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path: root/app
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Diffstat (limited to 'app')
24 files changed, 201 insertions, 104 deletions
diff --git a/app/assets/javascripts/components/features/notifications/components/clear_column_button.jsx b/app/assets/javascripts/components/features/notifications/components/clear_column_button.jsx
index d75149a0e..6aa9d1efa 100644
--- a/app/assets/javascripts/components/features/notifications/components/clear_column_button.jsx
+++ b/app/assets/javascripts/components/features/notifications/components/clear_column_button.jsx
@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ const iconStyle = {
 const ClearColumnButton = ({ onClick }) => (
-  <div className='column-icon' style={iconStyle} onClick={onClick}>
+  <div className='column-icon' tabindex='0' style={iconStyle} onClick={onClick}>
     <i className='fa fa-trash' />
diff --git a/app/assets/stylesheets/about.scss b/app/assets/stylesheets/about.scss
index 2ff1d1453..c9d9dc5d5 100644
--- a/app/assets/stylesheets/about.scss
+++ b/app/assets/stylesheets/about.scss
@@ -319,7 +319,7 @@
-  .simple_form {
+  .simple_form, .closed-registrations-message {
     width: 300px;
     flex: 0 0 auto;
     background: rgba(darken($color1, 7%), 0.5);
@@ -340,3 +340,11 @@
+.closed-registrations-message {
+  display: flex;
+  flex-direction: column;
+  align-items: center;
+  justify-content: center;
+  text-align: center;
diff --git a/app/assets/stylesheets/accounts.scss b/app/assets/stylesheets/accounts.scss
index 25e24a95a..b3ae33500 100644
--- a/app/assets/stylesheets/accounts.scss
+++ b/app/assets/stylesheets/accounts.scss
@@ -34,6 +34,7 @@
     text-align: center;
     position: relative;
     z-index: 2;
+    text-shadow: 0 0 2px $color8;
     small {
       display: block;
@@ -128,6 +129,7 @@
       text-transform: uppercase;
       display: block;
       margin-bottom: 5px;
+      text-shadow: 0 0 2px $color8;
     .counter-number {
@@ -385,5 +387,6 @@
   .account__header__content {
     font-size: 14px;
     color: $color1;
+    text-shadow: 0 0 2px $color8;
diff --git a/app/controllers/about_controller.rb b/app/controllers/about_controller.rb
index abf4b7df4..7fd43489f 100644
--- a/app/controllers/about_controller.rb
+++ b/app/controllers/about_controller.rb
@@ -4,7 +4,9 @@ class AboutController < ApplicationController
   before_action :set_body_classes
   def index
-    @description = Setting.site_description
+    @description                  = Setting.site_description
+    @open_registrations           = Setting.open_registrations
+    @closed_registrations_message = Setting.closed_registrations_message
     @user = User.new
diff --git a/app/controllers/admin/settings_controller.rb b/app/controllers/admin/settings_controller.rb
index af0be8823..7615c781d 100644
--- a/app/controllers/admin/settings_controller.rb
+++ b/app/controllers/admin/settings_controller.rb
@@ -11,9 +11,13 @@ class Admin::SettingsController < ApplicationController
   def update
     @setting = Setting.where(var: params[:id]).first_or_initialize(var: params[:id])
+    value    = settings_params[:value]
-    if @setting.value != params[:setting][:value]
-      @setting.value = params[:setting][:value]
+    # Special cases
+    value = value == 'true' if @setting.var == 'open_registrations'
+    if @setting.value != value
+      @setting.value = value
@@ -22,4 +26,10 @@ class Admin::SettingsController < ApplicationController
       format.json { respond_with_bip(@setting) }
+  private
+  def settings_params
+    params.require(:setting).permit(:value)
+  end
diff --git a/app/controllers/auth/registrations_controller.rb b/app/controllers/auth/registrations_controller.rb
index 501e66807..4881c074a 100644
--- a/app/controllers/auth/registrations_controller.rb
+++ b/app/controllers/auth/registrations_controller.rb
