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4 files changed, 144 insertions, 23 deletions
diff --git a/app/controllers/auth/sessions_controller.rb b/app/controllers/auth/sessions_controller.rb
index 9c73b39e2..7afd09e10 100644
--- a/app/controllers/auth/sessions_controller.rb
+++ b/app/controllers/auth/sessions_controller.rb
@@ -58,16 +58,20 @@ class Auth::SessionsController < Devise::SessionsController
   def find_user
-    if session[:attempt_user_id]
+    if user_params[:email].present?
+      find_user_from_params
+    elsif session[:attempt_user_id]
       User.find_by(id: session[:attempt_user_id])
-    else
-      user   = User.authenticate_with_ldap(user_params) if Devise.ldap_authentication
-      user ||= User.authenticate_with_pam(user_params) if Devise.pam_authentication
-      user ||= User.find_for_authentication(email: user_params[:email])
-      user
+  def find_user_from_params
+    user   = User.authenticate_with_ldap(user_params) if Devise.ldap_authentication
+    user ||= User.authenticate_with_pam(user_params) if Devise.pam_authentication
+    user ||= User.find_for_authentication(email: user_params[:email])
+    user
+  end
   def user_params
     params.require(:user).permit(:email, :password, :otp_attempt, :sign_in_token_attempt, credential: {})
diff --git a/app/controllers/concerns/sign_in_token_authentication_concern.rb b/app/controllers/concerns/sign_in_token_authentication_concern.rb
index cbee84569..384c5c50c 100644
--- a/app/controllers/concerns/sign_in_token_authentication_concern.rb
+++ b/app/controllers/concerns/sign_in_token_authentication_concern.rb
@@ -16,14 +16,18 @@ module SignInTokenAuthenticationConcern
   def authenticate_with_sign_in_token
-    user = self.resource = find_user
-    if user.present? && session[:attempt_user_id].present? && session[:attempt_user_updated_at] != user.updated_at.to_s
-      restart_session
-    elsif user_params.key?(:sign_in_token_attempt) && session[:attempt_user_id]
-      authenticate_with_sign_in_token_attempt(user)
-    elsif user.present? && user.external_or_valid_password?(user_params[:password])
-      prompt_for_sign_in_token(user)
+    if user_params[:email].present?
+      user = self.resource = find_user_from_params
+      prompt_for_sign_in_token(user) if user&.external_or_valid_password?(user_params[:password])
+    elsif session[:attempt_user_id]
+      user = self.resource = User.find_by(id: session[:attempt_user_id])
+      return if user.nil?
+      if session[:attempt_user_updated_at] != user.updated_at.to_s
+        restart_session
+      elsif user_params.key?(:sign_in_token_attempt)
+        authenticate_with_sign_in_token_attempt(user)
+      end
diff --git a/app/controllers/concerns/two_factor_authentication_concern.rb b/app/controllers/concerns/two_factor_authentication_concern.rb
index 909ab7717..2583d324b 100644
--- a/app/controllers/concerns/two_factor_authentication_concern.rb
+++ b/app/controllers/concerns/two_factor_authentication_concern.rb
@@ -35,16 +35,20 @@ module TwoFactorAuthenticationConcern
   def authenticate_with_two_factor
-    user = self.resource = find_user
+    if user_params[:email].present?
+      user = self.resource = find_user_from_params
+      prompt_for_two_factor(user) if user&.external_or_valid_password?(user_params[:password])
+    elsif session[:attempt_user_id]
+      user = self.resource = User.find_by(id: session[:attempt_user_id])
+      return if user.nil?
