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path: root/app/javascript/mastodon/locales/sl.json
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Diffstat (limited to 'app/javascript/mastodon/locales/sl.json')
1 files changed, 165 insertions, 165 deletions
diff --git a/app/javascript/mastodon/locales/sl.json b/app/javascript/mastodon/locales/sl.json
index 202dc4bd0..69b416258 100644
--- a/app/javascript/mastodon/locales/sl.json
+++ b/app/javascript/mastodon/locales/sl.json
@@ -1,143 +1,143 @@
-  "account.badges.bot": "Bot",
+  "account.badges.bot": "Robot",
   "account.block": "Blokiraj @{name}",
   "account.block_domain": "Skrij vse iz {domain}",
   "account.blocked": "Blokirano",
   "account.direct": "Neposredno sporočilo @{name}",
-  "account.disclaimer_full": "Information below may reflect the user's profile incompletely.",
-  "account.domain_blocked": "Domain hidden",
-  "account.edit_profile": "Edit profile",
-  "account.follow": "Follow",
-  "account.followers": "Followers",
-  "account.follows": "Follows",
-  "account.follows_you": "Follows you",
-  "account.hide_reblogs": "Hide boosts from @{name}",
-  "account.media": "Media",
-  "account.mention": "Mention @{name}",
-  "account.moved_to": "{name} has moved to:",
-  "account.mute": "Mute @{name}",
-  "account.mute_notifications": "Mute notifications from @{name}",
-  "account.muted": "Muted",
-  "account.posts": "Toots",
-  "account.posts_with_replies": "Toots and replies",
-  "account.report": "Report @{name}",
-  "account.requested": "Awaiting approval. Click to cancel follow request",
-  "account.share": "Share @{name}'s profile",
-  "account.show_reblogs": "Show boosts from @{name}",
-  "account.unblock": "Unblock @{name}",
-  "account.unblock_domain": "Unhide {domain}",
-  "account.unfollow": "Unfollow",
-  "account.unmute": "Unmute @{name}",
-  "account.unmute_notifications": "Unmute notifications from @{name}",
-  "account.view_full_profile": "View full profile",
-  "alert.unexpected.message": "An unexpected error occurred.",
-  "alert.unexpected.title": "Oops!",
-  "boost_modal.combo": "You can press {combo} to skip this next time",
-  "bundle_column_error.body": "Something went wrong while loading this component.",
-  "bundle_column_error.retry": "Try again",
-  "bundle_column_error.title": "Network error",
-  "bundle_modal_error.close": "Close",
-  "bundle_modal_error.message": "Something went wrong while loading this component.",
-  "bundle_modal_error.retry": "Try again",
-  "column.blocks": "Blocked users",
-  "column.community": "Local timeline",
-  "column.direct": "Direct messages",
-  "column.domain_blocks": "Hidden domains",
-  "column.favourites": "Favourites",
-  "column.follow_requests": "Follow requests",
-  "column.home": "Home",
-  "column.lists": "Lists",
-  "column.mutes": "Muted users",
-  "column.notifications": "Notifications",
-  "column.pins": "Pinned toot",
-  "column.public": "Federated timeline",
-  "column_back_button.label": "Back",
-  "column_header.hide_settings": "Hide settings",
-  "column_header.moveLeft_settings": "Move column to the left",
-  "column_header.moveRight_settings": "Move column to the right",
-  "column_header.pin": "Pin",
-  "column_header.show_settings": "Show settings",
-  "column_header.unpin": "Unpin",
-  "column_subheading.navigation": "Navigation",
-  "column_subheading.settings": "Settings",
-  "compose_form.direct_message_warning": "This toot will only be visible to all the mentioned users.",