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
 class Auth::RegistrationsController < Devise::RegistrationsController
   layout :determine_layout
-  before_action :check_single_user_mode
+  before_action :check_enabled_registrations, only: [:new, :create]
   before_action :configure_sign_up_params, only: [:create]
@@ -27,12 +27,12 @@ class Auth::RegistrationsController < Devise::RegistrationsController
-  def check_single_user_mode
-    redirect_to root_path if Rails.configuration.x.single_user_mode
+  def check_enabled_registrations
+    redirect_to root_path if Rails.configuration.x.single_user_mode || !Setting.open_registrations
   def determine_layout
     %w(edit update).include?(action_name) ? 'admin' : 'auth'
diff --git a/app/controllers/remote_follow_controller.rb b/app/controllers/remote_follow_controller.rb
index 7d4bfe6ce..1e3f786ec 100644
--- a/app/controllers/remote_follow_controller.rb
+++ b/app/controllers/remote_follow_controller.rb
@@ -8,6 +8,7 @@ class RemoteFollowController < ApplicationController
   def new
     @remote_follow = RemoteFollow.new
+    @remote_follow.acct = session[:remote_follow] if session.key?(:remote_follow)
   def create
@@ -22,6 +23,8 @@ class RemoteFollowController < ApplicationController
         render(:new) && return
+      session[:remote_follow] = @remote_follow.acct
       redirect_to Addressable::Template.new(redirect_url_link.template).expand(uri: "#{@account.username}@#{Rails.configuration.x.local_domain}").to_s
       render :new
diff --git a/app/lib/email_validator.rb b/app/lib/email_validator.rb
index 856b8b1f7..06e9375f6 100644
--- a/app/lib/email_validator.rb
+++ b/app/lib/email_validator.rb
@@ -2,17 +2,30 @@
 class EmailValidator < ActiveModel::EachValidator
   def validate_each(record, attribute, value)
-    return if Rails.configuration.x.email_domains_blacklist.empty?
     record.errors.add(attribute, I18n.t('users.invalid_email')) if blocked_email?(value)
   def blocked_email?(value)
+    on_blacklist?(value) || not_on_whitelist?(value)
+  end
+  def on_blacklist?(value)
+    return false if Rails.configuration.x.email_domains_blacklist.blank?
     domains = Rails.configuration.x.email_domains_blacklist.gsub('.', '\.')
     regexp  = Regexp.new("@(.+\\.)?(#{domains})", true)
     value =~ regexp
+  def not_on_whitelist?(value)
+    return false if Rails.configuration.x.email_domains_whitelist.blank?
+    domains = Rails.configuration.x.email_domains_whitelist.gsub('.', '\.')
+    regexp  = Regexp.new("@(.+\\.)?(#{domains})", true)
+    value !~ regexp
+  end
diff --git a/app/lib/feed_manager.rb b/app/lib/feed_manager.rb
index cd6ca1291..2cca1cefe 100644
--- a/app/lib/feed_manager.rb
+++ b/app/lib/feed_manager.rb
@@ -5,17 +5,17 @@ require 'singleton'
 class FeedManager
   include Singleton
-  MAX_ITEMS = 800
+  MAX_ITEMS = 400
   def key(type, id)
-  def filter?(timeline_type, status, receiver)
+  def filter?(timeline_type, status, receiver_id)
     if timeline_type == :home
-      filter_from_home?(status, receiver)
+      filter_from_home?(status, receiver_id)
     elsif timeline_type == :mentions
-      filter_from_mentions?(status, receiver)
+      filter_from_mentions?(status, receiver_id)
@@ -50,10 +50,18 @@ class FeedManager
   def merge_into_timeline(from_account, into_account)
     timeline_key = key(:home, into_account.id)
+    query        = from_account.statuses.limit(FeedManager::MAX_ITEMS / 4)
-    from_account.statuses.limit(MAX_ITEMS).each do |status|
-      next if status.direct_visibility? || filter?(:home, status, into_account)
-      redis.zadd(timeline_key, status.id, status.id)
+    if redis.zcard(timeline_key) >= FeedManager::MAX_ITEMS / 4
+      oldest_home_score = redis.zrange(timeline_key, 0, 0, with_scores: true)&.first&.last&.to_i || 0
+      query = query.where('id > ?', oldest_home_score)
+    end
