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path: root/app/javascript/mastodon/locales/sk.json
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Diffstat (limited to 'app/javascript/mastodon/locales/sk.json')
1 files changed, 98 insertions, 24 deletions
diff --git a/app/javascript/mastodon/locales/sk.json b/app/javascript/mastodon/locales/sk.json
index 8aeb2aec6..f874b7522 100644
--- a/app/javascript/mastodon/locales/sk.json
+++ b/app/javascript/mastodon/locales/sk.json
@@ -1,4 +1,18 @@
+  "about.blocks": "Moderated servers",
+  "about.contact": "Contact:",
+  "about.disclaimer": "Mastodon is free, open-source software, and a trademark of Mastodon gGmbH.",
+  "about.domain_blocks.comment": "Reason",
+  "about.domain_blocks.domain": "Domain",
+  "about.domain_blocks.preamble": "Mastodon generally allows you to view content from and interact with users from any other server in the fediverse. These are the exceptions that have been made on this particular server.",
+  "about.domain_blocks.severity": "Severity",
+  "about.domain_blocks.silenced.explanation": "You will generally not see profiles and content from this server, unless you explicitly look it up or opt into it by following.",
+  "about.domain_blocks.silenced.title": "Limited",
+  "about.domain_blocks.suspended.explanation": "No data from this server will be processed, stored or exchanged, making any interaction or communication with users from this server impossible.",
+  "about.domain_blocks.suspended.title": "Suspended",
+  "about.not_available": "This information has not been made available on this server.",
+  "about.powered_by": "Decentralized social media powered by {mastodon}",
+  "about.rules": "Server rules",
   "account.account_note_header": "Poznámka",
   "account.add_or_remove_from_list": "Pridaj do, alebo odober zo zoznamov",
   "account.badges.bot": "Bot",
@@ -7,13 +21,16 @@
   "account.block_domain": "Ukry všetko z {domain}",
   "account.blocked": "Blokovaný/á",
   "account.browse_more_on_origin_server": "Prehľadávaj viac na pôvodnom profile",
-  "account.cancel_follow_request": "Zruš žiadosť o sledovanie",
+  "account.cancel_follow_request": "Withdraw follow request",
   "account.direct": "Priama správa pre @{name}",
   "account.disable_notifications": "Prestaň oznamovať, keď má príspevky @{name}",
   "account.domain_blocked": "Doména ukrytá",
   "account.edit_profile": "Uprav profil",
   "account.enable_notifications": "Oboznamuj ma, keď má @{name} príspevky",
   "account.endorse": "Zobrazuj na profile",
+  "account.featured_tags.last_status_at": "Last post on {date}",
+  "account.featured_tags.last_status_never": "No posts",
+  "account.featured_tags.title": "{name}'s featured hashtags",
   "account.follow": "Nasleduj",
   "account.followers": "Sledujúci",
   "account.followers.empty": "Tohto používateľa ešte nikto nenásleduje.",
@@ -22,13 +39,15 @@
   "account.following_counter": "{count, plural, one {{counter} Following} other {{counter} Following}}",
   "account.follows.empty": "Tento používateľ ešte nikoho nenasleduje.",
   "account.follows_you": "Nasleduje ťa",
+  "account.go_to_profile": "Go to profile",
   "account.hide_reblogs": "Skry vyzdvihnutia od @{name}",
-  "account.joined": "Pridal/a sa v {date}",
+  "account.joined_short": "Joined",
+  "account.languages": "Change subscribed languages",
   "account.link_verified_on": "Vlastníctvo tohto odkazu bolo skontrolované {date}",
   "account.locked_info": "Stav súkromia pre tento účet je nastavený na zamknutý. Jeho vlastník sám prehodnocuje, kto ho môže sledovať.",
   "account.media": "Médiá",
   "account.mention": "Spomeň @{name}",
-  "account.moved_to": "{name} sa presunul/a na:",
+  "account.moved_to": "{name} has indicated that their new account is now:",
   "account.mute": "Nevšímaj si @{name}",
   "account.mute_notifications": "Stĺm oboznámenia od @{name}",
   "account.muted": "Nevšímaný/á",
@@ -59,15 +78,27 @@
   "alert.unexpected.title": "Ups!",
   "announcement.announcement": "Oboznámenie",
