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path: root/app/javascript/mastodon/locales/gd.json
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Diffstat (limited to 'app/javascript/mastodon/locales/gd.json')
1 files changed, 66 insertions, 12 deletions
diff --git a/app/javascript/mastodon/locales/gd.json b/app/javascript/mastodon/locales/gd.json
index df5eb0fed..90efdf86b 100644
--- a/app/javascript/mastodon/locales/gd.json
+++ b/app/javascript/mastodon/locales/gd.json
@@ -1,4 +1,17 @@
+  "about.blocks": "Moderated servers",
+  "about.contact": "Contact:",
+  "about.domain_blocks.comment": "Reason",
+  "about.domain_blocks.domain": "Domain",
+  "about.domain_blocks.preamble": "Mastodon generally allows you to view content from and interact with users from any other server in the fediverse. These are the exceptions that have been made on this particular server.",
+  "about.domain_blocks.severity": "Severity",
+  "about.domain_blocks.silenced.explanation": "You will generally not see profiles and content from this server, unless you explicitly look it up or opt into it by following.",
+  "about.domain_blocks.silenced.title": "Limited",
+  "about.domain_blocks.suspended.explanation": "No data from this server will be processed, stored or exchanged, making any interaction or communication with users from this server impossible.",
+  "about.domain_blocks.suspended.title": "Suspended",
+  "about.not_available": "This information has not been made available on this server.",
+  "about.powered_by": "Decentralized social media powered by {mastodon}",
+  "about.rules": "Server rules",
   "account.account_note_header": "Nòta",
   "account.add_or_remove_from_list": "Cuir ris no thoir air falbh o na liostaichean",
   "account.badges.bot": "Bot",
@@ -7,13 +20,16 @@
   "account.block_domain": "Bac an àrainn {domain}",
   "account.blocked": "’Ga bhacadh",
   "account.browse_more_on_origin_server": "Rùraich barrachd dheth air a’ phròifil thùsail",
-  "account.cancel_follow_request": "Sguir dhen iarrtas leantainn",
+  "account.cancel_follow_request": "Withdraw follow request",
   "account.direct": "Cuir teachdaireachd dhìreach gu @{name}",
   "account.disable_notifications": "Na cuir brath thugam tuilleadh nuair a chuireas @{name} post ris",
   "account.domain_blocked": "Chaidh an àrainn a bhacadh",
   "account.edit_profile": "Deasaich a’ phròifil",
   "account.enable_notifications": "Cuir brath thugam nuair a chuireas @{name} post ris",
   "account.endorse": "Brosnaich air a’ phròifil",
+  "account.featured_tags.last_status_at": "Last post on {date}",
+  "account.featured_tags.last_status_never": "No posts",
+  "account.featured_tags.title": "{name}'s featured hashtags",
   "account.follow": "Lean air",
   "account.followers": "Luchd-leantainn",
   "account.followers.empty": "Chan eil neach sam bith a’ leantainn air a’ chleachdaiche seo fhathast.",
@@ -51,7 +67,7 @@
   "account_note.placeholder": "Briog airson nòta a chur ris",
   "admin.dashboard.daily_retention": "Reat glèidheadh nan cleachdaichean às dèidh an clàradh a-rèir latha",
   "admin.dashboard.monthly_retention": "Reat glèidheadh nan cleachdaichean às dèidh an clàradh a-rèir mìos",
-  "admin.dashboard.retention.average": "Średnia",
+  "admin.dashboard.retention.average": "Cuibheasach",
   "admin.dashboard.retention.cohort": "Mìos a’ chlàraidh",
   "admin.dashboard.retention.cohort_size": "Cleachdaichean ùra",
   "alert.rate_limited.message": "Feuch ris a-rithist às dèidh {retry_time, time, medium}.",
@@ -63,12 +79,19 @@
   "audio.hide": "Falaich an fhuaim",
