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path: root/app/views
diff options
authorClaire <claire.github-309c@sitedethib.com>2021-11-25 23:49:17 +0100
committerClaire <claire.github-309c@sitedethib.com>2021-11-25 23:50:35 +0100
commit443ec4f8ba3d9f78acc1b89e2b29ad364cd5e956 (patch)
tree6c83fa75cc4f699503546be0a68409fffa11080f /app/views
parent8c2fe2a846dd14914f7faa4bf71be21058249a93 (diff)
parentb1fd6d44901a13450d22884b02eb6e9ae4fc1248 (diff)
Merge branch 'main' into glitch-soc/merge-upstream
- `app/views/admin/tags/index.html.haml`:
  Removed upstream while it had changes in glitch-soc to accomodate for the
  theming system.

Additional changes to accomodate for the theming system:
- `app/views/admin/trends/links/preview_card_providers/index.html.haml`
- `app/views/admin/trends/links/index.html.haml`
- `app/views/admin/trends/tags/index.html.haml`
- `app/views/admin/tags/show.html.haml`
Diffstat (limited to 'app/views')
14 files changed, 258 insertions, 121 deletions
diff --git a/app/views/admin/dashboard/index.html.haml b/app/views/admin/dashboard/index.html.haml
index 49e725142..b27676e4c 100644
--- a/app/views/admin/dashboard/index.html.haml
+++ b/app/views/admin/dashboard/index.html.haml
@@ -39,7 +39,7 @@
       %span= t('admin.dashboard.pending_users_html', count: @pending_users_count)
       = fa_icon 'chevron-right fw'
-    = link_to admin_tags_path(pending_review: '1'), class: 'dashboard__quick-access' do
+    = link_to admin_trends_tags_path(status: 'pending_review'), class: 'dashboard__quick-access' do
       %span= t('admin.dashboard.pending_tags_html', count: @pending_tags_count)
       = fa_icon 'chevron-right fw'
diff --git a/app/views/admin/tags/_tag.html.haml b/app/views/admin/tags/_tag.html.haml
deleted file mode 100644
index ac0c72816..000000000
--- a/app/views/admin/tags/_tag.html.haml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,19 +0,0 @@
-  - if batch_available
-    %label.batch-table__row__select.batch-table__row__select--aligned.batch-checkbox
-      = f.check_box :tag_ids, { multiple: true, include_hidden: false }, tag.id
-  .directory__tag
-    = link_to admin_tag_path(tag.id) do
-      %h4
-        = fa_icon 'hashtag'
-        = tag.name
-        %small
-          = t('admin.tags.unique_uses_today', count: tag.history.first[:accounts])
-          - if tag.trending?
-            = fa_icon 'fire fw'
-            = t('admin.tags.trending_right_now')
-      .trends__item__current= friendly_number_to_human tag.history.first[:uses]
diff --git a/app/views/admin/tags/index.html.haml b/app/views/admin/tags/index.html.haml
deleted file mode 100644
index e25b0ae84..000000000
--- a/app/views/admin/tags/index.html.haml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,71 +0,0 @@
-- content_for :page_title do
-  = t('admin.tags.title')
-  .filter-subset
-    %strong= t('admin.tags.review')
-    %ul
-      %li= filter_link_to t('generic.all'), reviewed: nil, unreviewed: nil, pending_review: nil
-      %li= filter_link_to t('admin.tags.unreviewed'), unreviewed: '1', reviewed: nil, pending_review: nil
-      %li= filter_link_to t('admin.tags.reviewed'), reviewed: '1', unreviewed: nil, pending_review: nil
-      %li= filter_link_to safe_join([t('admin.accounts.moderation.pending'), "(#{Tag.pending_review.count})"], ' '), pending_review: '1', reviewed: nil, unreviewed: nil
-  .filter-subset
-    %strong= t('generic.order_by')
-    %ul
-      %li= filter_link_to t('admin.tags.most_recent'), popular: nil, active: nil
-      %li= filter_link_to t('admin.tags.last_active'), active: '1', popular: nil
-      %li= filter_link_to t('admin.tags.most_popular'), popular: '1', active: nil
-= form_tag admin_tags_url, method: 'GET', class: 'simple_form' do
-  .fields-group
-    - TagFilter::KEYS.each do |key|
-      = hidden_field_tag key, params[key] if params[key].present?