   "attachments_list.unprocessed": "(nespracované)",
-  "audio.hide": "Hide audio",
+  "audio.hide": "Skry zvuk",
   "autosuggest_hashtag.per_week": "{count} týždenne",
   "boost_modal.combo": "Nabudúce môžeš kliknúť {combo} pre preskočenie",
-  "bundle_column_error.body": "Pri načítaní tohto prvku nastala nejaká chyba.",
+  "bundle_column_error.copy_stacktrace": "Copy error report",
+  "bundle_column_error.error.body": "The requested page could not be rendered. It could be due to a bug in our code, or a browser compatibility issue.",
+  "bundle_column_error.error.title": "Oh, no!",
+  "bundle_column_error.network.body": "There was an error when trying to load this page. This could be due to a temporary problem with your internet connection or this server.",
+  "bundle_column_error.network.title": "Network error",
   "bundle_column_error.retry": "Skús to znova",
-  "bundle_column_error.title": "Chyba siete",
+  "bundle_column_error.return": "Go back home",
+  "bundle_column_error.routing.body": "The requested page could not be found. Are you sure the URL in the address bar is correct?",
+  "bundle_column_error.routing.title": "404",
   "bundle_modal_error.close": "Zatvor",
   "bundle_modal_error.message": "Nastala chyba pri načítaní tohto komponentu.",
   "bundle_modal_error.retry": "Skúsiť znova",
+  "closed_registrations.other_server_instructions": "Since Mastodon is decentralized, you can create an account on another server and still interact with this one.",
+  "closed_registrations_modal.description": "Creating an account on {domain} is currently not possible, but please keep in mind that you do not need an account specifically on {domain} to use Mastodon.",
+  "closed_registrations_modal.find_another_server": "Find another server",
+  "closed_registrations_modal.preamble": "Mastodon is decentralized, so no matter where you create your account, you will be able to follow and interact with anyone on this server. You can even self-host it!",
+  "closed_registrations_modal.title": "Signing up on Mastodon",
+  "column.about": "About",
   "column.blocks": "Blokovaní užívatelia",
   "column.bookmarks": "Záložky",
   "column.community": "Miestna časová os",
@@ -120,6 +151,8 @@
   "confirmations.block.block_and_report": "Zablokuj a nahlás",
   "confirmations.block.confirm": "Blokuj",
   "confirmations.block.message": "Si si istý/á, že chceš blokovať {name}?",
+  "confirmations.cancel_follow_request.confirm": "Withdraw request",
+  "confirmations.cancel_follow_request.message": "Are you sure you want to withdraw your request to follow {name}?",
   "confirmations.delete.confirm": "Vymaž",
   "confirmations.delete.message": "Si si istý/á, že chceš vymazať túto správu?",
   "confirmations.delete_list.confirm": "Vymaž",
@@ -143,10 +176,20 @@
   "conversation.mark_as_read": "Označ za prečítané",
   "conversation.open": "Ukáž konverzáciu",
   "conversation.with": "S {names}",
+  "copypaste.copied": "Copied",
+  "copypaste.copy": "Copy",
   "directory.federated": "Zo známého fedivesmíru",
   "directory.local": "Iba z {domain}",
   "directory.new_arrivals": "Nové príchody",
   "directory.recently_active": "Nedávno aktívne",
+  "disabled_account_banner.account_settings": "Account settings",
+  "disabled_account_banner.text": "Your account {disabledAccount} is currently disabled.",
+  "dismissable_banner.community_timeline": "These are the most recent public posts from people whose accounts are hosted by {domain}.",
+  "dismissable_banner.dismiss": "Dismiss",
+  "dismissable_banner.explore_links": "These news stories are being talked about by people on this and other servers of the decentralized network right now.",
+  "dismissable_banner.explore_statuses": "These posts from this and other servers in the decentralized network are gaining traction on this server right now.",
+  "dismissable_banner.explore_tags": "These hashtags are gaining traction among people on this and other servers of the decentralized network right now.",
