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path: root/app/views
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Diffstat (limited to 'app/views')
2 files changed, 9 insertions, 108 deletions
diff --git a/app/views/home/index.html.haml b/app/views/home/index.html.haml
index 70f91d4a3..a663bf37b 100644
--- a/app/views/home/index.html.haml
+++ b/app/views/home/index.html.haml
@@ -4,111 +4,7 @@
     = f.button :submit, 'Post update'
-%h3 OAuth2
-%p All API methods require a valid access token.
-%h3 Statuses
-  %li
-    .address
-      %samp.method GET
-      %samp /api/statuses/home
-    .description
-      Returns user's home timeline
-  %li
-    .address
-      %samp.method GET
-      %samp /api/statuses/mentions
-    .description
-      Returns user's mentions timeline
-  %li
-    .address
-      %samp.method POST
-      %samp /api/statuses
-    .options
-      Options:
-      = succeed ',' do
-        %samp status
-      %samp in_reply_to_id
-    .description
-      Creates a new status, optionally as a response to another, from user's account. Returns the new status.
-  %li
-    .address
-      %samp.method GET
-      %samp /api/statuses/:id
-    .description
-      Returns a single status
-  %li
-    .address
-      %samp.method POST
-      %samp /api/statuses/:id/reblog
-    .description
-      Reblogs a status from user's account. Returns the target status.
-  %li
-    .address
-      %samp.method POST
-      %samp /api/statuses/:id/favourite
-    .description
-      Favourites a status from user's account. Returns the target status.
-%h3 Accounts
-  %li
-    .address
-      %samp.method GET
-      %samp /api/accounts/:id
-    .description
-      Returns a single account
-  %li
-    .address
-      %samp.method GET
-      %samp /api/accounts/:id/statuses
-    .description
-      Returns an account's statuses
-  %li
-    .address
-      %samp.method GET
-      %samp /api/accounts/:id/followers
-    .description
-      Returns accounts following an account
-  %li
-    .address
-      %samp.method GET
-      %samp /api/accounts/:id/following
-    .description
-      Returns the accounts the target account follows
-  %li
-    .address
-      %samp.method POST
-      %samp /api/accounts/:id/follow
-    .description
-      Follows target account from the user's account. Returns the target account.
-  %li
-    .address
-      %samp.method POST
-      %samp /api/accounts/:id/unfollow
-    .description
-      Unfollows target account from the user's account. Returns the target account.
-  %li
-    .address
-      %samp.method GET
-      %samp /api/accounts/lookup
-    .options
-      Options:
-      %samp usernames
-    .description
-      Returns accounts for a comma-separated list of usernames
-%h3 Follows
-  %li
-    .address
-      %samp.method POST
-      %samp /api/follows
-    .options
-      Options:
-      %samp uri
-    .description
-      Follows a user, regardless of where they are, from user's account. URI assumed to be of username@domain form. Returns the target account.
+- content_for :raw_content do
+  .activity-stream.activity-stream-embedded
+    - @timeline.each do |status|
+      = render partial: 'stream_entries/status', locals: { status: status }
diff --git a/app/views/layouts/dashboard.html.haml b/app/views/layouts/dashboard.html.haml
index 5640213b2..7336cdcc4 100644
--- a/app/views/layouts/dashboard.html.haml
+++ b/app/views/layouts/dashboard.html.haml
@@ -21,13 +21,18 @@
           = link_to settings_path do
             = fa_icon 'user'
             Edit profile
         = content_for?(:page_title) ? yield(:page_title) : 'Mastodon'
           %li= link_to fa_icon('gear'), edit_registration_path(current_user), title: 'Change password'
           %li= link_to fa_icon('sign-out'), destroy_user_session_path, method: :delete, title: 'Sign out'
       .dashboard__content__content= yield
+      = yield(:raw_content)
     .domain= Rails.configuration.x.local_domain