node && this.setState({ height: Math.ceil(this.node.scrollHeight) + 1 }));
-      if (this.props.onHeightChange && heightJustChanged) {
-        this.props.onHeightChange();
-      }
-    }
-  }
-  setRef = c => {
-    this.node = c;
-    this._measureHeight();
-  }
-  componentDidUpdate (prevProps, prevState) {
-    this._measureHeight(prevState.height !== this.state.height);
-  }
-  handleChildUpdate = () => {
-    this._measureHeight();
-  }
-  handleModalLink = e => {
-    e.preventDefault();
-    let href;
-    if (e.target.nodeName !== 'A') {
-      href = e.target.parentNode.href;
-    } else {
-      href = e.target.href;
-    }
-    window.open(href, 'mastodon-intent', 'width=445,height=600,resizable=no,menubar=no,status=no,scrollbars=yes');
-  }
-  handleTranslate = () => {
-    const { onTranslate, status } = this.props;
-    onTranslate(status);
-  }
-  render () {
-    const status = (this.props.status && this.props.status.get('reblog')) ? this.props.status.get('reblog') : this.props.status;
-    const { expanded, onToggleHidden, settings, pictureInPicture, intl } = this.props;
-    const outerStyle = { boxSizing: 'border-box' };
-    const { compact } = this.props;
-    if (!status) {
-      return null;
-    }
-    let applicationLink = '';
-    let reblogLink = '';
-    let reblogIcon = 'retweet';
-    let favouriteLink = '';
-    let edited = '';
-    //  Depending on user settings, some media are considered as parts of the
-    //  contents (affected by CW) while other will be displayed outside of the
-    //  CW.
-    let contentMedia = [];
-    let contentMediaIcons = [];
-    let extraMedia = [];
-    let extraMediaIcons = [];
-    let media = contentMedia;
-    let mediaIcons = contentMediaIcons;
-    if (settings.getIn(['content_warnings', 'media_outside'])) {
-      media = extraMedia;
-      mediaIcons = extraMediaIcons;
-    }
-    if (this.props.measureHeight) {
-      outerStyle.height = `${this.state.height}px`;
-    }
-    if (pictureInPicture.get('inUse')) {
-      media.push(<PictureInPicturePlaceholder />);
-      mediaIcons.push('video-camera');
-    } else if (status.get('media_attachments').size > 0) {
-      if (status.get('media_attachments').some(item => item.get('type') === 'unknown')) {
-        media.push(<AttachmentList media={status.get('media_attachments')} />);
-      } else if (status.getIn(['media_attachments', 0, 'type']) === 'audio') {
-        const attachment = status.getIn(['media_attachments', 0]);
-        media.push(
-          <Audio
-            src={attachment.get('url')}
-            alt={attachment.get('description')}
-            duration={attachment.getIn(['meta', 'original', 'duration'], 0)}
-            poster={attachment.get('preview_url') || status.getIn(['account', 'avatar_static'])}
-            backgroundColor={attachment.getIn(['meta', 'colors', 'background'])}
-            foregroundColor={attachment.getIn(['meta', 'colors', 'foreground'])}
-            accentColor={attachment.getIn(['meta', 'colors', 'accent'])}
-            sensitive={status.get('sensitive')}
-            visible={this.props.showMedia}
-            blurhash={attachment.get('blurhash')}
-            height={150}
-            onToggleVisibility={this.props.onToggleMediaVisibility}
-          />,
-        );
-        mediaIcons.push('music');
-      } else if (status.getIn(['media_attachments', 0, 'type']) === 'video') {
-        const attachment = status.getIn(['media_attachments', 0]);
-        media.push(
-          <Video
-            preview={attachment.get('preview_url')}
-            frameRate={attachment.getIn(['meta', 'original', 'frame_rate'])}
-            blurhash={attachment.get('blurhash')}
-            src={attachment.get('url')}
-            alt={attachment.get('description')}
-            inline
-            sensitive={status.get('sensitive')}
-            letterbox={settings.getIn(['media', 'letterbox'])}
-            fullwidth={settings.getIn(['media', 'fullwidth'])}
-            preventPlayback={!expanded}
-            onOpenVideo={this.handleOpenVideo}
-            autoplay
-            visible={this.props.showMedia}
-            onToggleVisibility={this.props.onToggleMediaVisibility}
-          />,
-        );
-        mediaIcons.push('video-camera');
-      } else {
-        media.push(
-          <MediaGallery
-            standalone
-            sensitive={status.get('sensitive')}
-            media={status.get('media_attachments')}
-            letterbox={settings.getIn(['media', 'letterbox'])}
-            fullwidth={settings.getIn(['media', 'fullwidth'])}
-            hidden={!expanded}
-            onOpenMedia={this.props.onOpenMedia}
-            visible={this.props.showMedia}
-            onToggleVisibility={this.props.onToggleMediaVisibility}