-  "compose_form.hashtag_warning": "This toot won't be listed under any hashtag as it is unlisted. Only public toots can be searched by hashtag.",
-  "compose_form.lock_disclaimer": "Your account is not {locked}. Anyone can follow you to view your follower-only posts.",
-  "compose_form.lock_disclaimer.lock": "locked",
-  "compose_form.placeholder": "What is on your mind?",
-  "compose_form.publish": "Toot",
+  "account.disclaimer_full": "Spodnje informacije lahko nepopolno prikazujejo profil uporabnika.",
+  "account.domain_blocked": "Skrita domena",
+  "account.edit_profile": "Uredi profil",
+  "account.follow": "Sledi",
+  "account.followers": "Sledilci",
+  "account.follows": "Sledi",
+  "account.follows_you": "Ti sledi",
+  "account.hide_reblogs": "Skrij napuhke od @{name}",
+  "account.media": "Mediji",
+  "account.mention": "Omeni @{name}",
+  "account.moved_to": "{name} se je premaknil na:",
+  "account.mute": "Utišaj @{name}",
+  "account.mute_notifications": "Utišaj obvestila od @{name}",
+  "account.muted": "Utišan",
+  "account.posts": "Tuti",
+  "account.posts_with_replies": "Tuti in odgovori",
+  "account.report": "Prijavi @{name}",
+  "account.requested": "Čakanje na odobritev. Kliknite, da prekličete prošnjo za sledenje",
+  "account.share": "Delite profil osebe @{name}",
+  "account.show_reblogs": "Pokaži delitve osebe @{name}",
+  "account.unblock": "Odblokiraj @{name}",
+  "account.unblock_domain": "Razkrij {domain}",
+  "account.unfollow": "Prenehaj slediti",
+  "account.unmute": "Odtišaj @{name}",
+  "account.unmute_notifications": "Vklopi obvestila od @{name}",
+  "account.view_full_profile": "Ogled celotnega profila",
+  "alert.unexpected.message": "Zgodila se je nepričakovana napaka.",
+  "alert.unexpected.title": "Uups!",
+  "boost_modal.combo": "Če želite naslednjič preskočiti to, lahko pritisnete {combo}",
+  "bundle_column_error.body": "Med nalaganjem te komponente je prišlo do napake.",
+  "bundle_column_error.retry": "Poskusi ponovno",
+  "bundle_column_error.title": "Napaka omrežja",
+  "bundle_modal_error.close": "Zapri",
+  "bundle_modal_error.message": "Med nalaganjem te komponente je prišlo do napake.",
+  "bundle_modal_error.retry": "Poskusi ponovno",
+  "column.blocks": "Blokirani uporabniki",
+  "column.community": "Lokalna časovnica",
+  "column.direct": "Neposredna sporočila",
+  "column.domain_blocks": "Skrite domene",
+  "column.favourites": "Priljubljene",
+  "column.follow_requests": "Sledi prošnjam",
+  "column.home": "Domov",
+  "column.lists": "Seznami",
+  "column.mutes": "Utišani uporabniki",
+  "column.notifications": "Obvestila",
+  "column.pins": "Pripeti tuti",
+  "column.public": "Združena časovnica",
+  "column_back_button.label": "Nazaj",
+  "column_header.hide_settings": "Skrij nastavitve",
+  "column_header.moveLeft_settings": "Premakni stolpec na levo",
+  "column_header.moveRight_settings": "Premakni stolpec na desno",
+  "column_header.pin": "Pripni",
+  "column_header.show_settings": "Prikaži nastavitve",
+  "column_header.unpin": "Odpni",
+  "column_subheading.navigation": "Navigacija",
+  "column_subheading.settings": "Nastavitve",
+  "compose_form.direct_message_warning": "Ta tut bo viden le vsem omenjenim uporabnikom.",
+  "compose_form.hashtag_warning": "Ta tut ne bo naveden pod nobenim hashtagom, ker ni dodan hashtag. Samo javne tute lahko iščete pod hashtagom.",