   "autosuggest_hashtag.per_week": "{count} san t-seachdain",
   "boost_modal.combo": "Brùth air {combo} nam b’ fheàrr leat leum a ghearradh thar seo an ath-thuras",
-  "bundle_column_error.body": "Chaidh rudeigin cearr nuair a dh’fheuch sinn ris a’ cho-phàirt seo a luchdadh.",
+  "bundle_column_error.copy_stacktrace": "Copy error report",
+  "bundle_column_error.error.body": "The requested page could not be rendered. It could be due to a bug in our code, or a browser compatibility issue.",
+  "bundle_column_error.error.title": "Oh, no!",
+  "bundle_column_error.network.body": "There was an error when trying to load this page. This could be due to a temporary problem with your internet connection or this server.",
+  "bundle_column_error.network.title": "Network error",
   "bundle_column_error.retry": "Feuch ris a-rithist",
-  "bundle_column_error.title": "Mearachd lìonraidh",
+  "bundle_column_error.return": "Go back home",
+  "bundle_column_error.routing.body": "The requested page could not be found. Are you sure the URL in the address bar is correct?",
+  "bundle_column_error.routing.title": "404",
   "bundle_modal_error.close": "Dùin",
   "bundle_modal_error.message": "Chaidh rudeigin cearr nuair a dh’fheuch sinn ris a’ cho-phàirt seo a luchdadh.",
   "bundle_modal_error.retry": "Feuch ris a-rithist",
+  "column.about": "About",
   "column.blocks": "Cleachdaichean bacte",
   "column.bookmarks": "Comharran-lìn",
   "column.community": "Loidhne-ama ionadail",
@@ -121,6 +144,8 @@
   "confirmations.block.block_and_report": "Bac ⁊ dèan gearan",
   "confirmations.block.confirm": "Bac",
   "confirmations.block.message": "A bheil thu cinnteach gu bheil thu airson {name} a bhacadh?",
+  "confirmations.cancel_follow_request.confirm": "Withdraw request",
+  "confirmations.cancel_follow_request.message": "Are you sure you want to withdraw your request to follow {name}?",
   "confirmations.delete.confirm": "Sguab às",
   "confirmations.delete.message": "A bheil thu cinnteach gu bheil thu airson am post seo a sguabadh às?",
   "confirmations.delete_list.confirm": "Sguab às",
@@ -143,11 +168,19 @@
   "conversation.delete": "Sguab às an còmhradh",
   "conversation.mark_as_read": "Cuir comharra gun deach a leughadh",
   "conversation.open": "Seall an còmhradh",
-  "conversation.with": "Le {names}",
+  "conversation.with": "Còmhla ri {names}",
+  "copypaste.copied": "Copied",
+  "copypaste.copy": "Copy",
   "directory.federated": "On cho-shaoghal aithnichte",
   "directory.local": "O {domain} a-mhàin",
   "directory.new_arrivals": "Feadhainn ùra",
   "directory.recently_active": "Gnìomhach o chionn goirid",
+  "dismissable_banner.community_timeline": "These are the most recent public posts from people whose accounts are hosted by {domain}.",
+  "dismissable_banner.dismiss": "Dismiss",
+  "dismissable_banner.explore_links": "These news stories are being talked about by people on this and other servers of the decentralized network right now.",
+  "dismissable_banner.explore_statuses": "These posts from this and other servers in the decentralized network are gaining traction on this server right now.",
+  "dismissable_banner.explore_tags": "These hashtags are gaining traction among people on this and other servers of the decentralized network right now.",
+  "dismissable_banner.public_timeline": "These are the most recent public posts from people on this and other servers of the decentralized network that this server knows about.",
   "embed.instructions": "Leabaich am post seo san làrach-lìn agad is tu a’ dèanamh lethbhreac dhen chòd gu h-ìosal.",