-    if user.present? && session[:attempt_user_id].present? && session[:attempt_user_updated_at] != user.updated_at.to_s
-      restart_session
-    elsif user.webauthn_enabled? && user_params.key?(:credential) && session[:attempt_user_id]
-      authenticate_with_two_factor_via_webauthn(user)
-    elsif user_params.key?(:otp_attempt) && session[:attempt_user_id]
-      authenticate_with_two_factor_via_otp(user)
-    elsif user.present? && user.external_or_valid_password?(user_params[:password])
-      prompt_for_two_factor(user)
+      if session[:attempt_user_updated_at] != user.updated_at.to_s
+        restart_session
+      elsif user.webauthn_enabled? && user_params.key?(:credential)
+        authenticate_with_two_factor_via_webauthn(user)
+      elsif user_params.key?(:otp_attempt)
+        authenticate_with_two_factor_via_otp(user)
+      end
diff --git a/spec/controllers/auth/sessions_controller_spec.rb b/spec/controllers/auth/sessions_controller_spec.rb
index d03ae51e8..051a0807d 100644
--- a/spec/controllers/auth/sessions_controller_spec.rb
+++ b/spec/controllers/auth/sessions_controller_spec.rb
@@ -206,6 +206,38 @@ RSpec.describe Auth::SessionsController, type: :controller do
+        context 'using email and password after an unfinished log-in attempt to a 2FA-protected account' do
+          let!(:other_user) do
+            Fabricate(:user, email: 'z@y.com', password: 'abcdefgh', otp_required_for_login: true, otp_secret: User.generate_otp_secret(32))
+          end
+          before do
+            post :create, params: { user: { email: other_user.email, password: other_user.password } }
+            post :create, params: { user: { email: user.email, password: user.password } }
+          end
+          it 'renders two factor authentication page' do
+            expect(controller).to render_template("two_factor")
+            expect(controller).to render_template(partial: "_otp_authentication_form")
+          end
+        end
+        context 'using email and password after an unfinished log-in attempt with a sign-in token challenge' do
+          let!(:other_user) do
+            Fabricate(:user, email: 'z@y.com', password: 'abcdefgh', otp_required_for_login: false, current_sign_in_at: 1.month.ago)
+          end
+          before do
+            post :create, params: { user: { email: other_user.email, password: other_user.password } }
+            post :create, params: { user: { email: user.email, password: user.password } }
+          end
+          it 'renders two factor authentication page' do
+            expect(controller).to render_template("two_factor")
+            expect(controller).to render_template(partial: "_otp_authentication_form")
+          end
+        end
         context 'using upcase email and password' do
           before do
             post :create, params: { user: { email: user.email.upcase, password: user.password } }
@@ -231,6 +263,21 @@ RSpec.describe Auth::SessionsController, type: :controller do
+        context 'using a valid OTP, attempting to leverage previous half-login to bypass password auth' do
+          let!(:other_user) do
+            Fabricate(:user, email: 'z@y.com', password: 'abcdefgh', otp_required_for_login: false, current_sign_in_at: 1.month.ago)
+          end
+          before do
+            post :create, params: { user: { email: other_user.email, password: other_user.password } }
+            post :create, params: { user: { email: user.email, otp_attempt: user.current_otp } }, session: { attempt_user_updated_at: user.updated_at.to_s }
+          end
+          it "doesn't log the user in" do
+            expect(controller.current_user).to be_nil
+          end
+        end
         context 'when the server has an decryption error' do
           before do
             allow_any_instance_of(User).to receive(:validate_and_consume_otp!).and_raise(OpenSSL::Cipher::CipherError)
@@ -380,6 +427,52 @@ RSpec.describe Auth::SessionsController, type: :controller do
+      context 'using email and password after an unfinished log-in attempt to a 2FA-protected account' do
+        let!(:other_user) do
+          Fabricate(:user, email: 'z@y.com', password: 'abcdefgh', otp_required_for_login: true, otp_secret: User.generate_otp_secret(32))
+        end
+        before do
+          post :create, params: { user: { email: other_user.email, password: other_user.password } }
+          post :create, params: { user: { email: user.email, password: user.password } }
+        end
+        it 'renders sign in token authentication page' do
+          expect(controller).to render_template("sign_in_token")
+        end
+        it 'generates sign in token' do
+          expect(user.reload.sign_in_token).to_not be_nil
+        end
+        it 'sends sign in token e-mail' do
+          expect(UserMailer).to have_received(:sign_in_token)
+        end
+      end
+      context 'using email and password after an unfinished log-in attempt with a sign-in token challenge' do
+        let!(:other_user) do
+          Fabricate(:user, email: 'z@y.com', password: 'abcdefgh', otp_required_for_login: false, current_sign_in_at: 1.month.ago)
+        end
+        before do
+          post :create, params: { user: { email: other_user.email, password: other_user.password } }
+          post :create, params: { user: { email: user.email, password: user.password } }
+        end
+        it 'renders sign in token authentication page' do
+          expect(controller).to render_template("sign_in_token")
+        end
+        it 'generates sign in token' do
+          expect(user.reload.sign_in_token).to_not be_nil
+        end
+        it 'sends sign in token e-mail' do
+          expect(UserMailer).to have_received(:sign_in_token).with(user, any_args)
+        end
+      end
       context 'using a valid sign in token' do
         before do
           user.generate_sign_in_token && user.save
@@ -395,6 +488,22 @@ RSpec.describe Auth::SessionsController, type: :controller do
+      context 'using a valid sign in token, attempting to leverage previous half-login to bypass password auth' do
+        let!(:other_user) do
+          Fabricate(:user, email: 'z@y.com', password: 'abcdefgh', otp_required_for_login: false, current_sign_in_at: 1.month.ago)
+        end
+        before do
+          user.generate_sign_in_token && user.save
+          post :create, params: { user: { email: other_user.email, password: other_user.password } }
+          post :create, params: { user: { email: user.email, sign_in_token_attempt: user.sign_in_token } }, session: { attempt_user_updated_at: user.updated_at.to_s }
+        end
+        it "doesn't log the user in" do
+          expect(controller.current_user).to be_nil
+        end
+      end
       context 'using an invalid sign in token' do
         before do
           post :create, params: { user: { sign_in_token_attempt: 'wrongotp' } }, session: { attempt_user_id: user.id, attempt_user_updated_at: user.updated_at.to_s }