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path: root/app/javascript/flavours/glitch/packs/public.js
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Diffstat (limited to 'app/javascript/flavours/glitch/packs/public.js')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 224 deletions
diff --git a/app/javascript/flavours/glitch/packs/public.js b/app/javascript/flavours/glitch/packs/public.js
deleted file mode 100644
index b256fdbd5..000000000
--- a/app/javascript/flavours/glitch/packs/public.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,224 +0,0 @@
-import 'packs/public-path';
-import loadPolyfills from 'flavours/glitch/load_polyfills';
-import ready from 'flavours/glitch/ready';
-import loadKeyboardExtensions from 'flavours/glitch/load_keyboard_extensions';
-function main() {
-  const IntlMessageFormat = require('intl-messageformat').default;
-  const { timeAgoString } = require('flavours/glitch/components/relative_timestamp');
-  const { delegate } = require('@rails/ujs');
-  const emojify = require('flavours/glitch/features/emoji/emoji').default;
-  const { getLocale } = require('locales');
-  const { messages } = getLocale();
-  const React = require('react');
-  const ReactDOM = require('react-dom');
-  const { createBrowserHistory } = require('history');
-  const scrollToDetailedStatus = () => {
-    const history = createBrowserHistory();
-    const detailedStatuses = document.querySelectorAll('.public-layout .detailed-status');
-    const location = history.location;
-    if (detailedStatuses.length === 1 && (!location.state || !location.state.scrolledToDetailedStatus)) {
-      detailedStatuses[0].scrollIntoView();
-      history.replace(location.pathname, { ...location.state, scrolledToDetailedStatus: true });
-    }
-  };
-  const getEmojiAnimationHandler = (swapTo) => {
-    return ({ target }) => {
-      target.src = target.getAttribute(swapTo);
-    };
-  };
-  ready(() => {
-    const locale = document.documentElement.lang;
-    const dateTimeFormat = new Intl.DateTimeFormat(locale, {
-      year: 'numeric',
-      month: 'long',
-      day: 'numeric',
-      hour: 'numeric',
-      minute: 'numeric',
-    });
-    const dateFormat = new Intl.DateTimeFormat(locale, {
-      year: 'numeric',
-      month: 'short',
-      day: 'numeric',
-      timeFormat: false,
-    });
-    const timeFormat = new Intl.DateTimeFormat(locale, {
-      timeStyle: 'short',
-      hour12: false,
-    });
-    [].forEach.call(document.querySelectorAll('.emojify'), (content) => {
-      content.innerHTML = emojify(content.innerHTML);
-    });
-    [].forEach.call(document.querySelectorAll('time.formatted'), (content) => {
-      const datetime = new Date(content.getAttribute('datetime'));
-      const formattedDate = dateTimeFormat.format(datetime);
-      content.title = formattedDate;
-      content.textContent = formattedDate;
-    });
-    const isToday = date => {
-      const today = new Date();
-      return date.getDate() === today.getDate() &&
-        date.getMonth() === today.getMonth() &&
-        date.getFullYear() === today.getFullYear();
-    };
-    const todayFormat = new IntlMessageFormat(messages['relative_format.today'] || 'Today at {time}', locale);
-    [].forEach.call(document.querySelectorAll('time.relative-formatted'), (content) => {
-      const datetime = new Date(content.getAttribute('datetime'));
-      let formattedContent;
-      if (isToday(datetime)) {
-        const formattedTime = timeFormat.format(datetime);
-        formattedContent = todayFormat.format({ time: formattedTime });
-      } else {
-        formattedContent = dateFormat.format(datetime);
-      }
-      content.title = formattedContent;
-      content.textContent = formattedContent;
-    });
-    [].forEach.call(document.querySelectorAll('time.time-ago'), (content) => {
-      const datetime = new Date(content.getAttribute('datetime'));
-      const now      = new Date();
-      content.title = dateTimeFormat.format(datetime);
-      content.textContent = timeAgoString({
-        formatMessage: ({ id, defaultMessage }, values) => (new IntlMessageFormat(messages[id] || defaultMessage, locale)).format(values),
-        formatDate: (date, options) => (new Intl.DateTimeFormat(locale, options)).format(date),
-      }, datetime, now, now.getFullYear(), content.getAttribute('datetime').includes('T'));
-    });
-    const reactComponents = document.querySelectorAll('[data-component]');
-    if (reactComponents.length > 0) {
-      import(/* webpackChunkName: "containers/media_container" */ 'flavours/glitch/containers/media_container')
-        .then(({ default: MediaContainer }) => {
-          [].forEach.call(reactComponents, (component) => {
-            [].forEach.call(component.children, (child) => {
