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path: root/app/javascript/mastodon/features/notifications/index.js
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Diffstat (limited to 'app/javascript/mastodon/features/notifications/index.js')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 290 deletions
diff --git a/app/javascript/mastodon/features/notifications/index.js b/app/javascript/mastodon/features/notifications/index.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 826a7e9ad..000000000
--- a/app/javascript/mastodon/features/notifications/index.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,290 +0,0 @@
-import React from 'react';
-import { connect } from 'react-redux';
-import PropTypes from 'prop-types';
-import ImmutablePropTypes from 'react-immutable-proptypes';
-import Column from '../../components/column';
-import ColumnHeader from '../../components/column_header';
-import {
-  expandNotifications,
-  scrollTopNotifications,
-  loadPending,
-  mountNotifications,
-  unmountNotifications,
-  markNotificationsAsRead,
-} from '../../actions/notifications';
-import { submitMarkers } from '../../actions/markers';
-import { addColumn, removeColumn, moveColumn } from '../../actions/columns';
-import NotificationContainer from './containers/notification_container';
-import { defineMessages, injectIntl, FormattedMessage } from 'react-intl';
-import ColumnSettingsContainer from './containers/column_settings_container';
-import FilterBarContainer from './containers/filter_bar_container';
-import { createSelector } from 'reselect';
-import { List as ImmutableList } from 'immutable';
-import { debounce } from 'lodash';
-import ScrollableList from '../../components/scrollable_list';
-import LoadGap from '../../components/load_gap';
-import Icon from 'mastodon/components/icon';
-import compareId from 'mastodon/compare_id';
-import NotificationsPermissionBanner from './components/notifications_permission_banner';
-import NotSignedInIndicator from 'mastodon/components/not_signed_in_indicator';
-import { Helmet } from 'react-helmet';
-const messages = defineMessages({
-  title: { id: 'column.notifications', defaultMessage: 'Notifications' },
-  markAsRead : { id: 'notifications.mark_as_read', defaultMessage: 'Mark every notification as read' },
-const getExcludedTypes = createSelector([
-  state => state.getIn(['settings', 'notifications', 'shows']),
-], (shows) => {
-  return ImmutableList(shows.filter(item => !item).keys());
-const getNotifications = createSelector([
-  state => state.getIn(['settings', 'notifications', 'quickFilter', 'show']),
-  state => state.getIn(['settings', 'notifications', 'quickFilter', 'active']),
-  getExcludedTypes,
-  state => state.getIn(['notifications', 'items']),
-], (showFilterBar, allowedType, excludedTypes, notifications) => {
-  if (!showFilterBar || allowedType === 'all') {
-    // used if user changed the notification settings after loading the notifications from the server
-    // otherwise a list of notifications will come pre-filtered from the backend
-    // we need to turn it off for FilterBar in order not to block ourselves from seeing a specific category
-    return notifications.filterNot(item => item !== null && excludedTypes.includes(item.get('type')));
-  }
-  return notifications.filter(item => item === null || allowedType === item.get('type'));
-const mapStateToProps = state => ({
-  showFilterBar: state.getIn(['settings', 'notifications', 'quickFilter', 'show']),
-  notifications: getNotifications(state),
-  isLoading: state.getIn(['notifications', 'isLoading'], 0) > 0,
-  isUnread: state.getIn(['notifications', 'unread']) > 0 || state.getIn(['notifications', 'pendingItems']).size > 0,
-  hasMore: state.getIn(['notifications', 'hasMore']),
-  numPending: state.getIn(['notifications', 'pendingItems'], ImmutableList()).size,
-  lastReadId: state.getIn(['settings', 'notifications', 'showUnread']) ? state.getIn(['notifications', 'readMarkerId']) : '0',
-  canMarkAsRead: state.getIn(['settings', 'notifications', 'showUnread']) && state.getIn(['notifications', 'readMarkerId']) !== '0' && getNotifications(state).some(item => item !== null && compareId(item.get('id'), state.getIn(['notifications', 'readMarkerId'])) > 0),
-  needsNotificationPermission: state.getIn(['settings', 'notifications', 'alerts']).includes(true) && state.getIn(['notifications', 'browserSupport']) && state.getIn(['notifications', 'browserPermission']) === 'default' && !state.getIn(['settings', 'notifications', 'dismissPermissionBanner']),
-export default @connect(mapStateToProps)
-class Notifications extends React.PureComponent {
-  static contextTypes = {
-    identity: PropTypes.object,
-  };
-  static propTypes = {
-    columnId: PropTypes.string,
-    notifications: ImmutablePropTypes.list.isRequired,
-    showFilterBar: PropTypes.bool.isRequired,
-    dispatch: PropTypes.func.isRequired,
-    intl: PropTypes.object.isRequired,
-    isLoading: PropTypes.bool,
-    isUnread: PropTypes.bool,
-    multiColumn: PropTypes.bool,
-    hasMore: PropTypes.bool,
-    numPending: PropTypes.number,
-    lastReadId: PropTypes.string,
-    canMarkAsRead: PropTypes.bool,
-    needsNotificationPermission: PropTypes.bool,
-  };
-  static defaultProps = {
-    trackScroll: true,
-  };
-  componentWillMount() {
-    this.props.dispatch(mountNotifications());
-  }
-  componentWillUnmount () {
-    this.handleLoadOlder.cancel();
-    this.handleScrollToTop.cancel();
-    this.handleScroll.cancel();
-    this.props.dispatch(scrollTopNotifications(false));
-    this.props.dispatch(unmountNotifications());
-  }