+    redis.pipelined do
+      query.each do |status|
+        next if status.direct_visibility? || filter?(:home, status, into_account)
+        redis.zadd(timeline_key, status.id, status.id)
+      end
     trim(:home, into_account.id)
@@ -61,31 +69,20 @@ class FeedManager
   def unmerge_from_timeline(from_account, into_account)
     timeline_key = key(:home, into_account.id)
-    from_account.statuses.select('id').find_each do |status|
-      redis.zrem(timeline_key, status.id)
-      redis.zremrangebyscore(timeline_key, status.id, status.id)
+    oldest_home_score = redis.zrange(timeline_key, 0, 0, with_scores: true)&.first&.last&.to_i || 0
+    from_account.statuses.select('id').where('id > ?', oldest_home_score).find_in_batches do |statuses|
+      redis.pipelined do
+        statuses.each do |status|
+          redis.zrem(timeline_key, status.id)
+          redis.zremrangebyscore(timeline_key, status.id, status.id)
+        end
+      end
   def inline_render(target_account, template, object)
-    rabl_scope = Class.new do
-      include RoutingHelper
-      def initialize(account)
-        @account = account
-      end
-      def current_user
-        @account.try(:user)
-      end
-      def current_account
-        @account
-      end
-    end
-    Rabl::Renderer.new(template, object, view_path: 'app/views', format: :json, scope: rabl_scope.new(target_account)).render
+    Rabl::Renderer.new(template, object, view_path: 'app/views', format: :json, scope: InlineRablScope.new(target_account)).render
@@ -94,38 +91,40 @@ class FeedManager
-  def filter_from_home?(status, receiver)
-    return true if receiver.muting?(status.account)
-    should_filter = false
-    if status.reply? && status.in_reply_to_id.nil?
-      should_filter = true
-    elsif status.reply? && !status.in_reply_to_account_id.nil?                # Filter out if it's a reply
-      should_filter   = !receiver.following?(status.in_reply_to_account)      # and I'm not following the person it's a reply to
-      should_filter &&= !(receiver.id == status.in_reply_to_account_id)       # and it's not a reply to me
-      should_filter &&= !(status.account_id == status.in_reply_to_account_id) # and it's not a self-reply
-    elsif status.reblog?                                                      # Filter out a reblog
-      should_filter = receiver.blocking?(status.reblog.account)               # if I'm blocking the reblogged person
-      should_filter ||= receiver.muting?(status.reblog.account)               # or muting that person
-      should_filter ||= status.reblog.account.blocking?(receiver)             # or if the author of the reblogged status is blocking me
-    end
+  def filter_from_home?(status, receiver_id)
+    return true if status.reply? && status.in_reply_to_id.nil?
-    should_filter ||= receiver.blocking?(status.mentions.map(&:account_id))   # or if it mentions someone I blocked
+    check_for_mutes = [status.account_id]
+    check_for_mutes.concat([status.reblog.account_id]) if status.reblog?
-    should_filter
-  end
+    return true if Mute.where(account_id: receiver_id, target_account_id: check_for_mutes).any?
-  def filter_from_mentions?(status, receiver)
-    should_filter   = receiver.id == status.account_id                                      # Filter if I'm mentioning myself
-    should_filter ||= receiver.blocking?(status.account)                                    # or it's from someone I blocked
-    should_filter ||= receiver.blocking?(status.mentions.includes(:account).map(&:account)) # or if it mentions someone I blocked
-    should_filter ||= (status.account.silenced? && !receiver.following?(status.account))    # of if the account is silenced and I'm not following them
+    check_for_blocks = status.mentions.map(&:account_id)
+    check_for_blocks.concat([status.reblog.account_id]) if status.reblog?