+  "dismissable_banner.public_timeline": "These are the most recent public posts from people on this and other servers of the decentralized network that this server knows about.",
   "embed.instructions": "Umiestni kód uvedený nižšie pre pridanie tohto statusu na tvoju web stránku.",
   "embed.preview": "Tu je ako to bude vyzerať:",
   "emoji_button.activity": "Aktivita",
@@ -202,12 +245,12 @@
   "filter_modal.added.expired_explanation": "This filter category has expired, you will need to change the expiration date for it to apply.",
   "filter_modal.added.expired_title": "Expired filter!",
   "filter_modal.added.review_and_configure": "To review and further configure this filter category, go to the {settings_link}.",
-  "filter_modal.added.review_and_configure_title": "Filter settings",
+  "filter_modal.added.review_and_configure_title": "Nastavenie triedenia",
   "filter_modal.added.settings_link": "settings page",
   "filter_modal.added.short_explanation": "This post has been added to the following filter category: {title}.",
-  "filter_modal.added.title": "Filter added!",
+  "filter_modal.added.title": "Triedenie pridané!",
   "filter_modal.select_filter.context_mismatch": "does not apply to this context",
-  "filter_modal.select_filter.expired": "expired",
+  "filter_modal.select_filter.expired": "vypršalo",
   "filter_modal.select_filter.prompt_new": "New category: {name}",
   "filter_modal.select_filter.search": "Search or create",
   "filter_modal.select_filter.subtitle": "Use an existing category or create a new one",
@@ -219,15 +262,15 @@
   "follow_request.authorize": "Povoľ prístup",
   "follow_request.reject": "Odmietni",
   "follow_requests.unlocked_explanation": "Síce Váš učet nie je uzamknutý, ale {domain} tím si myslel že môžete chcieť skontrolovať žiadosti o sledovanie z týchto účtov manuálne.",
+  "footer.about": "About",
+  "footer.directory": "Profiles directory",
+  "footer.get_app": "Get the app",
+  "footer.invite": "Invite people",
+  "footer.keyboard_shortcuts": "Keyboard shortcuts",
+  "footer.privacy_policy": "Privacy policy",
+  "footer.source_code": "View source code",
   "generic.saved": "Uložené",
-  "getting_started.developers": "Vývojári",
-  "getting_started.directory": "Zoznam profilov",
-  "getting_started.documentation": "Dokumentácia",
   "getting_started.heading": "Začni tu",
-  "getting_started.invite": "Pozvi ľudí",
-  "getting_started.open_source_notice": "Mastodon je softvér s otvoreným kódom. Nahlásiť chyby, alebo prispievať môžeš na GitHube v {github}.",
-  "getting_started.security": "Zabezpečenie",
-  "getting_started.terms": "Podmienky prevozu",
   "hashtag.column_header.tag_mode.all": "a {additional}",
   "hashtag.column_header.tag_mode.any": "alebo {additional}",
   "hashtag.column_header.tag_mode.none": "bez {additional}",
@@ -238,13 +281,24 @@
   "hashtag.column_settings.tag_mode.none": "Žiaden z týchto",
   "hashtag.column_settings.tag_toggle": "Vlož dodatočné haštagy pre tento stĺpec",
   "hashtag.follow": "Nasleduj haštag",
-  "hashtag.total_volume": "Total volume in the last {days, plural, one {day} other {{days} days}}",
   "hashtag.unfollow": "Nesleduj haštag",
   "home.column_settings.basic": "Základné",
   "home.column_settings.show_reblogs": "Ukáž vyzdvihnuté",
   "home.column_settings.show_replies": "Ukáž odpovede",
   "home.hide_announcements": "Skry oboznámenia",
   "home.show_announcements": "Ukáž oboznámenia",
+  "interaction_modal.description.favourite": "With an account on Mastodon, you can favourite this post to let the author know you appreciate it and save it for later.",
+  "interaction_modal.description.follow": "With an account on Mastodon, you can follow {name} to receive their posts in your home feed.",
+  "interaction_modal.description.reblog": "With an account on Mastodon, you can boost this post to share it with your own followers.",
+  "interaction_modal.description.reply": "With an account on Mastodon, you can respond to this post.",