+  "compose_form.lock_disclaimer": "Vaš račun ni {locked}. Vsakdo vam lahko sledi in si ogleda objave, ki so namenjene samo sledilcem.",
+  "compose_form.lock_disclaimer.lock": "zaklenjen",
+  "compose_form.placeholder": "O čem razmišljaš?",
+  "compose_form.publish": "Tutni",
   "compose_form.publish_loud": "{publish}!",
-  "compose_form.sensitive.marked": "Media is marked as sensitive",
-  "compose_form.sensitive.unmarked": "Media is not marked as sensitive",
-  "compose_form.spoiler.marked": "Text is hidden behind warning",
-  "compose_form.spoiler.unmarked": "Text is not hidden",
-  "compose_form.spoiler_placeholder": "Write your warning here",
-  "confirmation_modal.cancel": "Cancel",
+  "compose_form.sensitive.marked": "Medij je označen kot občutljiv",
+  "compose_form.sensitive.unmarked": "Medij ni označen kot občutljiv",
+  "compose_form.spoiler.marked": "Besedilo je skrito za opozorilom",
+  "compose_form.spoiler.unmarked": "Besedilo ni skrito",
+  "compose_form.spoiler_placeholder": "Napišite opozorilo tukaj",
+  "confirmation_modal.cancel": "Prekliči",
   "confirmations.block.confirm": "Block",
-  "confirmations.block.message": "Are you sure you want to block {name}?",
+  "confirmations.block.message": "Ali ste prepričani, da želite blokirati {name}?",
   "confirmations.delete.confirm": "Delete",
-  "confirmations.delete.message": "Are you sure you want to delete this status?",
+  "confirmations.delete.message": "Ali ste prepričani, da želite izbrisati to stanje?",
   "confirmations.delete_list.confirm": "Delete",
-  "confirmations.delete_list.message": "Are you sure you want to permanently delete this list?",
-  "confirmations.domain_block.confirm": "Hide entire domain",
-  "confirmations.domain_block.message": "Are you really, really sure you want to block the entire {domain}? In most cases a few targeted blocks or mutes are sufficient and preferable.",
-  "confirmations.mute.confirm": "Mute",
-  "confirmations.mute.message": "Are you sure you want to mute {name}?",
-  "confirmations.unfollow.confirm": "Unfollow",
-  "confirmations.unfollow.message": "Are you sure you want to unfollow {name}?",
-  "embed.instructions": "Embed this status on your website by copying the code below.",
-  "embed.preview": "Here is what it will look like:",
-  "emoji_button.activity": "Activity",
-  "emoji_button.custom": "Custom",
-  "emoji_button.flags": "Flags",
-  "emoji_button.food": "Food & Drink",
-  "emoji_button.label": "Insert emoji",
-  "emoji_button.nature": "Nature",
-  "emoji_button.not_found": "No emojos!! (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻",
-  "emoji_button.objects": "Objects",
-  "emoji_button.people": "People",
-  "emoji_button.recent": "Frequently used",
-  "emoji_button.search": "Search...",
-  "emoji_button.search_results": "Search results",
-  "emoji_button.symbols": "Symbols",
-  "emoji_button.travel": "Travel & Places",
-  "empty_column.community": "The local timeline is empty. Write something publicly to get the ball rolling!",
-  "empty_column.direct": "You don't have any direct messages yet. When you send or receive one, it will show up here.",
-  "empty_column.hashtag": "There is nothing in this hashtag yet.",
-  "empty_column.home": "Your home timeline is empty! Visit {public} or use search to get started and meet other users.",
-  "empty_column.home.public_timeline": "the public timeline",
-  "empty_column.list": "There is nothing in this list yet. When members of this list post new statuses, they will appear here.",