-  handleLoadGap = (maxId) => {
-    this.props.dispatch(expandNotifications({ maxId }));
-  };
-  handleLoadOlder = debounce(() => {
-    const last = this.props.notifications.last();
-    this.props.dispatch(expandNotifications({ maxId: last && last.get('id') }));
-  }, 300, { leading: true });
-  handleLoadPending = () => {
-    this.props.dispatch(loadPending());
-  };
-  handleScrollToTop = debounce(() => {
-    this.props.dispatch(scrollTopNotifications(true));
-  }, 100);
-  handleScroll = debounce(() => {
-    this.props.dispatch(scrollTopNotifications(false));
-  }, 100);
-  handlePin = () => {
-    const { columnId, dispatch } = this.props;
-    if (columnId) {
-      dispatch(removeColumn(columnId));
-    } else {
-      dispatch(addColumn('NOTIFICATIONS', {}));
-    }
-  }
-  handleMove = (dir) => {
-    const { columnId, dispatch } = this.props;
-    dispatch(moveColumn(columnId, dir));
-  }
-  handleHeaderClick = () => {
-    this.column.scrollTop();
-  }
-  setColumnRef = c => {
-    this.column = c;
-  }
-  handleMoveUp = id => {
-    const elementIndex = this.props.notifications.findIndex(item => item !== null && item.get('id') === id) - 1;
-    this._selectChild(elementIndex, true);
-  }
-  handleMoveDown = id => {
-    const elementIndex = this.props.notifications.findIndex(item => item !== null && item.get('id') === id) + 1;
-    this._selectChild(elementIndex, false);
-  }
-  _selectChild (index, align_top) {
-    const container = this.column.node;
-    const element = container.querySelector(`article:nth-of-type(${index + 1}) .focusable`);
-    if (element) {
-      if (align_top && container.scrollTop > element.offsetTop) {
-        element.scrollIntoView(true);
-      } else if (!align_top && container.scrollTop + container.clientHeight < element.offsetTop + element.offsetHeight) {
-        element.scrollIntoView(false);
-      }
-      element.focus();
-    }
-  }
-  handleMarkAsRead = () => {
-    this.props.dispatch(markNotificationsAsRead());
-    this.props.dispatch(submitMarkers({ immediate: true }));
-  };
-  render () {
-    const { intl, notifications, isLoading, isUnread, columnId, multiColumn, hasMore, numPending, showFilterBar, lastReadId, canMarkAsRead, needsNotificationPermission } = this.props;
-    const pinned = !!columnId;
-    const emptyMessage = <FormattedMessage id='empty_column.notifications' defaultMessage="You don't have any notifications yet. When other people interact with you, you will see it here." />;
-    const { signedIn } = this.context.identity;
-    let scrollableContent = null;
-    const filterBarContainer = (signedIn && showFilterBar)
-      ? (<FilterBarContainer />)
-      : null;
-    if (isLoading && this.scrollableContent) {
-      scrollableContent = this.scrollableContent;
-    } else if (notifications.size > 0 || hasMore) {
-      scrollableContent = notifications.map((item, index) => item === null ? (
-        <LoadGap
-          key={'gap:' + notifications.getIn([index + 1, 'id'])}
-          disabled={isLoading}
-          maxId={index > 0 ? notifications.getIn([index - 1, 'id']) : null}
-          onClick={this.handleLoadGap}
-        />
-      ) : (
-        <NotificationContainer
-          key={item.get('id')}
-          notification={item}
-          accountId={item.get('account')}
-          onMoveUp={this.handleMoveUp}
-          onMoveDown={this.handleMoveDown}
-          unread={lastReadId !== '0' && compareId(item.get('id'), lastReadId) > 0}
-        />
-      ));
-    } else {
-      scrollableContent = null;
-    }
-    this.scrollableContent = scrollableContent;
-    let scrollContainer;
-    if (signedIn) {
-      scrollContainer = (
-        <ScrollableList
-          scrollKey={`notifications-${columnId}`}
-          trackScroll={!pinned}
-          isLoading={isLoading}
-          showLoading={isLoading && notifications.size === 0}
-          hasMore={hasMore}
-          numPending={numPending}
-          prepend={needsNotificationPermission && <NotificationsPermissionBanner />}
-          alwaysPrepend
-          emptyMessage={emptyMessage}
-          onLoadMore={this.handleLoadOlder}
-          onLoadPending={this.handleLoadPending}
-          onScrollToTop={this.handleScrollToTop}
-          onScroll={this.handleScroll}
-          bindToDocument={!multiColumn}
-        >
-          {scrollableContent}
-        </ScrollableList>
-      );
-    } else {
-      scrollContainer = <NotSignedInIndicator />;
-    }
-    let extraButton = null;
-    if (canMarkAsRead) {
-      extraButton = (
-        <button
-          aria-label={intl.formatMessage(messages.markAsRead)}
-          title={intl.formatMessage(messages.markAsRead)}
-          onClick={this.handleMarkAsRead}
-          className='column-header__button'
-        >
-          <Icon id='check' />
-        </button>
-      );
-    }
-    return (
-      <Column bindToDocument={!multiColumn} ref={this.setColumnRef} label={intl.formatMessage(messages.title)}>
-        <ColumnHeader
-          icon='bell'
-          active={isUnread}
-          title={intl.formatMessage(messages.title)}
-          onPin={this.handlePin}
-          onMove={this.handleMove}
-          onClick={this.handleHeaderClick}
-          pinned={pinned}
-          multiColumn={multiColumn}
-          extraButton={extraButton}
-        >
-          <ColumnSettingsContainer />
-        </ColumnHeader>
-        {filterBarContainer}
-        {scrollContainer}
-        <Helmet>
-          <title>{intl.formatMessage(messages.title)}</title>
-          <meta name='robots' content='noindex' />
-        </Helmet>
-      </Column>
-    );
-  }