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path: root/app/lib/admin/metrics/dimension
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Diffstat (limited to 'app/lib/admin/metrics/dimension')
6 files changed, 239 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/app/lib/admin/metrics/dimension/base_dimension.rb b/app/lib/admin/metrics/dimension/base_dimension.rb
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..8ed8d7683
--- /dev/null
+++ b/app/lib/admin/metrics/dimension/base_dimension.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+# frozen_string_literal: true
+class Admin::Metrics::Dimension::BaseDimension
+  def initialize(start_at, end_at, limit)
+    @start_at = start_at&.to_datetime
+    @end_at   = end_at&.to_datetime
+    @limit    = limit&.to_i
+  end
+  def key
+    raise NotImplementedError
+  end
+  def data
+    raise NotImplementedError
+  end
+  def self.model_name
+    self.class.name
+  end
+  def read_attribute_for_serialization(key)
+    send(key) if respond_to?(key)
+  end
+  protected
+  def time_period
+    (@start_at...@end_at)
+  end
diff --git a/app/lib/admin/metrics/dimension/languages_dimension.rb b/app/lib/admin/metrics/dimension/languages_dimension.rb
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..2d0ac124e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/app/lib/admin/metrics/dimension/languages_dimension.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+# frozen_string_literal: true
+class Admin::Metrics::Dimension::LanguagesDimension < Admin::Metrics::Dimension::BaseDimension
+  def key
+    'languages'
+  end
+  def data
+    sql = <<-SQL.squish
+      SELECT locale, count(*) AS value
+      FROM users
+      WHERE current_sign_in_at BETWEEN $1 AND $2
+        AND locale IS NOT NULL
+      GROUP BY locale
+      ORDER BY count(*) DESC
+      LIMIT $3
+    SQL
+    rows = ActiveRecord::Base.connection.select_all(sql, nil, [[nil, @start_at], [nil, @end_at], [nil, @limit]])
+    rows.map { |row| { key: row['locale'], human_key: SettingsHelper::HUMAN_LOCALES[row['locale'].to_sym], value: row['value'].to_s } }
+  end
diff --git a/app/lib/admin/metrics/dimension/servers_dimension.rb b/app/lib/admin/metrics/dimension/servers_dimension.rb
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..3e80b6625
--- /dev/null
+++ b/app/lib/admin/metrics/dimension/servers_dimension.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+# frozen_string_literal: true
+class Admin::Metrics::Dimension::ServersDimension < Admin::Metrics::Dimension::BaseDimension
+  def key
+    'servers'
+  end
+  def data
+    sql = <<-SQL.squish
+      SELECT accounts.domain, count(*) AS value
+      FROM statuses
+      INNER JOIN accounts ON accounts.id = statuses.account_id
+      WHERE statuses.id BETWEEN $1 AND $2
+      GROUP BY accounts.domain
+      ORDER BY count(*) DESC
+      LIMIT $3
+    SQL
+    rows = ActiveRecord::Base.connection.select_all(sql, nil, [[nil, Mastodon::Snowflake.id_at(@start_at)], [nil, Mastodon::Snowflake.id_at(@end_at)], [nil, @limit]])
+    rows.map { |row| { key: row['domain'] || Rails.configuration.x.local_domain, human_key: row['domain'] || Rails.configuration.x.local_domain, value: row['value'].to_s } }
+  end
diff --git a/app/lib/admin/metrics/dimension/software_versions_dimension.rb b/app/lib/admin/metrics/dimension/software_versions_dimension.rb
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..34917404d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/app/lib/admin/metrics/dimension/software_versions_dimension.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,69 @@
+# frozen_string_literal: true
+class Admin::Metrics::Dimension::SoftwareVersionsDimension < Admin::Metrics::Dimension::BaseDimension
+  include Redisable
+  def key
+    'software_versions'
+  end
+  def data
+    [mastodon_version, ruby_version, postgresql_version, redis_version]
+  end
+  private
+  def mastodon_version
+    value = Mastodon::Version.to_s