-  "empty_column.notifications": "You don't have any notifications yet. Interact with others to start the conversation.",
-  "empty_column.public": "There is nothing here! Write something publicly, or manually follow users from other instances to fill it up",
-  "follow_request.authorize": "Authorize",
-  "follow_request.reject": "Reject",
-  "getting_started.appsshort": "Apps",
+  "confirmations.delete_list.message": "Ali ste prepričani, da želite trajno izbrisati ta seznam?",
+  "confirmations.domain_block.confirm": "Skrij celotno domeno",
+  "confirmations.domain_block.message": "Ali ste res, res prepričani, da želite blokirati celotno {domain}? V večini primerov je nekaj ciljnih blokiranj ali utišanj dovolj in boljše.",
+  "confirmations.mute.confirm": "Utišanje",
+  "confirmations.mute.message": "Ali ste prepričani, da želite utišati {name}?",
+  "confirmations.unfollow.confirm": "Prenehaj slediti",
+  "confirmations.unfollow.message": "Ali ste prepričani, da ne želite več slediti {name}?",
+  "embed.instructions": "Vstavi ta status na svojo spletno stran tako, da kopirate spodnjo kodo.",
+  "embed.preview": "Tukaj je, kako bo izgledalo:",
+  "emoji_button.activity": "Dejavnost",
+  "emoji_button.custom": "Po meri",
+  "emoji_button.flags": "Zastave",
+  "emoji_button.food": "Hrana in Pijača",
+  "emoji_button.label": "Vstavi emojija",
+  "emoji_button.nature": "Narava",
+  "emoji_button.not_found": "Ni emojijev!! (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻",
+  "emoji_button.objects": "Predmeti",
+  "emoji_button.people": "Ljudje",
+  "emoji_button.recent": "Pogosto uporabljeni",
+  "emoji_button.search": "Poišči...",
+  "emoji_button.search_results": "Rezultati iskanja",
+  "emoji_button.symbols": "Simboli",
+  "emoji_button.travel": "Potovanja in Kraji",
+  "empty_column.community": "Lokalna časovnica je prazna. Napišite nekaj javnega, da se bo žoga zakotalila!",
+  "empty_column.direct": "Nimate še nobenih neposrednih sporočil. Ko ga pošljete ali prejmete, se prikaže tukaj.",
+  "empty_column.hashtag": "V tem hashtagu še ni nič.",
+  "empty_column.home": "Vaša domača časovnica je prazna! Obiščite {public} ali uporabite iskanje, da se boste srečali druge uporabnike.",
+  "empty_column.home.public_timeline": "javna časovnica",
+  "empty_column.list": "Na tem seznamu ni ničesar. Ko bodo člani tega seznama objavili nove statuse, se bodo pojavili tukaj.",
+  "empty_column.notifications": "Nimate še nobenih obvestil. Poveži se z drugimi, da začnete pogovor.",
+  "empty_column.public": "Tukaj ni ničesar! Da ga napolnite, napišite nekaj javnega ali pa ročno sledite uporabnikom iz drugih vozlišč",
+  "follow_request.authorize": "Odobri",
+  "follow_request.reject": "Zavrni",
+  "getting_started.appsshort": "Aplikacije",
   "getting_started.faq": "FAQ",
-  "getting_started.heading": "Getting started",
-  "getting_started.open_source_notice": "Mastodon is open source software. You can contribute or report issues on GitHub at {github}.",
-  "getting_started.userguide": "User Guide",
-  "home.column_settings.advanced": "Advanced",
-  "home.column_settings.basic": "Basic",
-  "home.column_settings.filter_regex": "Filter out by regular expressions",
-  "home.column_settings.show_reblogs": "Show boosts",
-  "home.column_settings.show_replies": "Show replies",
-  "home.settings": "Column settings",
-  "keyboard_shortcuts.back": "to navigate back",
-  "keyboard_shortcuts.boost": "to boost",
