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authorcryptohymnologist <cat@ff3366.com>2022-01-31 21:20:57 +1030
committercryptohymnologist <cat@ff3366.com>2022-01-31 21:20:57 +1030
commite21fbaec2ac18561f16e9dd4e26e2ef875e55c30 (patch)
parent6ad67d211d5aa120d158cd786a867da230c7ea9a (diff)
is this thing on?
2 files changed, 201 insertions, 1 deletions
diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index 0efb30f..d9c4fa9 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -7,5 +7,17 @@
 /___/   /_//_________/ `._______)/___/    /__/ `._____)  /___/       (________/
+Blah blah balh
-Now watch this
+                                          __________
+                                ________ ╱   ╱  ╱   ╲
+                               ╱       ╱╱           ╱
+                              ╱        ╲           ╱
+                             ╱         ╱          ╱
+                             ╲________╱__________╱
+                              [ B 4 U D W 3 R K 5 ]
+                                      2022
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/the-manual.txt b/the-manual.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..31c2053
--- /dev/null
+++ b/the-manual.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,188 @@
+      ___    __   _______   _______    ___  ___     _________  ______   _______
+    .´  /   / /  (___    /.´  _____) .´  / / _/   .´ _____  /.´  ____).´  _____)
+   /   /___/ / _____/   //   /      /   /_/ /    /  /____/ //   /    /   /____
+  /   ____  /.´____    //   /      /   _____ `. /  ______.´/   /    /_______  `.
+ /   /   / // /____/  //   /____  /   /    /  //  /___    /   /       ______/  /
+/___/   /_//_________/ `._______)/___/    /__/ `._____)  /___/       (________/
+                            [ T H E    M A N U A L ]
+    [1.1] DECK
+          A stack of cards, shuffled, face down. Tidy. If at any time there are
+          no cards left in the DECK then HACK THE PLANET.
+    [1.2] SNOOP SPACE
+          1 card, face up beside the DECK at all times. Any time the card in
+          the SNOOP space is removed, immediately replenish the SNOOP space by
+          turning over the top card on the DECK & placing it in the SNOOP
+          space. If there are no cards left in the DECK after replenishing the
+          SNOOP space then HACK THE PLANET.
+    [1.3] FILES
+          The cards, face up, in front of a player. A player can store up to 3
+          cards in their FILES. If at any time a player has more than 3 cards
+          in their FILES the player must return cards from their FILES to the
+          bottom of the DECK until they have 3 cards in their FILES.
+    [1.4] HACK THE PLANET
+          Endgame. The finale. Each player takes 1 more turn & the score is
+          tallied. See HACK THE PLANET below for more info.
+    [2.1] DATA VALUE
+          This is how many points the card is worth when tallying up the score
+          at the end of the game.
+    [2.2] BAUD RATE
+          Some card effects only apply to cards with specific BAUD rates, cards
+          are grouped into 3 categories, 300 BAUD, 1200 BAUD & 2400 BAUD.
+    [2.3] CARD NAME
+          The name of the card, some card effects only apply to cards with
+          specific names.
+    [2.4] INFO BOX
+          Describes the card action. There are 2 types of card actions, both
+          actions are resolved immediately when triggered.
+             [2.4.1] When Added to your FILES. These actions occur once when
+                     a card is added to your FILES from your hand.
+             [2.4.2] While in your FILES. These actions occur any time the
+                     crieteria on the card instructions are met for as long
+                     as the card remains in your FILES.
+          Decide on a starting player. If you're the winner from the previous
+          game, you're the starting player, if it's the first game & you're
+          reading this then it's you, you're the starting player.
+    [3.2] PLAY SPACE SET UP
+             [3.2.1] The starting player should gather 2 or 3 other players.
+                     This game plays best with 4 players but works with 3
+                     players in a pinch.
+             [3.2.2] The starting player should gather all 20 game cards
+                     together & pull out the 300 BAUD Hacker cards, then
+                     choose 1 of the 4 300 BAUD Hacker cards & return it to
+                     the box, that hacker is fixing the phones & is out of
+                     play for the rest of the game. Canonically Cereal should
+                     be fixing the phones but the starting player can choose
+                     whichever of the 300 BAUD Hacker cards they please.
+             [3.2.3] The starting player should then shuffle the remaining 19
+                     cards & deal 3 cards to themselves, face down, then deal
+                     1 card to the player on their right, face down, & deal 2
+                     cards to the remaining players, face down.
+             [3.2.4] The starting player should then place the remaining
+                     cards in a stack, face down to create the DECK.
+             [3.2.5] The starting player should then turn over the top card
+                     on the DECK, place it beside the DECK face up to
+                     populate the SNOOP space.
+    [4.1] OVERVIEW
+          Starting with the starting player (obviously) players take turns in
+          clockwise order until a player announces HACK THE PLANET. Each turn
+          proceeds as below.
+    [4.2] TAKING A TURN
+             [4.2.1] Add a card from your hand to your FILES & resolve the
+                     action described in the card's Info Box if the card's
+                     criteria are met.
+             [4.2.2] Add the card from the top of the deck or the card in
+                     the SNOOP space to your hand. If you remove the card
+                     from the SNOOP space, replenish the SNOOP space
+                     immediately & if there are no cards left in the DECK
+                     after replenishing the SNOOP space then HACK THE PLANET.
+                     Some cards modify how you draw cards, draw appropriately
+                     where the criteria in the card's Info Box are met, the
+                     effect of these cards apply to drawing from the DECK
+                     only & do not apply if you chose to move the card from
+                     the SNOOP space to your hand.
+             [4.2.3] Without revealing the cards to any other players, move 1
+                     card from your hand to the hand of the player on your
+                     left & move 1 card from your hand to the hand of the
+                     player on your right.
+             [4.2.4] From your hand, return cards to the bottom of the DECK
+                     until you are left with only 1 card in your hand.
+    [5.1] When there are no cards left in the DECK or when resolving a card
+          that instructs you to HACK THE PLANET, the player who's turn it is
+          should loudly announce "HACK THE PLANET", all other players should
+          loudly respond "HACK THE PLANET" - there is no penalty for not
+          doing this aside from having to live with being a lamer.
+    [5.2] The player that announced HACK THE PLANET should complete their
+          turn & play should proceed as normal.
+    [5.3] When the player who announced HACK THE PLANET takes their next turn,
+          the game is over & the score should be tallied. See WINNING & LOSING
+          below for more info.
+    [7.1] At the end of the game, each player adds up the DATA VALUE of the
+          cards in their FILES & the player with the highest number wins. Easy.
+    [7.2] In the event of a draw, I'm sorry, you have to play again.
+    [8.1] Open Source. Players hands are kept face up, below their FILES so
+          each player can see what the other players have in their hand.
+    [8.2] Encrypted. Players FILES are kept face down. When it's time to HACK
+          THE PLANET, all players overturn their cards before the last round is
+          played. The card in the SNOOP space should remain face up in this
+          variant.
+                                          __________
+                                ________ ╱   ╱  ╱   ╲
+                               ╱       ╱╱           ╱
+                              ╱        ╲           ╱
+                             ╱         ╱          ╱
+                             ╲________╱__________╱
+                              [ B 4 U D W 3 R K 5 ]
+                                      2022