+  "interaction_modal.on_another_server": "On a different server",
+  "interaction_modal.on_this_server": "On this server",
+  "interaction_modal.other_server_instructions": "Simply copy and paste this URL into the search bar of your favourite app or the web interface where you are signed in.",
+  "interaction_modal.preamble": "Since Mastodon is decentralized, you can use your existing account hosted by another Mastodon server or compatible platform if you don't have an account on this one.",
+  "interaction_modal.title.favourite": "Favourite {name}'s post",
+  "interaction_modal.title.follow": "Follow {name}",
+  "interaction_modal.title.reblog": "Boost {name}'s post",
+  "interaction_modal.title.reply": "Reply to {name}'s post",
   "intervals.full.days": "{number, plural, one {# deň} few {# dní} many {# dní} other {# dní}}",
   "intervals.full.hours": "{number, plural, one {# hodina} few {# hodín} many {# hodín} other {# hodín}}",
   "intervals.full.minutes": "{number, plural, one {# minúta} few {# minút} many {# minút} other {# minút}}",
@@ -288,7 +342,7 @@
   "lightbox.next": "Ďalšie",
   "lightbox.previous": "Predchádzajúci",
   "limited_account_hint.action": "Ukáž profil aj tak",
-  "limited_account_hint.title": "Tento profil bol ukrytý správcami tvojho servera.",
+  "limited_account_hint.title": "This profile has been hidden by the moderators of {domain}.",
   "lists.account.add": "Pridaj do zoznamu",
   "lists.account.remove": "Odober zo zoznamu",
   "lists.delete": "Vymaž list",
@@ -307,10 +361,11 @@
   "media_gallery.toggle_visible": "Zapni/Vypni viditeľnosť",
   "missing_indicator.label": "Nenájdené",
   "missing_indicator.sublabel": "Tento zdroj sa ešte nepodarilo nájsť",
+  "moved_to_account_banner.text": "Your account {disabledAccount} is currently disabled because you moved to {movedToAccount}.",
   "mute_modal.duration": "Trvanie",
   "mute_modal.hide_notifications": "Skry oznámenia od tohto používateľa?",
   "mute_modal.indefinite": "Bez obmedzenia",
-  "navigation_bar.apps": "Aplikácie",
+  "navigation_bar.about": "About",
   "navigation_bar.blocks": "Blokovaní užívatelia",
   "navigation_bar.bookmarks": "Záložky",
   "navigation_bar.community_timeline": "Miestna časová os",
@@ -324,8 +379,6 @@
   "navigation_bar.filters": "Filtrované slová",
   "navigation_bar.follow_requests": "Žiadosti o sledovanie",
   "navigation_bar.follows_and_followers": "Sledovania a následovatelia",
-  "navigation_bar.info": "O tomto serveri",
-  "navigation_bar.keyboard_shortcuts": "Klávesové skratky",
   "navigation_bar.lists": "Zoznamy",
   "navigation_bar.logout": "Odhlás sa",
   "navigation_bar.mutes": "Stíšení užívatelia",
@@ -333,7 +386,9 @@
   "navigation_bar.pins": "Pripnuté príspevky",
   "navigation_bar.preferences": "Nastavenia",
   "navigation_bar.public_timeline": "Federovaná časová os",
+  "navigation_bar.search": "Search",
   "navigation_bar.security": "Zabezbečenie",
+  "not_signed_in_indicator.not_signed_in": "You need to sign in to access this resource.",
   "notification.admin.report": "{name} nahlásil/a {target}",
   "notification.admin.sign_up": "{name} sa zaregistroval/a",
   "notification.favourite": "{name} si obľúbil/a tvoj príspevok",
@@ -401,9 +456,11 @@
   "privacy.public.short": "Verejné",
   "privacy.unlisted.long": "Visible for all, but opted-out of discovery features",
   "privacy.unlisted.short": "Verejne, ale nezobraziť v osi",
+  "privacy_policy.last_updated": "Last updated {date}",
+  "privacy_policy.title": "Privacy Policy",
   "refresh": "Obnoviť",
   "regeneration_indicator.label": "Načítava sa…",
-  "regeneration_indicator.sublabel": "Vaša nástenka sa pripravuje!",
+  "regeneration_indicator.sublabel": "Tvoja domovská nástenka sa pripravuje!",
   "relative_time.days": "{number}dní",
   "relative_time.full.days": "{number, plural, one {# day} other {# days}} ago",
   "relative_time.full.hours": "{number, plural, one {# hour} other {# hours}} ago",
@@ -459,6 +516,7 @@