-          />,
-        );
-        mediaIcons.push('picture-o');
-      }
-    } else if (status.get('card')) {
-      media.push(<Card sensitive={status.get('sensitive')} onOpenMedia={this.props.onOpenMedia} card={status.get('card')} />);
-      mediaIcons.push('link');
-    }
-    if (status.get('poll')) {
-      contentMedia.push(<PollContainer pollId={status.get('poll')} />);
-      contentMediaIcons.push('tasks');
-    }
-    if (status.get('application')) {
-      applicationLink = <React.Fragment> · <a className='detailed-status__application' href={status.getIn(['application', 'website'])} target='_blank' rel='noopener noreferrer'>{status.getIn(['application', 'name'])}</a></React.Fragment>;
-    }
-    const visibilityLink = <React.Fragment> · <VisibilityIcon visibility={status.get('visibility')} /></React.Fragment>;
-    if (status.get('visibility') === 'direct') {
-      reblogIcon = 'envelope';
-    } else if (status.get('visibility') === 'private') {
-      reblogIcon = 'lock';
-    }
-    if (!['unlisted', 'public'].includes(status.get('visibility'))) {
-      reblogLink = null;
-    } else if (this.context.router) {
-      reblogLink = (
-        <React.Fragment>
-          <React.Fragment> · </React.Fragment>
-          <Link to={`/@${status.getIn(['account', 'acct'])}/${status.get('id')}/reblogs`} className='detailed-status__link'>
-            <Icon id={reblogIcon} />
-            <span className='detailed-status__reblogs'>
-              <AnimatedNumber value={status.get('reblogs_count')} />
-            </span>
-          </Link>
-        </React.Fragment>
-      );
-    } else {
-      reblogLink = (
-        <React.Fragment>
-          <React.Fragment> · </React.Fragment>
-          <a href={`/interact/${status.get('id')}?type=reblog`} className='detailed-status__link' onClick={this.handleModalLink}>
-            <Icon id={reblogIcon} />
-            <span className='detailed-status__reblogs'>
-              <AnimatedNumber value={status.get('reblogs_count')} />
-            </span>
-          </a>
-        </React.Fragment>
-      );
-    }
-    if (this.context.router) {
-      favouriteLink = (
-        <Link to={`/@${status.getIn(['account', 'acct'])}/${status.get('id')}/favourites`} className='detailed-status__link'>
-          <Icon id='star' />
-          <span className='detailed-status__favorites'>
-            <AnimatedNumber value={status.get('favourites_count')} />
-          </span>
-        </Link>
-      );
-    } else {
-      favouriteLink = (
-        <a href={`/interact/${status.get('id')}?type=favourite`} className='detailed-status__link' onClick={this.handleModalLink}>
-          <Icon id='star' />
-          <span className='detailed-status__favorites'>
-            <AnimatedNumber value={status.get('favourites_count')} />
-          </span>
-        </a>
-      );
-    }
-    if (status.get('edited_at')) {
-      edited = (
-        <React.Fragment>
-          <React.Fragment> · </React.Fragment>
-          <EditedTimestamp statusId={status.get('id')} timestamp={status.get('edited_at')} />
-        </React.Fragment>
-      );
-    }
-    return (
-      <div style={outerStyle}>
-        <div ref={this.setRef} className={classNames('detailed-status', `detailed-status-${status.get('visibility')}`, { compact })} data-status-by={status.getIn(['account', 'acct'])}>
-          <a href={status.getIn(['account', 'url'])} onClick={this.handleAccountClick} className='detailed-status__display-name'>
-            <div className='detailed-status__display-avatar'><Avatar account={status.get('account')} size={48} /></div>
-            <DisplayName account={status.get('account')} localDomain={this.props.domain} />
-          </a>
-          <StatusContent
-            status={status}
-            media={contentMedia}
-            extraMedia={extraMedia}
-            mediaIcons={contentMediaIcons}
-            expanded={expanded}
-            collapsed={false}
-            onExpandedToggle={onToggleHidden}
-            onTranslate={this.handleTranslate}
-            parseClick={this.parseClick}
-            onUpdate={this.handleChildUpdate}
-            tagLinks={settings.get('tag_misleading_links')}
-            rewriteMentions={settings.get('rewrite_mentions')}
-            disabled
-          />
-          <div className='detailed-status__meta'>
-            <a className='detailed-status__datetime' href={status.get('url')} target='_blank' rel='noopener noreferrer'>
-              <FormattedDate value={new Date(status.get('created_at'))} hour12={false} year='numeric' month='short' day='2-digit' hour='2-digit' minute='2-digit' />
-            </a>{edited}{visibilityLink}{applicationLink}{reblogLink} · {favouriteLink}
-          </div>
-        </div>
-      </div>
-    );
-  }