-    if status.reply? && !status.in_reply_to_account_id.nil?                                 # or it's a reply
-      should_filter ||= receiver.blocking?(status.in_reply_to_account)                      # to a user I blocked
+    return true if Block.where(account_id: receiver_id, target_account_id: check_for_blocks).any?
+    if status.reply? && !status.in_reply_to_account_id.nil?                                                              # Filter out if it's a reply
+      should_filter   = !Follow.where(account_id: receiver_id, target_account_id: status.in_reply_to_account_id).exists? # and I'm not following the person it's a reply to
+      should_filter &&= !(receiver_id == status.in_reply_to_account_id)                                                  # and it's not a reply to me
+      should_filter &&= !(status.account_id == status.in_reply_to_account_id)                                            # and it's not a self-reply
+      return should_filter
+    elsif status.reblog?                                                                                                 # Filter out a reblog
+      return Block.where(account_id: status.reblog.account_id, target_account_id: receiver_id).exists?                   # or if the author of the reblogged status is blocking me
+    false
+  end
+  def filter_from_mentions?(status, receiver_id)
+    check_for_blocks = [status.account_id]
+    check_for_blocks.concat(status.mentions.pluck(:account_id))
+    check_for_blocks.concat([status.in_reply_to_account]) if status.reply? && !status.in_reply_to_account_id.nil?
+    should_filter   = receiver_id == status.account_id                                                                                   # Filter if I'm mentioning myself
+    should_filter ||= Block.where(account_id: receiver_id, target_account_id: check_for_blocks).any?                                     # or it's from someone I blocked, in reply to someone I blocked, or mentioning someone I blocked
+    should_filter ||= (status.account.silenced? && !Follow.where(account_id: receiver_id, target_account_id: status.account_id).exists?) # of if the account is silenced and I'm not following them
diff --git a/app/lib/inline_rabl_scope.rb b/app/lib/inline_rabl_scope.rb
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..26adcb03a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/app/lib/inline_rabl_scope.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+# frozen_string_literal: true
+class InlineRablScope
+  include RoutingHelper
+  def initialize(account)
+    @account = account
+  end
+  def current_user
+    @account.try(:user)
+  end
+  def current_account
+    @account
+  end
diff --git a/app/models/block.rb b/app/models/block.rb
index 9c55703c9..ae456a6b6 100644
--- a/app/models/block.rb
+++ b/app/models/block.rb
@@ -3,9 +3,8 @@
 class Block < ApplicationRecord
   include Paginable
-  belongs_to :account
-  belongs_to :target_account, class_name: 'Account'
+  belongs_to :account, required: true
+  belongs_to :target_account, class_name: 'Account', required: true
-  validates :account, :target_account, presence: true
   validates :account_id, uniqueness: { scope: :target_account_id }
diff --git a/app/models/follow.rb b/app/models/follow.rb
index 8bfe8b2f6..b6b9dca7c 100644
--- a/app/models/follow.rb
+++ b/app/models/follow.rb
@@ -3,11 +3,14 @@
 class Follow < ApplicationRecord
   include Paginable
-  belongs_to :account, counter_cache: :following_count
-  belongs_to :target_account, class_name: 'Account', counter_cache: :followers_count
+  belongs_to :account, counter_cache: :following_count, required: true
+  belongs_to :target_account,
+             class_name: 'Account',
+             counter_cache: :followers_count,
+             required: true
   has_one :notification, as: :activity, dependent: :destroy
-  validates :account, :target_account, presence: true
   validates :account_id, uniqueness: { scope: :target_account_id }
diff --git a/app/models/follow_request.rb b/app/models/follow_request.rb
index 4224ab15d..20e1332dd 100644
--- a/app/models/follow_request.rb
+++ b/app/models/follow_request.rb
@@ -3,12 +3,11 @@
 class FollowRequest < ApplicationRecord
   include Paginable
-  belongs_to :account
-  belongs_to :target_account, class_name: 'Account'
+  belongs_to :account, required: true
+  belongs_to :target_account, class_name: 'Account', required: true
   has_one :notification, as: :activity, dependent: :destroy
-  validates :account, :target_account, presence: true
   validates :account_id, uniqueness: { scope: :target_account_id }
   def authorize!