-  "keyboard_shortcuts.column": "to focus a status in one of the columns",
-  "keyboard_shortcuts.compose": "to focus the compose textarea",
-  "keyboard_shortcuts.description": "Description",
-  "keyboard_shortcuts.down": "to move down in the list",
-  "keyboard_shortcuts.enter": "to open status",
+  "getting_started.heading": "Prvi koraki",
+  "getting_started.open_source_notice": "Mastodon je odprtokodna programska oprema. V GitHubu na {github} lahko prispevate ali poročate o napakah.",
+  "getting_started.userguide": "Navodila za uporabo",
+  "home.column_settings.advanced": "Napredno",
+  "home.column_settings.basic": "Osnovno",
+  "home.column_settings.filter_regex": "Filtrirajte z navadnimi izrazi",
+  "home.column_settings.show_reblogs": "Pokaži sunke",
+  "home.column_settings.show_replies": "Pokaži odgovore",
+  "home.settings": "Nastavitve stolpcev",
+  "keyboard_shortcuts.back": "za krmarjenje nazaj",
+  "keyboard_shortcuts.boost": "suniti",
+  "keyboard_shortcuts.column": "osredotočiti status v enega od stolpcev",
+  "keyboard_shortcuts.compose": "osredotočiti na sestavljanje besedila",
+  "keyboard_shortcuts.description": "Opis",
+  "keyboard_shortcuts.down": "premakniti navzdol po seznamu",
+  "keyboard_shortcuts.enter": "odpreti status",
   "keyboard_shortcuts.favourite": "to favourite",
-  "keyboard_shortcuts.heading": "Keyboard Shortcuts",
-  "keyboard_shortcuts.hotkey": "Hotkey",
+  "keyboard_shortcuts.heading": "Tipkovne bližnjice",
+  "keyboard_shortcuts.hotkey": "Hitra tipka",
   "keyboard_shortcuts.legend": "to display this legend",
   "keyboard_shortcuts.mention": "to mention author",
   "keyboard_shortcuts.reply": "to reply",
   "keyboard_shortcuts.search": "to focus search",
   "keyboard_shortcuts.toggle_hidden": "to show/hide text behind CW",
-  "keyboard_shortcuts.toot": "to start a brand new toot",
+  "keyboard_shortcuts.toot": "da začnete povsem nov tut",
   "keyboard_shortcuts.unfocus": "to un-focus compose textarea/search",
   "keyboard_shortcuts.up": "to move up in the list",
   "lightbox.close": "Close",
@@ -163,12 +163,12 @@
   "navigation_bar.edit_profile": "Edit profile",
   "navigation_bar.favourites": "Favourites",
   "navigation_bar.follow_requests": "Follow requests",
-  "navigation_bar.info": "Extended information",
+  "navigation_bar.info": "O tem vozlišču",
   "navigation_bar.keyboard_shortcuts": "Keyboard shortcuts",
   "navigation_bar.lists": "Lists",
   "navigation_bar.logout": "Logout",
   "navigation_bar.mutes": "Muted users",
-  "navigation_bar.pins": "Pinned toots",
+  "navigation_bar.pins": "Pripeti tuti",
   "navigation_bar.preferences": "Preferences",
   "navigation_bar.public_timeline": "Federated timeline",
   "notification.favourite": "{name} favourited your status",
@@ -197,7 +197,7 @@
   "onboarding.page_one.welcome": "Welcome to Mastodon!",
   "onboarding.page_six.admin": "Your instance's admin is {admin}.",
   "onboarding.page_six.almost_done": "Almost done...",
-  "onboarding.page_six.appetoot": "Bon Appetoot!",
+  "onboarding.page_six.appetoot": "Bon Appetut!",
   "onboarding.page_six.apps_available": "There are {apps} available for iOS, Android and other platforms.",
   "onboarding.page_six.github": "Mastodon is free open-source software. You can report bugs, request features, or contribute to the code on {github}.",
   "onboarding.page_six.guidelines": "community guidelines",
@@ -239,7 +239,7 @@
   "search_popout.tips.user": "user",
   "search_results.accounts": "People",
