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authorStarfall <us@starfall.systems>2023-08-10 13:12:37 -0500
committerStarfall <us@starfall.systems>2023-08-10 13:12:37 -0500
commit4b48b18dcd3ec9edf4ff322d2fe6467060f9b538 (patch)
parent234e975715c4c9b0ca06c4e5059564eee99c324c (diff)
remove drafts
3 files changed, 0 insertions, 70 deletions
diff --git a/src/blog/not-a-femboy.md b/src/blog/not-a-femboy.md
deleted file mode 100644
index 79c0170..0000000
--- a/src/blog/not-a-femboy.md
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,22 +0,0 @@
-draft = true
-title = "Why I'm Not a Femboy"
-categories = ["gender"]
-<style> * { text-transform: lowercase } </style>
-- yes i'm fem yes i'm boy no i'm not femboy
-- no personal issue with its use in sexual fantasy and porn category because hi, though conflation of trans women
-    with gnc men and crossdressers is a systemic issue there. those categories can get really blurry and the popualrity
-    of femboy as a self-identification for a lot of people on feminizing HRT is a testament to that, but i hate how
-    the cisgender eye views trans porn and misgenders trans actors to lump them in with whatever category is in style
-- but the cultural context i have for it is from /lgbt/ on 4chan (thanks high school us)
-    - not going to go into message boards' favorite "traps" (pre 2014-ish) now "femboys" (post 2014-ish), several of
-        which are canonically not men (e.g. astolfo) or are obviously written to be trans women by a writer who doesn't
-        know what they're doing (e.g. ferris, especially in the novelization)
-    - tied up deeply in passing politics where you're passing or you're a "hon", and femboy as the fallback identity
-        for those scared of not being able to pass
-    - the way i navigate transmisogyny is not my gender identity i just *am* a gnc boy on estrogen
diff --git a/src/blog/techbros.md b/src/blog/techbros.md
deleted file mode 100644
index 4aa112c..0000000
--- a/src/blog/techbros.md
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,29 +0,0 @@
-draft = true
-title = ""
-categories = []
-this draft can probably be multiple blog posts
-need to find where i stuck my old writing about these things
-libertarian bullshit in open source communities
-- hyperindividualism
-- "entitlement" somehow contorted to mean "someone else actually cares about a change in my software or service" or even "anyone asked me for anything"
-    - hint: if you don't want to take feature requests or bug reports, don't publish software somewhere other people can use it
-    - frequently combined with actual entitlement to everyone else's output
-        - freedom 0, as applied against noncommercial licenses
-            - i'm so, so sorry that you want to make money off of what i do without royalties or even contributing anything back upstream. fuck you pay me
-        - complete lack of understanding of the difference between a primary and secondary audience
-            - this applies to so much of social media as a whole and plays with parasocial relationships, probably another post
-        - the constant annoyance of scraping + archival of all-but-explicitly-ephemeral social media (mastodon / other fedi stuff)
-- the assumption that other people have the skills, time, and energy to deal with doing whatever themselves
-    - self hosting 
-        - doubly so for suggesting single-user instances on fedi, because that's not just technical but also social bullshit
-        - it can simultaneously be true that self hosting is the best way to own your own stuff and that it's infeasible for the vast majority of people to do so
-    - "just fork it"
-        - often in combination with being ridiculously virulent towards forks because how dare you change what i wrote to suit your own needs better
-    - just join a committee / moderation team / whatever
-    - do i even need to go into how this plays with ableism even when it's not explicitly so
-        - example of explicitly so: the bullshit thrown on the Glimpse fork of the GNU Image Manipulation Program which had *specific examples of academic institutions &c. avoiding the GNU IMP, which they would have otherwise used, because the official acronym is also an offensive term for people who walk with a limp* backing their decision to fork
diff --git a/src/blog/why-blog.md b/src/blog/why-blog.md
deleted file mode 100644
index 49a2c61..0000000
--- a/src/blog/why-blog.md
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,19 +0,0 @@
-draft = true
-title = "Why a Blog in 2023?"
-- because i want to
-- flaws of microblogging
-    - other people, mostly. 
-    - harassment, unsolicited advice - blogs without comment sections add friction. nobody knows what the hell
-        the primary audience of a public post is (hint: it's still followers, just because you can see it doesn't
-        give you license to be an utter asshole as if you're being spoken to directly)
-    - doomscrolling
-    - despite the fact that people keep trying to spin up archives and search and everything, the format
-        is inherently better suited to ephemerality
-- mastodon was pretty decent if you maintained a blocklist of about 1/3 of the instances out there (nazis and foss
-    evangelists) and had a high tolerance for dealing with self-righteous white leftists who think that they're immune
-    from doing anything wrong (particularly perpetuating racism) because they're neurodivergent or queer or both
-- but with tumblr and cloudflare and facebook making overtures towards moving onto the activitypub-compatible fediverse
-    (or "mastodon" for short, for those who haven't heard about all the other software that works with mastodon)
-- and we're just fucking burned out on maintaining both the software and a community