   "report_notification.categories.violation": "Rule violation",
   "report_notification.open": "Open report",
   "search.placeholder": "Hľadaj",
+  "search.search_or_paste": "Search or paste URL",
   "search_popout.search_format": "Pokročilé vyhľadávanie",
   "search_popout.tips.full_text": "Vráti jednoduchý textový výpis príspevkov ktoré si napísal/a, ktoré si obľúbil/a, povýšil/a, alebo aj tých, v ktorých si bol/a spomenutý/á, a potom všetky zadaniu odpovedajúce prezývky, mená a haštagy.",
   "search_popout.tips.hashtag": "haštag",
@@ -471,7 +529,17 @@
   "search_results.nothing_found": "Could not find anything for these search terms",
   "search_results.statuses": "Príspevky",
   "search_results.statuses_fts_disabled": "Vyhľadávanie v obsahu príspevkov nieje na tomto Mastodon serveri povolené.",
+  "search_results.title": "Search for {q}",
   "search_results.total": "{count, number} {count, plural, one {výsledok} many {výsledkov} other {výsledky}}",
+  "server_banner.about_active_users": "People using this server during the last 30 days (Monthly Active Users)",
+  "server_banner.active_users": "active users",
+  "server_banner.administered_by": "Administered by:",
+  "server_banner.introduction": "{domain} is part of the decentralized social network powered by {mastodon}.",
+  "server_banner.learn_more": "Learn more",
+  "server_banner.server_stats": "Server stats:",
+  "sign_in_banner.create_account": "Create account",
+  "sign_in_banner.sign_in": "Sign in",
+  "sign_in_banner.text": "Sign in to follow profiles or hashtags, favourite, share and reply to posts, or interact from your account on a different server.",
   "status.admin_account": "Otvor moderovacie rozhranie užívateľa @{name}",
   "status.admin_status": "Otvor tento príspevok v moderovacom rozhraní",
   "status.block": "Blokuj @{name}",
@@ -508,6 +576,7 @@
   "status.reblogs.empty": "Nikto ešte nevyzdvihol tento príspevok. Keď tak niekto urobí, bude to zobrazené práve tu.",
   "status.redraft": "Vymaž a prepíš",
   "status.remove_bookmark": "Odstráň záložku",
+  "status.replied_to": "Replied to {name}",
   "status.reply": "Odpovedať",
   "status.replyAll": "Odpovedz na diskusiu",
   "status.report": "Nahlás @{name}",
@@ -518,17 +587,21 @@
   "status.show_less_all": "Všetkým ukáž menej",
   "status.show_more": "Ukáž viac",
   "status.show_more_all": "Všetkým ukáž viac",
-  "status.show_thread": "Ukáž diskusné vlákno",
+  "status.show_original": "Show original",
+  "status.translate": "Translate",
+  "status.translated_from_with": "Translated from {lang} using {provider}",
   "status.uncached_media_warning": "Nedostupný/é",
   "status.unmute_conversation": "Prestaň si nevšímať konverzáciu",
   "status.unpin": "Odopni z profilu",
+  "subscribed_languages.lead": "Only posts in selected languages will appear on your home and list timelines after the change. Select none to receive posts in all languages.",
+  "subscribed_languages.save": "Save changes",
+  "subscribed_languages.target": "Change subscribed languages for {target}",
   "suggestions.dismiss": "Zavrhni návrh",
   "suggestions.header": "Mohlo by ťa zaujímať…",
   "tabs_bar.federated_timeline": "Federovaná",
   "tabs_bar.home": "Domov",
   "tabs_bar.local_timeline": "Miestna",
   "tabs_bar.notifications": "Oboznámenia",
-  "tabs_bar.search": "Hľadaj",
   "time_remaining.days": "Ostáva {number, plural, one {# deň} few {# dní} many {# dní} other {# dní}}",
   "time_remaining.hours": "Ostáva {number, plural, one {# hodina} few {# hodín} many {# hodín} other {# hodiny}}",
   "time_remaining.minutes": "Ostáva {number, plural, one {# minúta} few {# minút} many {# minút} other {# minúty}}",
@@ -566,6 +639,7 @@
   "upload_modal.preparing_ocr": "Pripravujem OCR…",
   "upload_modal.preview_label": "Náhľad ({ratio})",
   "upload_progress.label": "Nahráva sa...",
+  "upload_progress.processing": "Processing…",
   "video.close": "Zavri video",
   "video.download": "Stiahni súbor",
   "video.exit_fullscreen": "Vypni zobrazenie na celú obrazovku",