   "search_results.hashtags": "Hashtags",
-  "search_results.statuses": "Toots",
+  "search_results.statuses": "Tuti",
   "search_results.total": "{count, number} {count, plural, one {result} other {results}}",
   "standalone.public_title": "A look inside...",
   "status.block": "Block @{name}",
@@ -257,41 +257,41 @@
   "status.mute_conversation": "Mute conversation",
   "status.open": "Expand this status",
   "status.pin": "Pin on profile",
-  "status.pinned": "Pinned toot",
-  "status.reblog": "Boost",
-  "status.reblog_private": "Boost to original audience",
-  "status.reblogged_by": "{name} boosted",
-  "status.reply": "Reply",
-  "status.replyAll": "Reply to thread",
-  "status.report": "Report @{name}",
-  "status.sensitive_toggle": "Click to view",
-  "status.sensitive_warning": "Sensitive content",
-  "status.share": "Share",
-  "status.show_less": "Show less",
-  "status.show_less_all": "Show less for all",
-  "status.show_more": "Show more",
-  "status.show_more_all": "Show more for all",
-  "status.unmute_conversation": "Unmute conversation",
-  "status.unpin": "Unpin from profile",
-  "tabs_bar.federated_timeline": "Federated",
-  "tabs_bar.home": "Home",
-  "tabs_bar.local_timeline": "Local",
-  "tabs_bar.notifications": "Notifications",
-  "tabs_bar.search": "Search",
-  "ui.beforeunload": "Your draft will be lost if you leave Mastodon.",
-  "upload_area.title": "Drag & drop to upload",
-  "upload_button.label": "Add media",
-  "upload_form.description": "Describe for the visually impaired",
-  "upload_form.focus": "Crop",
-  "upload_form.undo": "Undo",
-  "upload_progress.label": "Uploading...",
-  "video.close": "Close video",
-  "video.exit_fullscreen": "Exit full screen",
-  "video.expand": "Expand video",
-  "video.fullscreen": "Full screen",
-  "video.hide": "Hide video",
-  "video.mute": "Mute sound",
-  "video.pause": "Pause",
-  "video.play": "Play",
-  "video.unmute": "Unmute sound"
+  "status.pinned": "Pripeti tut",
+  "status.reblog": "Suni",
+  "status.reblog_private": "Suni v prvotno občinstvo",
+  "status.reblogged_by": "{name} sunjen",
+  "status.reply": "Odgovori",
+  "status.replyAll": "Odgovori na objavo",
+  "status.report": "Prijavi @{name}",
+  "status.sensitive_toggle": "Kliknite za ogled",
+  "status.sensitive_warning": "Občutljiva vsebina",
+  "status.share": "Deli",
+  "status.show_less": "Prikaži manj",
+  "status.show_less_all": "Prikaži manj za vse",
+  "status.show_more": "Prikaži več",
+  "status.show_more_all": "Prikaži več za vse",
+  "status.unmute_conversation": "Odtišaj pogovor",
+  "status.unpin": "Odpni iz profila",
+  "tabs_bar.federated_timeline": "Združeno",
+  "tabs_bar.home": "Domov",
+  "tabs_bar.local_timeline": "Lokalno",
+  "tabs_bar.notifications": "Obvestila",
+  "tabs_bar.search": "Poišči",
+  "ui.beforeunload": "Vaš osnutek bo izgubljen, če zapustite Mastodona.",
+  "upload_area.title": "Povlecite in spustite za pošiljanje",
+  "upload_button.label": "Dodaj medij",
+  "upload_form.description": "Opišite za slabovidne",
+  "upload_form.focus": "Obreži",
+  "upload_form.undo": "Izbriši",
+  "upload_progress.label": "Pošiljanje...",
+  "video.close": "Zapri video",
+  "video.exit_fullscreen": "Izhod iz celozaslonskega načina",
+  "video.expand": "Razširi video",
+  "video.fullscreen": "Celozaslonski način",
+  "video.hide": "Skrij video",
+  "video.mute": "Utišaj zvok",
+  "video.pause": "Premor",
+  "video.play": "Predvajaj",
+  "video.unmute": "Vklopi zvok"