+    {
+      key: 'mastodon',
+      human_key: 'Mastodon',
+      value: value,
+      human_value: value,
+    }
+  end
+  def ruby_version
+    {
+      key: 'ruby',
+      human_key: 'Ruby',
+      value: value,
+      human_value: value,
+    }
+  end
+  def postgresql_version
+    value = ActiveRecord::Base.connection.execute('SELECT VERSION()').first['version'].match(/\A(?:PostgreSQL |)([^\s]+).*\z/)[1]
+    {
+      key: 'postgresql',
+      human_key: 'PostgreSQL',
+      value: value,
+      human_value: value,
+    }
+  end
+  def redis_version
+    value = redis_info['redis_version']
+    {
+      key: 'redis',
+      human_key: 'Redis',
+      value: value,
+      human_value: value,
+    }
+  end
+  def redis_info
+    @redis_info ||= begin
+      if redis.is_a?(Redis::Namespace)
+        redis.redis.info
+      else
+        redis.info
+      end
+    end
+  end
diff --git a/app/lib/admin/metrics/dimension/sources_dimension.rb b/app/lib/admin/metrics/dimension/sources_dimension.rb
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..a9f061809
--- /dev/null
+++ b/app/lib/admin/metrics/dimension/sources_dimension.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+# frozen_string_literal: true
+class Admin::Metrics::Dimension::SourcesDimension < Admin::Metrics::Dimension::BaseDimension
+  def key
+    'sources'
+  end
+  def data
+    sql = <<-SQL.squish
+      SELECT oauth_applications.name, count(*) AS value
+      FROM users
+      LEFT JOIN oauth_applications ON oauth_applications.id = users.created_by_application_id
+      WHERE users.created_at BETWEEN $1 AND $2
+      GROUP BY oauth_applications.name
+      ORDER BY count(*) DESC
+      LIMIT $3
+    SQL
+    rows = ActiveRecord::Base.connection.select_all(sql, nil, [[nil, @start_at], [nil, @end_at], [nil, @limit]])
+    rows.map { |row| { key: row['name'] || 'web', human_key: row['name'] || I18n.t('admin.dashboard.website'), value: row['value'].to_s } }
+  end
diff --git a/app/lib/admin/metrics/dimension/space_usage_dimension.rb b/app/lib/admin/metrics/dimension/space_usage_dimension.rb
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..aa00a2e18
--- /dev/null
+++ b/app/lib/admin/metrics/dimension/space_usage_dimension.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,70 @@
+# frozen_string_literal: true
+class Admin::Metrics::Dimension::SpaceUsageDimension < Admin::Metrics::Dimension::BaseDimension
+  include Redisable
+  include ActionView::Helpers::NumberHelper
+  def key
+    'space_usage'
+  end
+  def data
+    [postgresql_size, redis_size, media_size]
+  end
+  private
+  def postgresql_size
+    value = ActiveRecord::Base.connection.execute('SELECT pg_database_size(current_database())').first['pg_database_size']
+    {
+      key: 'postgresql',
+      human_key: 'PostgreSQL',
+      value: value.to_s,
+      unit: 'bytes',
+      human_value: number_to_human_size(value),
+    }
+  end
+  def redis_size
+    value = redis_info['used_memory']
+    {
+      key: 'redis',
+      human_key: 'Redis',
+      value: value.to_s,
+      unit: 'bytes',
+      human_value: number_to_human_size(value),
+    }
+  end
+  def media_size
+    value = [
+      MediaAttachment.sum(Arel.sql('COALESCE(file_file_size, 0) + COALESCE(thumbnail_file_size, 0)')),
+      CustomEmoji.sum(:image_file_size),
+      PreviewCard.sum(:image_file_size),
+      Account.sum(Arel.sql('COALESCE(avatar_file_size, 0) + COALESCE(header_file_size, 0)')),
+      Backup.sum(:dump_file_size),
+      Import.sum(:data_file_size),
+      SiteUpload.sum(:file_file_size),
+    ].sum
+    {
+      key: 'media',
+      human_key: I18n.t('admin.dashboard.media_storage'),
+      value: value.to_s,
+      unit: 'bytes',
+      human_value: number_to_human_size(value),
+    }
+  end
+  def redis_info
+    @redis_info ||= begin
+      if redis.is_a?(Redis::Namespace)
+        redis.redis.info
+      else
+        redis.info
+      end
+    end
+  end