   "embed.preview": "Seo an coltas a bhios air:",
   "emoji_button.activity": "Gnìomhachd",
@@ -221,14 +254,14 @@
   "follow_request.reject": "Diùlt",
   "follow_requests.unlocked_explanation": "Ged nach eil an cunntas agad glaiste, tha sgioba {domain} dhen bheachd gum b’ fheàirrde thu lèirmheas a dhèanamh air na h-iarrtasan leantainn o na cunntasan seo a làimh.",
   "generic.saved": "Chaidh a shàbhaladh",
-  "getting_started.developers": "Luchd-leasachaidh",
-  "getting_started.directory": "Eòlaire nam pròifil",
+  "getting_started.directory": "Directory",
   "getting_started.documentation": "Docamaideadh",
+  "getting_started.free_software_notice": "Mastodon is free, open source software. You can view the source code, contribute or report issues at {repository}.",
   "getting_started.heading": "Toiseach",
   "getting_started.invite": "Thoir cuireadh do dhaoine",
-  "getting_started.open_source_notice": "’S e bathar-bog le bun-tùs fosgailte a th’ ann am Mastodon. ’S urrainn dhut cuideachadh leis no aithris a dhèanamh air duilgheadasan air GitHub fo {github}.",
   "getting_started.privacy_policy": "Privacy Policy",
   "getting_started.security": "Roghainnean a’ chunntais",
+  "getting_started.what_is_mastodon": "About Mastodon",
   "hashtag.column_header.tag_mode.all": "agus {additional}",
   "hashtag.column_header.tag_mode.any": "no {additional}",
   "hashtag.column_header.tag_mode.none": "às aonais {additional}",
@@ -245,6 +278,18 @@
   "home.column_settings.show_replies": "Seall na freagairtean",
   "home.hide_announcements": "Falaich na brathan-fios",
   "home.show_announcements": "Seall na brathan-fios",
+  "interaction_modal.description.favourite": "With an account on Mastodon, you can favourite this post to let the author know you appreciate it and save it for later.",
+  "interaction_modal.description.follow": "With an account on Mastodon, you can follow {name} to receive their posts in your home feed.",
+  "interaction_modal.description.reblog": "With an account on Mastodon, you can boost this post to share it with your own followers.",
+  "interaction_modal.description.reply": "With an account on Mastodon, you can respond to this post.",
+  "interaction_modal.on_another_server": "On a different server",
+  "interaction_modal.on_this_server": "On this server",
+  "interaction_modal.other_server_instructions": "Simply copy and paste this URL into the search bar of your favourite app or the web interface where you are signed in.",
+  "interaction_modal.preamble": "Since Mastodon is decentralized, you can use your existing account hosted by another Mastodon server or compatible platform if you don't have an account on this one.",
+  "interaction_modal.title.favourite": "Favourite {name}'s post",
+  "interaction_modal.title.follow": "Follow {name}",
+  "interaction_modal.title.reblog": "Boost {name}'s post",
+  "interaction_modal.title.reply": "Reply to {name}'s post",
   "intervals.full.days": "{number, plural, one {# latha} two {# latha} few {# làithean} other {# latha}}",
   "intervals.full.hours": "{number, plural, one {# uair a thìde} two {# uair a thìde} few {# uairean a thìde} other {# uair a thìde}}",
   "intervals.full.minutes": "{number, plural, one {# mhionaid} two {# mhionaid} few {# mionaidean} other {# mionaid}}",
@@ -310,7 +355,8 @@
   "mute_modal.duration": "Faide",
   "mute_modal.hide_notifications": "A bheil thu airson na brathan fhalach on chleachdaiche seo?",
   "mute_modal.indefinite": "Gun chrìoch",
-  "navigation_bar.apps": "Aplacaidean mobile",
+  "navigation_bar.about": "About",
