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path: root/app/models
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authorClaire <claire.github-309c@sitedethib.com>2022-06-28 11:11:18 +0200
committerClaire <claire.github-309c@sitedethib.com>2022-06-28 11:11:18 +0200
commitfe5f6bc7edf42e8c87dbdfa98f5707020e42d400 (patch)
tree2e632dfa964aad5cf118930389cf95904f3bd82a /app/models
parent63f79874b59b3ba28c0f940b9d36ea7aacb44c93 (diff)
parent02851848e964675bb59919fa5fd1bdee2c1c29db (diff)
Merge branch 'main' into glitch-soc/merge-upstream
- `.github/workflows/build-image.yml`:
  Fix erroneous deletion in a previous merge.
- `Gemfile`:
  Conflict caused by glitch-soc-only hCaptcha dependency
- `app/controllers/auth/sessions_controller.rb`:
  Minor conflict due to glitch-soc's theming system.
- `app/controllers/filters_controller.rb`:
  Minor conflict due to glitch-soc's theming system.
- `app/serializers/rest/status_serializer.rb`:
  Minor conflict due to glitch-soc having an extra `local_only` property
Diffstat (limited to 'app/models')
5 files changed, 116 insertions, 24 deletions
diff --git a/app/models/concerns/account_interactions.rb b/app/models/concerns/account_interactions.rb
index ad1665dc4..a7401362f 100644
--- a/app/models/concerns/account_interactions.rb
+++ b/app/models/concerns/account_interactions.rb
@@ -247,6 +247,19 @@ module AccountInteractions
     account_pins.where(target_account: account).exists?
+  def status_matches_filters(status)
+    active_filters = CustomFilter.cached_filters_for(id)
+    filter_matches = active_filters.filter_map do |filter, rules|
+      next if rules[:keywords].blank?
+      match = rules[:keywords].match(status.proper.searchable_text)
+      FilterResultPresenter.new(filter: filter, keyword_matches: [match.to_s]) unless match.nil?
+    end
+    filter_matches
+  end
   def followers_for_local_distribution
diff --git a/app/models/custom_filter.rb b/app/models/custom_filter.rb
index 8e3476794..e98ed7df9 100644
--- a/app/models/custom_filter.rb
+++ b/app/models/custom_filter.rb
@@ -3,18 +3,22 @@
 # Table name: custom_filters
-#  id           :bigint(8)        not null, primary key
-#  account_id   :bigint(8)
-#  expires_at   :datetime
-#  phrase       :text             default(""), not null
-#  context      :string           default([]), not null, is an Array
-#  whole_word   :boolean          default(TRUE), not null
-#  irreversible :boolean          default(FALSE), not null
-#  created_at   :datetime         not null
-#  updated_at   :datetime         not null
+#  id         :bigint           not null, primary key
+#  account_id :bigint
+#  expires_at :datetime
+#  phrase     :text             default(""), not null
+#  context    :string           default([]), not null, is an Array
+#  created_at :datetime         not null
+#  updated_at :datetime         not null
+#  action     :integer          default(0), not null
 class CustomFilter < ApplicationRecord
+  self.ignored_columns = %w(whole_word irreversible)
+  alias_attribute :title, :phrase
+  alias_attribute :filter_action, :action
@@ -26,16 +30,20 @@ class CustomFilter < ApplicationRecord
   include Expireable
   include Redisable
+  enum action: [:warn, :hide], _suffix: :action
   belongs_to :account
+  has_many :keywords, class_name: 'CustomFilterKeyword', foreign_key: :custom_filter_id, inverse_of: :custom_filter, dependent: :destroy
+  accepts_nested_attributes_for :keywords, reject_if: :all_blank, allow_destroy: true
-  validates :phrase, :context, presence: true
+  validates :title, :context, presence: true
   validate :context_must_be_valid
-  validate :irreversible_must_be_within_context
-  scope :active_irreversible, -> { where(irreversible: true).where(Arel.sql('expires_at IS NULL OR expires_at > NOW()')) }
   before_validation :clean_up_contexts
-  after_commit :remove_cache
+  before_save :prepare_cache_invalidation!
+  before_destroy :prepare_cache_invalidation!
+  after_commit :invalidate_cache!
   def expires_in
     return @expires_in if defined?(@expires_in)
@@ -44,22 +52,55 @@ class CustomFilter < ApplicationRecord
     [30.minutes, 1.hour, 6.hours, 12.hours, 1.day, 1.week].find { |expires_in| expires_in.from_now >= expires_at }
-  private
+  def irreversible=(value)
+    self.action = value ? :hide : :warn
+  end
-  def clean_up_contexts
-    self.context = Array(context).map(&:strip).filter_map(&:presence)
+  def irreversible?
+    hide_action?