diff --git a/app/models/mention.rb b/app/models/mention.rb
index 10a9cb1cd..03e76fcc4 100644
--- a/app/models/mention.rb
+++ b/app/models/mention.rb
@@ -1,11 +1,10 @@
 # frozen_string_literal: true
 class Mention < ApplicationRecord
-  belongs_to :account, inverse_of: :mentions
-  belongs_to :status
+  belongs_to :account, inverse_of: :mentions, required: true
+  belongs_to :status, required: true
   has_one :notification, as: :activity, dependent: :destroy
-  validates :account, :status, presence: true
   validates :account, uniqueness: { scope: :status }
diff --git a/app/services/fan_out_on_write_service.rb b/app/services/fan_out_on_write_service.rb
index df404cbef..42222c25b 100644
--- a/app/services/fan_out_on_write_service.rb
+++ b/app/services/fan_out_on_write_service.rb
@@ -33,9 +33,8 @@ class FanOutOnWriteService < BaseService
   def deliver_to_followers(status)
     Rails.logger.debug "Delivering status #{status.id} to followers"
-    status.account.followers.where(domain: nil).joins(:user).where('users.current_sign_in_at > ?', 14.days.ago).find_each do |follower|
-      next if FeedManager.instance.filter?(:home, status, follower)
-      FeedManager.instance.push(:home, follower, status)
+    status.account.followers.where(domain: nil).joins(:user).where('users.current_sign_in_at > ?', 14.days.ago).select(:id).find_each do |follower|
+      FeedInsertWorker.perform_async(status.id, follower.id)
@@ -44,7 +43,7 @@ class FanOutOnWriteService < BaseService
     status.mentions.includes(:account).each do |mention|
       mentioned_account = mention.account
-      next if !mentioned_account.local? || !mentioned_account.following?(status.account) || FeedManager.instance.filter?(:home, status, mentioned_account)
+      next if !mentioned_account.local? || !mentioned_account.following?(status.account) || FeedManager.instance.filter?(:home, status, mention.account_id)
       FeedManager.instance.push(:home, mentioned_account, status)
@@ -54,9 +53,9 @@ class FanOutOnWriteService < BaseService
     payload = FeedManager.instance.inline_render(nil, 'api/v1/statuses/show', status)
-    status.tags.find_each do |tag|
-      FeedManager.instance.broadcast("hashtag:#{tag.name}", event: 'update', payload: payload)
-      FeedManager.instance.broadcast("hashtag:#{tag.name}:local", event: 'update', payload: payload) if status.account.local?
+    status.tags.pluck(:name).each do |hashtag|
+      FeedManager.instance.broadcast("hashtag:#{hashtag}", event: 'update', payload: payload)
+      FeedManager.instance.broadcast("hashtag:#{hashtag}:local", event: 'update', payload: payload) if status.account.local?
diff --git a/app/services/notify_service.rb b/app/services/notify_service.rb
index 942cd9d21..24486f220 100644
--- a/app/services/notify_service.rb
+++ b/app/services/notify_service.rb
@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ class NotifyService < BaseService
   def blocked_mention?