+  "navigation_bar.apps": "Get the app",
   "navigation_bar.blocks": "Cleachdaichean bacte",
   "navigation_bar.bookmarks": "Comharran-lìn",
   "navigation_bar.community_timeline": "Loidhne-ama ionadail",
@@ -324,7 +370,7 @@
   "navigation_bar.filters": "Faclan mùchte",
   "navigation_bar.follow_requests": "Iarrtasan leantainn",
   "navigation_bar.follows_and_followers": "Dàimhean leantainn",
-  "navigation_bar.info": "Mun fhrithealaiche seo",
+  "navigation_bar.info": "About",
   "navigation_bar.keyboard_shortcuts": "Grad-iuchraichean",
   "navigation_bar.lists": "Liostaichean",
   "navigation_bar.logout": "Clàraich a-mach",
@@ -334,6 +380,7 @@
   "navigation_bar.preferences": "Roghainnean",
   "navigation_bar.public_timeline": "Loidhne-ama cho-naisgte",
   "navigation_bar.security": "Tèarainteachd",
+  "not_signed_in_indicator.not_signed_in": "You need to sign in to access this resource.",
   "notification.admin.report": "Rinn {name} mu {target}",
   "notification.admin.sign_up": "Chlàraich {name}",
   "notification.favourite": "Is annsa le {name} am post agad",
@@ -401,6 +448,8 @@
   "privacy.public.short": "Poblach",
   "privacy.unlisted.long": "Chì a h-uile duine e ach cha nochd e ann an gleusan rùrachaidh",
   "privacy.unlisted.short": "Falaichte o liostaichean",
+  "privacy_policy.last_updated": "Last updated {date}",
+  "privacy_policy.title": "Privacy Policy",
   "refresh": "Ath-nuadhaich",
   "regeneration_indicator.label": "’Ga luchdadh…",
   "regeneration_indicator.sublabel": "Tha inbhir na dachaigh agad ’ga ullachadh!",
@@ -473,6 +522,12 @@
   "search_results.statuses_fts_disabled": "Chan eil lorg phostaichean a-rèir an susbaint an comas air an fhrithealaiche Mastodon seo.",
   "search_results.title": "Search for {q}",
   "search_results.total": "{count, number} {count, plural, one {toradh} two {thoradh} few {toraidhean} other {toradh}}",
+  "server_banner.about_active_users": "People using this server during the last 30 days (Monthly Active Users)",
+  "server_banner.active_users": "active users",
+  "server_banner.administered_by": "Administered by:",
+  "server_banner.introduction": "{domain} is part of the decentralized social network powered by {mastodon}.",
+  "server_banner.learn_more": "Learn more",
+  "server_banner.server_stats": "Server stats:",
   "sign_in_banner.create_account": "Create account",
   "sign_in_banner.sign_in": "Sign in",
   "sign_in_banner.text": "Sign in to follow profiles or hashtags, favourite, share and reply to posts, or interact from your account on a different server.",
@@ -482,7 +537,7 @@
   "status.bookmark": "Cuir ris na comharran-lìn",
   "status.cancel_reblog_private": "Na brosnaich tuilleadh",
   "status.cannot_reblog": "Cha ghabh am post seo brosnachadh",
-  "status.copy": "Dèan lethbhreac dhen cheangal air a’ phost",
+  "status.copy": "Dèan lethbhreac dhen cheangal dhan phost",
   "status.delete": "Sguab às",
   "status.detailed_status": "Mion-shealladh a’ chòmhraidh",
   "status.direct": "Cuir teachdaireachd dhìreach gu @{name}",
@@ -538,7 +593,6 @@
   "tabs_bar.home": "Dachaigh",
   "tabs_bar.local_timeline": "Ionadail",
   "tabs_bar.notifications": "Brathan",
-  "tabs_bar.search": "Lorg",
   "time_remaining.days": "{number, plural, one {# latha} two {# latha} few {# làithean} other {# latha}} air fhàgail",
   "time_remaining.hours": "{number, plural, one {# uair a thìde} two {# uair a thìde} few {# uairean a thìde} other {# uair a thìde}} air fhàgail",
   "time_remaining.minutes": "{number, plural, one {# mhionaid} two {# mhionaid} few {# mionaidean} other {# mionaid}} air fhàgail",