+  end
+  def self.cached_filters_for(account_id)
+    active_filters = Rails.cache.fetch("filters:v3:#{account_id}") do
+      scope = CustomFilterKeyword.includes(:custom_filter).where(custom_filter: { account_id: account_id }).where(Arel.sql('expires_at IS NULL OR expires_at > NOW()'))
+      scope.to_a.group_by(&:custom_filter).map do |filter, keywords|
+        keywords.map! do |keyword|
+          if keyword.whole_word
+            sb = /\A[[:word:]]/.match?(keyword.keyword) ? '\b' : ''
+            eb = /[[:word:]]\z/.match?(keyword.keyword) ? '\b' : ''
+            /(?mix:#{sb}#{Regexp.escape(keyword.keyword)}#{eb})/
+          else
+            /#{Regexp.escape(keyword.keyword)}/i
+          end
+        end
+        [filter, { keywords: Regexp.union(keywords) }]
+      end
+    end.to_a
+    active_filters.select { |custom_filter, _| !custom_filter.expired? }
+  end
+  def prepare_cache_invalidation!
+    @should_invalidate_cache = true
-  def remove_cache
-    Rails.cache.delete("filters:#{account_id}")
+  def invalidate_cache!
+    return unless @should_invalidate_cache
+    @should_invalidate_cache = false
+    Rails.cache.delete("filters:v3:#{account_id}")
     redis.publish("timeline:#{account_id}", Oj.dump(event: :filters_changed))
+    redis.publish("timeline:system:#{account_id}", Oj.dump(event: :filters_changed))
-  def context_must_be_valid
-    errors.add(:context, I18n.t('filters.errors.invalid_context')) if context.empty? || context.any? { |c| !VALID_CONTEXTS.include?(c) }
+  private
+  def clean_up_contexts
+    self.context = Array(context).map(&:strip).filter_map(&:presence)
-  def irreversible_must_be_within_context
-    errors.add(:irreversible, I18n.t('filters.errors.invalid_irreversible')) if irreversible? && !context.include?('home') && !context.include?('notifications')
+  def context_must_be_valid
+    errors.add(:context, I18n.t('filters.errors.invalid_context')) if context.empty? || context.any? { |c| !VALID_CONTEXTS.include?(c) }
diff --git a/app/models/custom_filter_keyword.rb b/app/models/custom_filter_keyword.rb
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..bf5c55746
--- /dev/null
+++ b/app/models/custom_filter_keyword.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+# frozen_string_literal: true
+# == Schema Information
+# Table name: custom_filter_keywords
+#  id               :bigint           not null, primary key
+#  custom_filter_id :bigint           not null
+#  keyword          :text             default(""), not null
+#  whole_word       :boolean          default(TRUE), not null
+#  created_at       :datetime         not null
+#  updated_at       :datetime         not null
+class CustomFilterKeyword < ApplicationRecord
+  belongs_to :custom_filter
+  validates :keyword, presence: true
+  alias_attribute :phrase, :keyword
+  before_save :prepare_cache_invalidation!
+  before_destroy :prepare_cache_invalidation!
+  after_commit :invalidate_cache!
+  private
+  def prepare_cache_invalidation!
+    custom_filter.prepare_cache_invalidation!
+  end
+  def invalidate_cache!
+    custom_filter.invalidate_cache!
+  end
diff --git a/app/models/domain_allow.rb b/app/models/domain_allow.rb
index 2e14fce25..7a0acbe32 100644
--- a/app/models/domain_allow.rb
+++ b/app/models/domain_allow.rb
@@ -11,6 +11,7 @@
 class DomainAllow < ApplicationRecord
+  include Paginable
   include DomainNormalizable
   include DomainMaterializable
diff --git a/app/models/notification.rb b/app/models/notification.rb
index ba94b54d1..bbc63c1c0 100644
--- a/app/models/notification.rb
+++ b/app/models/notification.rb
@@ -37,6 +37,7 @@ class Notification < ApplicationRecord
+    admin.report
@@ -46,6 +47,7 @@ class Notification < ApplicationRecord
     favourite: [favourite: :status],
     poll: [poll: :status],
     update: :status,
+    'admin.report': [report: :target_account],
   belongs_to :account, optional: true
@@ -58,6 +60,7 @@ class Notification < ApplicationRecord
   belongs_to :follow_request, foreign_key: 'activity_id', optional: true
   belongs_to :favourite,      foreign_key: 'activity_id', optional: true
   belongs_to :poll,           foreign_key: 'activity_id', optional: true
+  belongs_to :report,         foreign_key: 'activity_id', optional: true
   validates :type, inclusion: { in: TYPES }
@@ -146,7 +149,7 @@ class Notification < ApplicationRecord
     return unless new_record?
     case activity_type
-    when 'Status', 'Follow', 'Favourite', 'FollowRequest', 'Poll'
+    when 'Status', 'Follow', 'Favourite', 'FollowRequest', 'Poll', 'Report'
       self.from_account_id = activity&.account_id
     when 'Mention'
       self.from_account_id = activity&.status&.account_id