-    - %i(name).each do |key|
-      .input.string.optional
-        = text_field_tag key, params[key], class: 'string optional', placeholder: I18n.t("admin.tags.#{key}")
-    .actions
-      %button.button= t('admin.accounts.search')
-      = link_to t('admin.accounts.reset'), admin_tags_path, class: 'button negative'
-= form_for(@form, url: batch_admin_tags_path) do |f|
-  = hidden_field_tag :page, params[:page] || 1
-  - TagFilter::KEYS.each do |key|
-    = hidden_field_tag key, params[key] if params[key].present?
-  .batch-table.optional
-    .batch-table__toolbar
-      - if params[:pending_review] == '1' || params[:unreviewed] == '1'
-        %label.batch-table__toolbar__select.batch-checkbox-all
-          = check_box_tag :batch_checkbox_all, nil, false
-        .batch-table__toolbar__actions
-          = f.button safe_join([fa_icon('check'), t('admin.accounts.approve')]), name: :approve, class: 'table-action-link', type: :submit, data: { confirm: t('admin.reports.are_you_sure') }
-          = f.button safe_join([fa_icon('times'), t('admin.accounts.reject')]), name: :reject, class: 'table-action-link', type: :submit, data: { confirm: t('admin.reports.are_you_sure') }
-      - else
-        .batch-table__toolbar__actions
-          %span.neutral-hint= t('generic.no_batch_actions_available')
-    .batch-table__body
-      - if @tags.empty?
-        = nothing_here 'nothing-here--under-tabs'
-      - else
-        = render partial: 'tag', collection: @tags, locals: { f: f, batch_available: params[:pending_review] == '1' || params[:unreviewed] == '1' }
-= paginate @tags
-- if params[:pending_review] == '1' || params[:unreviewed] == '1'
-  %hr.spacer/
-  %div.action-buttons
-    %div
-      = link_to t('admin.accounts.approve_all'), approve_all_admin_tags_path, method: :post, data: { confirm: t('admin.accounts.are_you_sure') }, class: 'button'
-    %div
-      = link_to t('admin.accounts.reject_all'), reject_all_admin_tags_path, method: :post, data: { confirm: t('admin.accounts.are_you_sure') }, class: 'button button--destructive'
diff --git a/app/views/admin/tags/show.html.haml b/app/views/admin/tags/show.html.haml
index c4caffda1..c41ce2fc2 100644
--- a/app/views/admin/tags/show.html.haml
+++ b/app/views/admin/tags/show.html.haml
@@ -1,15 +1,47 @@
 - content_for :page_title do
   = "##{@tag.name}"
-  %div
-    = link_to tag_url(@tag), target: '_blank', rel: 'noopener noreferrer' do
-      .dashboard__counters__num= number_with_delimiter @accounts_today
-      .dashboard__counters__label= t 'admin.tags.accounts_today'
-  %div
-    %div
-      .dashboard__counters__num= number_with_delimiter @accounts_week
-      .dashboard__counters__label= t 'admin.tags.accounts_week'
+- content_for :heading_actions do
+  = l(@time_period.first)
+  = ' - '
+  = l(@time_period.last)
+  .dashboard__item
+    = react_admin_component :counter, measure: 'tag_accounts', start_at: @time_period.first, end_at: @time_period.last, params: { id: @tag.id }, label: t('admin.trends.tags.dashboard.tag_accounts_measure')
+  .dashboard__item
+    = react_admin_component :counter, measure: 'tag_uses', start_at: @time_period.first, end_at: @time_period.last, params: { id: @tag.id }, label: t('admin.trends.tags.dashboard.tag_uses_measure')
+  .dashboard__item
+    = react_admin_component :counter, measure: 'tag_servers', start_at: @time_period.first, end_at: @time_period.last, params: { id: @tag.id }, label: t('admin.trends.tags.dashboard.tag_servers_measure')
+  .dashboard__item
+    = react_admin_component :dimension, dimension: 'tag_servers', start_at: @time_period.first, end_at: @time_period.last, params: { id: @tag.id }, limit: 8, label: t('admin.trends.tags.dashboard.tag_servers_dimension')
+  .dashboard__item
+    = react_admin_component :dimension, dimension: 'tag_languages', start_at: @time_period.first, end_at: @time_period.last, params: { id: @tag.id }, limit: 8, label: t('admin.trends.tags.dashboard.tag_languages_dimension')
+  .dashboard__item
+    = link_to admin_tag_path(@tag.id), class: ['dashboard__quick-access', @tag.usable? ? 'positive' : 'negative'] do
+      - if @tag.usable?
