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path: root/app/lib/command_tag/processor.rb
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Diffstat (limited to 'app/lib/command_tag/processor.rb')
1 files changed, 335 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/app/lib/command_tag/processor.rb b/app/lib/command_tag/processor.rb
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..8461e902f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/app/lib/command_tag/processor.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,335 @@
+# frozen_string_literal: true
+#                  .~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~.                  #
+###################              Cthulhu Code!              ###################
+#                  `~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~`                  #
+# - Interprets and executes user input.  THIS CAN BE VERY DANGEROUS!          #
+# - Has a high complexity level and needs tests.                              #
+# - May destroy objects passed to it.                                         #
+# - Incurs a high performance penalty.                                        #
+#                                                                             #
+require_relative 'commands'
+class CommandTag::Break < Mastodon::Error
+  def initialize(msg = 'A handler stopped execution.')
+    super
+  end
+class CommandTag::Processor
+  include Redisable
+  include ImgProxyHelper
+  include CommandTag::Commands
+  MENTIONS_OR_HASHTAGS_RE = /(?:(?:#{Account::MENTION_RE}|#{Tag::HASHTAG_RE})\s*)+/.freeze
+  PARSEABLE_RE = /^\s*(?:#{MENTIONS_OR_HASHTAGS_RE})?#!|%%.+?%%/.freeze
+  STATEMENT_RE = /^\s*#!\s*[^\n]+ (?:start|begin|do)$.*?\n\s*#!\s*(?:end|stop|done)\s*$|^\s*#!\s*.*?\s*$/im.freeze
+  STATEMENT_PARSE_RE = /'([^']*)'|"([^"]*)"|(\S+)|\s+(?:start|begin|do)\s*$\n+(.*)\n\s*#!\s*(?:end|stop|done)\s*\z/im.freeze
+  TEMPLATE_RE = /%%\s*(\S+.*?)\s*%%/.freeze
+    '\n' => "\n",
+    '\r' => "\r",
+    '\t' => "\t",
+    '\\\\' => '\\',
+    '\%' => '%',
+  }.freeze
+  def initialize(account, status)
+    @account      = account
+    @status       = status
+    @parent       = status.thread
+    @conversation = status.conversation
+    @text         = status.text
+    @run_once     = Set[]
+    @vars         = { 'statement_uuid' => [nil] }
+    @statements   = {}
+    return unless @account.present? && @account.local? && @status.present?
+  end
+  def process!
+    reset_status_caches
+    all_handlers!(:startup)
+    unless @text.match?(PARSEABLE_RE)
+      process_inline_images!
+      @status.save!
+      return
+    end
+    @text = parse_statements_from!(@text, @statements)
+    execute_statements(:at_start)
+    execute_statements(:with_return, true)
+    @text = replace_templates(@text)
+    execute_statements(:before_save)
+    if status_text_blank?
+      execute_statements(:when_blank)
+      unless (@status.published? && !@status.edited.zero?) || @text.present?
+        execute_statements(:before_destroy)
+        @status.update(published: false)
+        @status.destroy
+        execute_statements(:after_destroy)
+      end
+    elsif @status.destroyed?
+      execute_statements(:after_destroy)
+    else
+      @status.text = @text
+      process_inline_images!
+      if @status.save
+        execute_statements(:after_save)
+      else
+        execute_statements(:after_save_fail)
+      end
+    end
+    execute_statements(:at_end)
+    all_handlers!(:shutdown)
+  rescue CommandTag::Break
+    nil
+  rescue StandardError
+    @status.update(published: false)
+    @status.destroy
+    raise
+  ensure
+    reset_status_caches
+  end
+  private
+  def all_handlers!(affix)
+    self.class.instance_methods.grep(/\Ahandle_\w+_#{affix}\z/).sort.each do |name|
+      public_send(name)
+    end
+  end
+  # Moves command tags placed after hashtags and mentions to their own line.
+  def prepare_input(text)
+    text.gsub(/\r\n|\n\r|\r/, "\n").gsub(/^\s*(#{MENTIONS_OR_HASHTAGS_RE})#!/, "\\1\n#!")
+  end
+  # Translates %%...%% templates.
+  def replace_templates(text)
+    text.gsub(TEMPLATE_RE) do
+      template = unescape_literals(Regexp.last_match(1))
+      next if template.blank?
+      next template[1..-2] if template.match?(/\A'.*'\z/)
+      template = template.match?(/\A".*"\z/) ? template[1..-2] : "\#{#{template}}"
+      template.gsub(/#\{\s*(.*?)\s*\}/) do
+        next if Regexp.last_match(1).blank?
+        parts     = Regexp.last_match(1).scan(/'([^']*)'|"([^"]*)"|(\S+)/).flatten.compact
+        name      = normalize(parts[0])
+        separator = "\n"
+        if parts.count > 2
+          if %w(: by: with: using: sep: separator: delim: delimiter:).include?(parts[-2].downcase)
+            separator = parts[-1]
+            parts = parts[0..-3]
+          elsif !parts[-1].match?(/\A[-+]?[0-9]+\z/)
+            separator = parts[-1]
+            parts.pop
+          end
+        end
+        index_start = to_integer(parts[1])
+        index_end   = to_integer(parts[2])
+        if ['all', '[]'].include?(parts[1])
+          var(name).join(separator)
+        elsif index_end.zero?
+          var(name)[index_start].presence || ''
+        else
+          var(name)[index_start..index_end].presence || ''
+        end
+      end
+    end.rstrip
+  end
+  # Parses statements from text and merges them into statement queues.
+  # Mutates statement queues hash!
