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path: root/config/locales/gd.yml
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authorClaire <claire.github-309c@sitedethib.com>2023-03-31 21:30:27 +0200
committerClaire <claire.github-309c@sitedethib.com>2023-03-31 21:30:27 +0200
commit01d6f7529faef97c0209ef11bbca2e856961bbab (patch)
tree513ac21302befa1a08fc4968dcd4dca6b0e06360 /config/locales/gd.yml
parentcbdb25ab0343603165fc89fd28b07c9ca0f2ae6d (diff)
parentc6c03b49b255c4fe2183b94288a712ad7a66e2c2 (diff)
Merge branch 'main' into glitch-soc/merge-upstream
- `README.md`:
  Upstream added a link to the roadmap, but we have a completely different README.
  Kept ours.
- `app/models/media_attachment.rb`:
  Upstream upped media attachment limits.
  Updated the default according to upstream's.
- `db/migrate/20180831171112_create_bookmarks.rb`:
  Upstream changed the migration compatibility level.
  Did so too.
- `config/initializers/content_security_policy.rb`:
  Upstream refactored this file but we have a different version.
  Kept our version.
- `app/controllers/settings/preferences_controller.rb`:
  Upstream completely refactored user settings storage, and glitch-soc has a
  different set of settings.
  The file does not directly references individual settings anymore.
  Applied upstream changes.
- `app/lib/user_settings_decorator.rb`:
  Upstream completely refactored user settings storage, and glitch-soc has a
  different set of settings.
  The file got removed entirely.
  Removed it as well.
- `app/models/user.rb`:
  Upstream completely refactored user settings storage, and glitch-soc has a
  different set of settings.
  References to individual settings have been removed from the file.
  Removed them as well.
- `app/views/settings/preferences/appearance/show.html.haml`:
  Upstream completely refactored user settings storage, and glitch-soc has a
  different set of settings.
  Applied upstream's changes and ported ours back.
- `app/views/settings/preferences/notifications/show.html.haml`:
  Upstream completely refactored user settings storage, and glitch-soc has a
  different set of settings.
  Applied upstream's changes and ported ours back.
- `app/views/settings/preferences/other/show.html.haml`:
  Upstream completely refactored user settings storage, and glitch-soc has a
  different set of settings.
  Applied upstream's changes and ported ours back.
- `config/settings.yml`:
  Upstream completely refactored user settings storage, and glitch-soc has a
  different set of settings.
  In particular, upstream removed user-specific and unused settings.
  Did the same in glitch-soc.
- `spec/controllers/application_controller_spec.rb`:
  Conflicts due to glitch-soc's theming system.
  Mostly kept our version, as upstream messed up the tests.
Diffstat (limited to 'config/locales/gd.yml')
1 files changed, 2 insertions, 3 deletions
diff --git a/config/locales/gd.yml b/config/locales/gd.yml
index fb3b8f8ee..a481bbb25 100644
--- a/config/locales/gd.yml
+++ b/config/locales/gd.yml
@@ -653,7 +653,7 @@ gd:
           delete_html: Thoir air falbh na postaichean oilbheumach
           mark_as_sensitive_html: Cuir comharra gu bheil meadhanan nam postaichean oilbheumach frionasach
-          silence_html: Thèid cò ruigeas <strong>@%{acct}</strong> a chuingeachadh gu mòr air sgàth ’s nach fhaic ach an fheadhainn a bheil ’ga leantainn mu thràth no a tha a’ lorg na pròifil aca a làimh a’ phròifil is an t-susbaint aca.
+          silence_html: Thèid cò ruigeas <strong>@%{acct}</strong> a chuingeachadh gu mòr air sgàth ’s nach fhaic ach an fheadhainn a bheil ’ga leantainn mu thràth no a tha a’ lorg na pròifil aca a làimh a’ phròifil is an t-susbaint aca
           suspend_html: Thèid <strong>@%{acct}</strong> a chur à rèim agus cha ghabh a’ phròifil is an t-susbaint aca a ruigsinn no eadar-ghabhail
         close_report: 'Cuir comharra gun deach gearan #%{id} fhuasgladh'
         close_reports_html: Cuir comharra gun deach <strong>gach</strong> gearan an aghaidh <strong>@%{acct}</strong> fhuasgladh
@@ -661,7 +661,7 @@ gd:
         preview_preamble_html: 'Gheibh <strong>@%{acct}</strong> rabhadh leis an t-susbaint seo:'
         record_strike_html: Clàraich rabhadh an aghaidh <strong>@%{acct}</strong> airson do chuideachadh ach am bi thu nas teinne le droch-ghiùlan on chunntas seo san àm ri teachd
         send_email_html: Cuir post-d rabhaidh gu <strong>@%{acct}</strong>
-        warning_placeholder: Adhbharan roghainneil eile air gnìomh na maorsainneachd
+        warning_placeholder: Adhbharan roghainneil eile air gnìomh na maorsainneachd.
       target_origin: Tùs cunntas a’ ghearain
       title: Gearanan
       unassign: Dì-iomruin
@@ -1731,7 +1731,6 @@ gd:
     seamless_external_login: Rinn thu clàradh a-steach le seirbheis on taobh a-muigh, mar sin chan eil roghainnean an fhacail-fhaire ’s a’ phuist-d ri làimh dhut.
     signed_in_as: 'Chlàraich thu a-steach mar:'
-    explanation_html: '’S urrainn dhut <strong>dearbhadh gur e seilbheadair nan ceanglaichean ann am meata-dàta na pròifil agad a th’ annad</strong>. Airson sin a dhèanamh, feumaidh ceangal air ais dhan phròifil Mastodon a bhith aig an làrach-lìn cheangailte. <strong>Feumaidh</strong> buadh <code>rel="me"</code> a bhith aig a’ cheangal air ais. Chan eil e gu diofar dè an t-susbaint a tha ann an teacsa a’ cheangail. Seo ball-eisimpleir dhut:'
     verification: Dearbhadh
     add: Cuir iuchair tèarainteachd ùr ris