+        %span= t('admin.trends.tags.usable')
+        = fa_icon 'check fw'
+      - else
+        %span= t('admin.trends.tags.not_usable')
+        = fa_icon 'lock fw'
+    = link_to admin_tag_path(@tag.id), class: ['dashboard__quick-access', @tag.trendable? ? 'positive' : 'negative'] do
+      - if @tag.trendable?
+        %span= t('admin.trends.tags.trendable')
+        = fa_icon 'check fw'
+      - else
+        %span= t('admin.trends.tags.not_trendable')
+        = fa_icon 'lock fw'
+    = link_to admin_tag_path(@tag.id), class: ['dashboard__quick-access', @tag.listable? ? 'positive' : 'negative'] do
+      - if @tag.listable?
+        %span= t('admin.trends.tags.listable')
+        = fa_icon 'check fw'
+      - else
+        %span= t('admin.trends.tags.not_listable')
+        = fa_icon 'lock fw'
@@ -26,18 +58,3 @@
     = f.button :button, t('generic.save_changes'), type: :submit
-%h3= t 'admin.tags.breakdown'
-  %table.table
-    %tbody
-      - total = @usage_by_domain.sum(&:last).to_f
-      - @usage_by_domain.each do |(domain, count)|
-        %tr
-          %th= domain || site_hostname
-          %td= number_to_percentage((count / total) * 100, precision: 1)
-          %td= number_with_delimiter count
diff --git a/app/views/admin/trends/links/_preview_card.html.haml b/app/views/admin/trends/links/_preview_card.html.haml
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..dfed13b68
--- /dev/null
+++ b/app/views/admin/trends/links/_preview_card.html.haml
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+.batch-table__row{ class: [preview_card.provider&.requires_review? && 'batch-table__row--attention', !preview_card.provider&.requires_review? && !preview_card.trendable? && 'batch-table__row--muted'] }
+  %label.batch-table__row__select.batch-table__row__select--aligned.batch-checkbox
+    = f.check_box :preview_card_ids, { multiple: true, include_hidden: false }, preview_card.id
+  .batch-table__row__content.pending-account
+    .pending-account__header
+      = link_to preview_card.title, preview_card.url
+      %br/
+      - if preview_card.provider_name.present?
+        = preview_card.provider_name
+        •
+      - if preview_card.language.present?
+        = human_locale(preview_card.language)
+        •
+      = t('admin.trends.links.shared_by_over_week', count: preview_card.history.reduce(0) { |sum, day| sum + day.accounts })
+      - if preview_card.trendable? && (rank = Trends.links.rank(preview_card.id))
+        •
+        %abbr{ title: t('admin.trends.tags.current_score', score: Trends.links.score(preview_card.id)) }= t('admin.trends.tags.trending_rank', rank: rank + 1)
+        - if preview_card.max_score_at && preview_card.max_score_at >= Trends::Links::MAX_SCORE_COOLDOWN.ago && preview_card.max_score_at < 1.day.ago
+          •
+          = t('admin.trends.tags.peaked_on_and_decaying', date: l(preview_card.max_score_at.to_date, format: :short))
+      - elsif preview_card.provider&.requires_review?