-    FeedManager.instance.filter?(:mentions, @notification.mention.status, @recipient)
+    FeedManager.instance.filter?(:mentions, @notification.mention.status, @recipient.id)
   def blocked_favourite?
diff --git a/app/services/precompute_feed_service.rb b/app/services/precompute_feed_service.rb
index e1ec56e8d..07dcb81da 100644
--- a/app/services/precompute_feed_service.rb
+++ b/app/services/precompute_feed_service.rb
@@ -5,9 +5,11 @@ class PrecomputeFeedService < BaseService
   # @param [Symbol] type :home or :mentions
   # @param [Account] account
   def call(_, account)
-    Status.as_home_timeline(account).limit(FeedManager::MAX_ITEMS).each do |status|
-      next if status.direct_visibility? || FeedManager.instance.filter?(:home, status, account)
-      redis.zadd(FeedManager.instance.key(:home, account.id), status.id, status.reblog? ? status.reblog_of_id : status.id)
+    redis.pipelined do
+      Status.as_home_timeline(account).limit(FeedManager::MAX_ITEMS / 4).each do |status|
+        next if status.direct_visibility? || FeedManager.instance.filter?(:home, status, account.id)
+        redis.zadd(FeedManager.instance.key(:home, account.id), status.id, status.reblog? ? status.reblog_of_id : status.id)
+      end
diff --git a/app/views/about/index.html.haml b/app/views/about/index.html.haml
index fdfb2b916..ebca4213a 100644
--- a/app/views/about/index.html.haml
+++ b/app/views/about/index.html.haml
@@ -24,21 +24,34 @@
     .mascot= image_tag 'fluffy-elephant-friend.png'
-    = simple_form_for(@user, url: user_registration_path) do |f|
-      = f.simple_fields_for :account do |ff|
-        = ff.input :username, autofocus: true, placeholder: t('simple_form.labels.defaults.username'), required: true, input_html: { 'aria-label' => t('simple_form.labels.defaults.username') }
+    - if @open_registrations
+      = simple_form_for(@user, url: user_registration_path) do |f|
+        = f.simple_fields_for :account do |ff|
+          = ff.input :username, autofocus: true, placeholder: t('simple_form.labels.defaults.username'), required: true, input_html: { 'aria-label' => t('simple_form.labels.defaults.username') }
-      = f.input :email, placeholder: t('simple_form.labels.defaults.email'), required: true, input_html: { 'aria-label' => t('simple_form.labels.defaults.email') }
-      = f.input :password, autocomplete: "off", placeholder: t('simple_form.labels.defaults.password'), required: true, input_html: { 'aria-label' => t('simple_form.labels.defaults.password') }
-      = f.input :password_confirmation, autocomplete: "off", placeholder: t('simple_form.labels.defaults.confirm_password'), required: true, input_html: { 'aria-label' => t('simple_form.labels.defaults.confirm_password') }
+        = f.input :email, placeholder: t('simple_form.labels.defaults.email'), required: true, input_html: { 'aria-label' => t('simple_form.labels.defaults.email') }
+        = f.input :password, autocomplete: "off", placeholder: t('simple_form.labels.defaults.password'), required: true, input_html: { 'aria-label' => t('simple_form.labels.defaults.password') }
+        = f.input :password_confirmation, autocomplete: "off", placeholder: t('simple_form.labels.defaults.confirm_password'), required: true, input_html: { 'aria-label' => t('simple_form.labels.defaults.confirm_password') }
-      .actions
-        = f.button :button, t('about.get_started'), type: :submit
+        .actions
+          = f.button :button, t('about.get_started'), type: :submit
-      .info
-        = link_to t('auth.login'), new_user_session_path, class: 'webapp-btn'
-        ·
-        = link_to t('about.about_this'), about_more_path
+        .info
+          = link_to t('auth.login'), new_user_session_path, class: 'webapp-btn'
+          ·
+          = link_to t('about.about_this'), about_more_path
+    - else
+      .closed-registrations-message
+        - if @closed_registrations_message.blank?