+  def parse_statements_from!(text, statement_queues)
+    @run_once.clear
+    text = prepare_input(text)
+    text.gsub!(STATEMENT_RE) do
+      statement = unescape_literals(Regexp.last_match(0).strip[2..-1])
+      next if statement.blank?
+      statement_array = statement.scan(STATEMENT_PARSE_RE).flatten.compact.map { |arg| arg.gsub('\#!', '#!') }
+      statement_array[0] = statement_array[0].strip.tr(':.\- ', '_').gsub(/__+/, '_').downcase
+      next unless statement_array[0].match?(/\A[\w_]+\z/)
+      statement_array[-1].rstrip! if statement_array.count > 1
+      add_statement_handlers_for!(statement_array, statement_queues)
+    end
+    @run_once.clear
+    text
+  end
+  # Yields all possible handler names for a command.
+  def potential_handlers_for(name)
+    ['_once', ''].each_with_index do |count_affix, index|
+      %w(at_start with_return when_blank at_end).each do |when_affix|
+        yield ["#{count_affix}_#{when_affix}", "handle_#{name}#{count_affix}_#{when_affix}", index.zero?]
+      end
+      %w(destroy save postprocess save_fail).each do |event_affix|
+        %w(before after).each do |when_affix|
+          yield ["#{count_affix}_#{when_affix}_#{event_affix}", "handle_#{name}#{count_affix}_#{when_affix}_#{event_affix}", index.zero?]
+        end
+      end
+    end
+  end
+  # Expands a statement to a handler method call, arguments, and template UUID for each handler affix.
+  # Mutates statement queues hash!
+  def add_statement_handlers_for!(statement_array, statement_queues = {})
+    statement_uuid = SecureRandom.uuid
+    potential_handlers_for(statement_array[0]) do |when_affix, handler, once|
+      if !(once && @run_once.include?(handler)) && respond_to?(handler)
+        statement_queues[when_affix] ||= []
+        statement_queues[when_affix] << [handler, statement_array[1..-1], statement_uuid]
+        @run_once << handler if once
+      end
+    end
+    # Template for statement return value.
+    "%% statement:#{statement_uuid} all %%"
+  end
+  # Calls all handlers for a queue of statements in order.
+  def execute_statements(event, with_return = false, statements: nil)
+    statements = @statements if statements.blank?
+    ["_#{event}", "_once_#{event}"].each do |when_affix|
+      next if statements[when_affix].blank?
+      statements[when_affix].each do |handler, arguments, uuid|
+        @vars['statement_uuid'][0] = uuid
+        if with_return
+          @vars["statement:#{uuid}"] = [public_send(handler, arguments)]
+        else
+          public_send(handler, arguments)
+        end
+      end
+    end
+  end
+  # Expire cached statuses after potentially updating them.
+  def reset_status_caches(statuses = nil)
+    statuses = [@status, @parent] if statuses.blank?
+    statuses.each do |status|
+      next unless @account.id == status&.account_id
+      Rails.cache.delete_matched("statuses/#{status.id}-*")
+      Rails.cache.delete("statuses/#{status.id}")
+      Rails.cache.delete(status)
+      Rails.cache.delete_matched("format:#{status.id}:*")
+      redis.zremrangebyscore("spam_check:#{status.account.id}", status.id, status.id)
+    end
+  end
+  def author_of_status?
+    @account.id == @status.account_id
+  end
+  def author_of_parent?
+    @account.id == @parent&.account_id
+  end
+  def status_text_blank?
+    @text.blank? || @text.gsub(MENTIONS_OR_HASHTAGS_RE, '').strip.blank?
+  end
+  def destroy_status!
+    return if @status.destroyed?
+    @status.update(published: false)
+    @status.destroy
+  end
+  def replace_status!(new_status)
+    return if new_status.blank?
+    destroy_status!
+    @status = new_status
+  end
+  def normalize(text)
+    text.to_s.strip.downcase
+  end
+  def to_integer(text)
+    text&.strip.to_i
+  end
+  def unescape_literals(text)
+    ESCAPE_MAP.each { |escaped, unescaped| text.gsub!(escaped, unescaped) }
+    text
+  end
+  def html_encode(text)
+    (@html_entities ||= HTMLEntities.new).encode(text)
+  end
+  def var(name)
+    @vars[name].presence || []
+  end
+  def read_visibility_from(arg)
+    return if arg.strip.blank?
+    arg = case arg.strip
+          when 'p', 'pu', 'all', 'world'
+            'public'
+          when 'u', 'ul'
+            'unlisted'
+          when 'f', 'follower', 'followers', 'packmates', 'follower-only', 'followers-only', 'packmates-only'
+            'private'
+          when 'd', 'dm', 'pm', 'directmessage'
+            'direct'
+          when 'default', 'reset'
+            @account.user.setting_default_privacy
+          when 'to', 'allow', 'allow-from', 'from'
+            'cc'
+          when 'm', 'l', 'mp', 'monsterpit', 'local'
+            'community'
+          else
+            arg.strip
+          end
+    %w(public unlisted private limited direct cc community).include?(arg) ? arg : nil
+  end
+  def read_falsy_from(arg)
+    %w(f n false no off disable).include?(arg)
+  end
+  def read_truthy_from(arg)
+    %w(t y true yes on enable).include?(arg)
+  end
+  def read_boolean_from(arg)
+    arg.present? && (read_truthy_from(arg) || !read_falsy_from(arg))
+  end
+  def normalize_domain(domain)
+    return if domain&.strip.blank? || !domain.include?('.')
+    domain.split('.').map(&:strip).reject(&:blank?).join('.').downcase
+  end
+  def federating_with_domain?(domain)
+    return false if domain.blank?
+    DomainAllow.where(domain: domain).exists? || Account.where(domain: domain, suspended_at: nil).exists?
+  end