+        •
+        = t('admin.trends.pending_review')
diff --git a/app/views/admin/trends/links/index.html.haml b/app/views/admin/trends/links/index.html.haml
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..acd2b0466
--- /dev/null
+++ b/app/views/admin/trends/links/index.html.haml
@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
+- content_for :page_title do
+  = t('admin.trends.links.title')
+  .filter-subset
+    %strong= t('admin.trends.trending')
+    %ul
+      %li= filter_link_to t('generic.all'), trending: nil
+      %li= filter_link_to t('admin.trends.only_allowed'), trending: 'allowed'
+  .back-link
+    = link_to admin_trends_links_preview_card_providers_path do
+      = t('admin.trends.preview_card_providers.title')
+      = fa_icon 'chevron-right fw'
+= form_for(@form, url: batch_admin_trends_links_path) do |f|
+  = hidden_field_tag :page, params[:page] || 1
+  - PreviewCardFilter::KEYS.each do |key|
+    = hidden_field_tag key, params[key] if params[key].present?
+  .batch-table
+    .batch-table__toolbar
+      %label.batch-table__toolbar__select.batch-checkbox-all
+        = check_box_tag :batch_checkbox_all, nil, false
+      .batch-table__toolbar__actions
+        = f.button safe_join([fa_icon('check'), t('admin.trends.links.allow')]), name: :approve, class: 'table-action-link', type: :submit, data: { confirm: t('admin.reports.are_you_sure') }
+        = f.button safe_join([fa_icon('check'), t('admin.trends.links.allow_provider')]), name: :approve_all, class: 'table-action-link', type: :submit, data: { confirm: t('admin.reports.are_you_sure') }
+        = f.button safe_join([fa_icon('times'), t('admin.trends.links.disallow')]), name: :reject, class: 'table-action-link', type: :submit, data: { confirm: t('admin.reports.are_you_sure') }
+        = f.button safe_join([fa_icon('times'), t('admin.trends.links.disallow_provider')]), name: :reject_all, class: 'table-action-link', type: :submit, data: { confirm: t('admin.reports.are_you_sure') }
+    .batch-table__body
+      - if @preview_cards.empty?
+        = nothing_here 'nothing-here--under-tabs'
+      - else
+        = render partial: 'preview_card', collection: @preview_cards, locals: { f: f }
+= paginate @preview_cards
diff --git a/app/views/admin/trends/links/preview_card_providers/_preview_card_provider.html.haml b/app/views/admin/trends/links/preview_card_providers/_preview_card_provider.html.haml
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..e40e6529d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/app/views/admin/trends/links/preview_card_providers/_preview_card_provider.html.haml
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+.batch-table__row{ class: [preview_card_provider.requires_review? && 'batch-table__row--attention', !preview_card_provider.requires_review? && !preview_card_provider.trendable? && 'batch-table__row--muted'] }
+  %label.batch-table__row__select.batch-table__row__select--aligned.batch-checkbox
+    = f.check_box :preview_card_provider_ids, { multiple: true, include_hidden: false }, preview_card_provider.id
+  .batch-table__row__content.pending-account
+    .pending-account__header
+      %strong= preview_card_provider.domain
+      %br/
+      - if preview_card_provider.requires_review?
+        = t('admin.trends.pending_review')
+      - elsif preview_card_provider.trendable?
+        = t('admin.trends.preview_card_providers.allowed')
+      - else
+        = t('admin.trends.preview_card_providers.rejected')
diff --git a/app/views/admin/trends/links/preview_card_providers/index.html.haml b/app/views/admin/trends/links/preview_card_providers/index.html.haml
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..df54f58ba
--- /dev/null
+++ b/app/views/admin/trends/links/preview_card_providers/index.html.haml
@@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
+- content_for :page_title do
+  = t('admin.trends.preview_card_providers.title')
+  .filter-subset
+    %strong= t('admin.tags.review')
+    %ul
+      %li= filter_link_to t('generic.all'), status: nil
+      %li= filter_link_to t('admin.trends.approved'), status: 'approved'
+      %li= filter_link_to t('admin.trends.rejected'), status: 'rejected'
+      %li= filter_link_to safe_join([t('admin.accounts.moderation.pending'), "(#{PreviewCardProvider.pending_review.count})"], ' '), status: 'pending_review'
+  .back-link
+    = link_to admin_trends_links_path do
+      = fa_icon 'chevron-left fw'
+      = t('admin.trends.links.title')
+= form_for(@form, url: batch_admin_trends_links_preview_card_providers_path) do |f|
+  = hidden_field_tag :page, params[:page] || 1
+  - PreviewCardProviderFilter::KEYS.each do |key|
+    = hidden_field_tag key, params[key] if params[key].present?