+          %p= t('about.closed_registrations')
+        - else
+          = @closed_registrations_message.html_safe
+        .info
+          = link_to t('auth.login'), new_user_session_path, class: 'webapp-btn'
+          ·
+          = link_to t('about.other_instances'), 'https://github.com/tootsuite/mastodon/blob/master/docs/Using-Mastodon/List-of-Mastodon-instances.md'
+          ·
+          = link_to t('about.about_this'), about_more_path
   %h3= t('about.features_headline')
diff --git a/app/views/admin/settings/index.html.haml b/app/views/admin/settings/index.html.haml
index 1429dbd9e..02faac8c2 100644
--- a/app/views/admin/settings/index.html.haml
+++ b/app/views/admin/settings/index.html.haml
@@ -38,3 +38,15 @@
         You can use HTML tags
       %td= best_in_place @settings['site_extended_description'], :value, as: :textarea, url: admin_setting_path(@settings['site_extended_description'])
+    %tr
+      %td
+        %strong Open registration
+      %td= best_in_place @settings['open_registrations'], :value, as: :checkbox, collection: { false: 'Disabled', true: 'Enabled'}, url: admin_setting_path(@settings['open_registrations'])
+    %tr
+      %td
+        %strong Closed registration message
+        %br/
+        Displayed on frontpage when registrations are closed
+        %br/
+        You can use HTML tags
+      %td= best_in_place @settings['closed_registrations_message'], :value, as: :textarea, url: admin_setting_path(@settings['closed_registrations_message'])
diff --git a/app/workers/feed_insert_worker.rb b/app/workers/feed_insert_worker.rb
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..a58dfaa74
--- /dev/null
+++ b/app/workers/feed_insert_worker.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+# frozen_string_literal: true
+class FeedInsertWorker
+  include Sidekiq::Worker
+  def perform(status_id, follower_id)
+    status   = Status.find(status_id)
+    follower = Account.find(follower_id)
+    return if FeedManager.instance.filter?(:home, status, follower.id)
+    FeedManager.instance.push(:home, follower, status)
+  rescue ActiveRecord::RecordNotFound
+    true
+  end
diff --git a/app/workers/processing_worker.rb b/app/workers/processing_worker.rb
index 4a467d924..5df404bcc 100644
--- a/app/workers/processing_worker.rb
+++ b/app/workers/processing_worker.rb
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
 class ProcessingWorker
   include Sidekiq::Worker
-  sidekiq_options queue: 'pull', backtrace: true
+  sidekiq_options backtrace: true
   def perform(account_id, body)
     ProcessFeedService.new.call(body, Account.find(account_id))
diff --git a/app/workers/pubsubhubbub/delivery_worker.rb b/app/workers/pubsubhubbub/delivery_worker.rb
index 15005bc80..466def3a8 100644
--- a/app/workers/pubsubhubbub/delivery_worker.rb
+++ b/app/workers/pubsubhubbub/delivery_worker.rb
@@ -22,6 +22,7 @@ class Pubsubhubbub::DeliveryWorker
                    .post(subscription.callback_url, body: payload)
+    return subscription.destroy! if response.code > 299 && response.code < 500 && response.code != 429 # HTTP 4xx means error is not temporary, except for 429 (throttling)
     raise "Delivery failed for #{subscription.callback_url}: HTTP #{response.code}" unless response.code > 199 && response.code < 300
diff --git a/app/workers/regeneration_worker.rb b/app/workers/regeneration_worker.rb
index 82665b581..da8b845f6 100644
--- a/app/workers/regeneration_worker.rb
+++ b/app/workers/regeneration_worker.rb
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
 class RegenerationWorker
   include Sidekiq::Worker
-  sidekiq_options queue: 'pull', backtrace: true
+  sidekiq_options queue: 'pull', backtrace: true, unique: :until_executed
   def perform(account_id, _ = :home)
     PrecomputeFeedService.new.call(:home, Account.find(account_id))
diff --git a/app/workers/salmon_worker.rb b/app/workers/salmon_worker.rb
index 2888b574b..fc95ce47f 100644
--- a/app/workers/salmon_worker.rb
+++ b/app/workers/salmon_worker.rb
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
 class SalmonWorker
   include Sidekiq::Worker
-  sidekiq_options queue: 'pull', backtrace: true
+  sidekiq_options backtrace: true
   def perform(account_id, body)
     ProcessInteractionService.new.call(body, Account.find(account_id))