-              component.removeChild(child);
-            });
-          });
-          const content = document.createElement('div');
-          ReactDOM.render(<MediaContainer locale={locale} components={reactComponents} />, content);
-          document.body.appendChild(content);
-          scrollToDetailedStatus();
-        })
-        .catch(error => {
-          console.error(error);
-          scrollToDetailedStatus();
-        });
-    } else {
-      scrollToDetailedStatus();
-    }
-    delegate(document, '#registration_user_password_confirmation,#registration_user_password', 'input', () => {
-      const password = document.getElementById('registration_user_password');
-      const confirmation = document.getElementById('registration_user_password_confirmation');
-      if (confirmation.value && confirmation.value.length > password.maxLength) {
-        confirmation.setCustomValidity((new IntlMessageFormat(messages['password_confirmation.exceeds_maxlength'] || 'Password confirmation exceeds the maximum password length', locale)).format());
-      } else if (password.value && password.value !== confirmation.value) {
-        confirmation.setCustomValidity((new IntlMessageFormat(messages['password_confirmation.mismatching'] || 'Password confirmation does not match', locale)).format());
-      } else {
-        confirmation.setCustomValidity('');
-      }
-    });
-    delegate(document, '#user_password,#user_password_confirmation', 'input', () => {
-      const password = document.getElementById('user_password');
-      const confirmation = document.getElementById('user_password_confirmation');
-      if (!confirmation) return;
-      if (confirmation.value && confirmation.value.length > password.maxLength) {
-        confirmation.setCustomValidity((new IntlMessageFormat(messages['password_confirmation.exceeds_maxlength'] || 'Password confirmation exceeds the maximum password length', locale)).format());
-      } else if (password.value && password.value !== confirmation.value) {
-        confirmation.setCustomValidity((new IntlMessageFormat(messages['password_confirmation.mismatching'] || 'Password confirmation does not match', locale)).format());
-      } else {
-        confirmation.setCustomValidity('');
-      }
-    });
-    delegate(document, '.custom-emoji', 'mouseover', getEmojiAnimationHandler('data-original'));
-    delegate(document, '.custom-emoji', 'mouseout', getEmojiAnimationHandler('data-static'));
-    delegate(document, '.status__content__spoiler-link', 'click', function() {
-      const statusEl = this.parentNode.parentNode;
-      if (statusEl.dataset.spoiler === 'expanded') {
-        statusEl.dataset.spoiler = 'folded';
-        this.textContent = (new IntlMessageFormat(messages['status.show_more'] || 'Show more', locale)).format();
-      } else {
-        statusEl.dataset.spoiler = 'expanded';
-        this.textContent = (new IntlMessageFormat(messages['status.show_less'] || 'Show less', locale)).format();
-      }
-      return false;
-    });
-    [].forEach.call(document.querySelectorAll('.status__content__spoiler-link'), (spoilerLink) => {
-      const statusEl = spoilerLink.parentNode.parentNode;
-      const message = (statusEl.dataset.spoiler === 'expanded') ? (messages['status.show_less'] || 'Show less') : (messages['status.show_more'] || 'Show more');
-      spoilerLink.textContent = (new IntlMessageFormat(message, locale)).format();
-    });
-  });
-  const toggleSidebar = () => {
-    const sidebar = document.querySelector('.sidebar ul');
-    const toggleButton = document.querySelector('.sidebar__toggle__icon');
-    if (sidebar.classList.contains('visible')) {
-      document.body.style.overflow = null;
-      toggleButton.setAttribute('aria-expanded', false);
-    } else {
-      document.body.style.overflow = 'hidden';
-      toggleButton.setAttribute('aria-expanded', true);
-    }
-    toggleButton.classList.toggle('active');
-    sidebar.classList.toggle('visible');
-  };
-  delegate(document, '.sidebar__toggle__icon', 'click', () => {
-    toggleSidebar();
-  });
-  delegate(document, '.sidebar__toggle__icon', 'keydown', e => {
-    if (e.key === ' ' || e.key === 'Enter') {
-      e.preventDefault();
-      toggleSidebar();
-    }
-  });
-  // Empty the honeypot fields in JS in case something like an extension
-  // automatically filled them.
-  delegate(document, '#registration_new_user,#new_user', 'submit', () => {
-    ['user_website', 'user_confirm_password', 'registration_user_website', 'registration_user_confirm_password'].forEach(id => {
-      const field = document.getElementById(id);
-      if (field) {
-        field.value = '';
-      }
-    });
-  });
-  .then(main)
-  .then(loadKeyboardExtensions)
-  .catch(error => {
-    console.error(error);
-  });