+  .batch-table.optional
+    .batch-table__toolbar
+      %label.batch-table__toolbar__select.batch-checkbox-all
+        = check_box_tag :batch_checkbox_all, nil, false
+      .batch-table__toolbar__actions
+        = f.button safe_join([fa_icon('check'), t('admin.trends.allow')]), name: :approve, class: 'table-action-link', type: :submit, data: { confirm: t('admin.reports.are_you_sure') }
+        = f.button safe_join([fa_icon('times'), t('admin.trends.disallow')]), name: :reject, class: 'table-action-link', type: :submit, data: { confirm: t('admin.reports.are_you_sure') }
+    .batch-table__body
+      - if @preview_card_providers.empty?
+        = nothing_here 'nothing-here--under-tabs'
+      - else
+        = render partial: 'preview_card_provider', collection: @preview_card_providers, locals: { f: f }
+= paginate @preview_card_providers
diff --git a/app/views/admin/trends/tags/_tag.html.haml b/app/views/admin/trends/tags/_tag.html.haml
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..c4af77b00
--- /dev/null
+++ b/app/views/admin/trends/tags/_tag.html.haml
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+.batch-table__row{ class: [tag.requires_review? && 'batch-table__row--attention', !tag.requires_review? && !tag.trendable? && 'batch-table__row--muted'] }
+  %label.batch-table__row__select.batch-table__row__select--aligned.batch-checkbox
+    = f.check_box :tag_ids, { multiple: true, include_hidden: false }, tag.id
+  .batch-table__row__content.pending-account
+    .pending-account__header
+      = link_to admin_tag_path(tag.id) do
+        = fa_icon 'hashtag'
+        = tag.name
+      %br/
+      = t('admin.trends.tags.used_by_over_week', count: tag.history.reduce(0) { |sum, day| sum + day.accounts })
+      - if tag.trendable? && (rank = Trends.tags.rank(tag.id))
+        •
+        %abbr{ title: t('admin.trends.tags.current_score', score: Trends.tags.score(tag.id)) }= t('admin.trends.tags.trending_rank', rank: rank + 1)
+        - if tag.max_score_at && tag.max_score_at >= Trends::Tags::MAX_SCORE_COOLDOWN.ago && tag.max_score_at < 1.day.ago
+          •
+          = t('admin.trends.tags.peaked_on_and_decaying', date: l(tag.max_score_at.to_date, format: :short))
+      - elsif tag.requires_review?
+        •
+        = t('admin.trends.pending_review')
diff --git a/app/views/admin/trends/tags/index.html.haml b/app/views/admin/trends/tags/index.html.haml
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..99ad5490f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/app/views/admin/trends/tags/index.html.haml
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+- content_for :page_title do
+  = t('admin.trends.tags.title')
+  .filter-subset
+    %strong= t('admin.tags.review')
+    %ul
+      %li= filter_link_to t('generic.all'), status: nil
+      %li= filter_link_to t('admin.trends.approved'), status: 'approved'
+      %li= filter_link_to t('admin.trends.rejected'), status: 'rejected'
+      %li= filter_link_to safe_join([t('admin.accounts.moderation.pending'), "(#{Tag.pending_review.count})"], ' '), status: 'pending_review'
+= form_for(@form, url: batch_admin_trends_tags_path) do |f|
+  = hidden_field_tag :page, params[:page] || 1
+  - TagFilter::KEYS.each do |key|
+    = hidden_field_tag key, params[key] if params[key].present?
+  .batch-table.optional
+    .batch-table__toolbar
+      %label.batch-table__toolbar__select.batch-checkbox-all
+        = check_box_tag :batch_checkbox_all, nil, false
+      .batch-table__toolbar__actions
+        = f.button safe_join([fa_icon('check'), t('admin.trends.allow')]), name: :approve, class: 'table-action-link', type: :submit, data: { confirm: t('admin.reports.are_you_sure') }
+        = f.button safe_join([fa_icon('times'), t('admin.trends.disallow')]), name: :reject, class: 'table-action-link', type: :submit, data: { confirm: t('admin.reports.are_you_sure') }
+    .batch-table__body
+      - if @tags.empty?
+        = nothing_here 'nothing-here--under-tabs'
+      - else
+        = render partial: 'tag', collection: @tags, locals: { f: f }
+= paginate @tags
diff --git a/app/views/admin_mailer/new_trending_links.text.erb b/app/views/admin_mailer/new_trending_links.text.erb
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..51789aca5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/app/views/admin_mailer/new_trending_links.text.erb
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+<%= raw t('application_mailer.salutation', name: display_name(@me)) %>
+<%= raw t('admin_mailer.new_trending_links.body') %>
+<% @links.each do |link| %>
+- <%= link.title %> • <%= link.url %>
+  <%= t('admin.trends.links.usage_comparison', today: link.history.get(Time.now.utc).accounts, yesterday: link.history.get(Time.now.utc - 1.day).accounts) %> • <%= t('admin.trends.tags.current_score', score: Trends.links.score(link.id).round(2)) %>
+<% end %>
+<% if @lowest_trending_link %>
+<%= t('admin_mailer.new_trending_links.requirements', lowest_link_title: @lowest_trending_link.title, lowest_link_score: Trends.links.score(@lowest_trending_link.id).round(2)) %>
+<% else %>
+<%= t('admin_mailer.new_trending_links.no_approved_links') %>
+<% end %>
+<%= raw t('application_mailer.view')%> <%= admin_trends_links_url %>
diff --git a/app/views/admin_mailer/new_trending_tag.text.erb b/app/views/admin_mailer/new_trending_tag.text.erb
deleted file mode 100644
index e4bfdc591..000000000
--- a/app/views/admin_mailer/new_trending_tag.text.erb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
-<%= raw t('application_mailer.salutation', name: display_name(@me)) %>
-<%= raw t('admin_mailer.new_trending_tag.body', name: @tag.name) %>
-<%= raw t('application_mailer.view')%> <%= admin_tags_url(pending_review: '1') %>
diff --git a/app/views/admin_mailer/new_trending_tags.text.erb b/app/views/admin_mailer/new_trending_tags.text.erb
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..5051e8a96
--- /dev/null
+++ b/app/views/admin_mailer/new_trending_tags.text.erb
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+<%= raw t('application_mailer.salutation', name: display_name(@me)) %>
+<%= raw t('admin_mailer.new_trending_tags.body') %>
+<% @tags.each do |tag| %>
+- #<%= tag.name %>
+  <%= t('admin.trends.tags.usage_comparison', today: tag.history.get(Time.now.utc).accounts, yesterday: tag.history.get(Time.now.utc - 1.day).accounts) %> • <%= t('admin.trends.tags.current_score', score: Trends.tags.score(tag.id).round(2)) %>
+<% end %>
+<% if @lowest_trending_tag %>
+<%= t('admin_mailer.new_trending_tags.requirements', lowest_tag_name: @lowest_trending_tag.name, lowest_tag_score: Trends.tags.score(@lowest_trending_tag.id).round(2)) %>
+<% else %>
+<%= t('admin_mailer.new_trending_tags.no_approved_tags') %>
+<% end %>
+<%= raw t('application_mailer.view')%> <%= admin_trends_tags_url(pending_review: '1') %>
diff --git a/app/views/application/_sidebar.html.haml b/app/views/application/_sidebar.html.haml
index 7ec91c06a..6826c3b58 100644
--- a/app/views/application/_sidebar.html.haml
+++ b/app/views/application/_sidebar.html.haml
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
     %p= @instance_presenter.site_short_description.html_safe.presence || t('about.about_mastodon_html')
 - if Setting.trends && !(user_signed_in? && !current_user.setting_trends)
-  - trends = TrendingTags.get(3)
+  - trends = Trends.tags.get(true, 3)
   - unless trends.empty?