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Diffstat (limited to 'app')
4 files changed, 108 insertions, 108 deletions
diff --git a/app/javascript/mastodon/locales/ar.json b/app/javascript/mastodon/locales/ar.json
index b1e6483c7..57d8376a9 100644
--- a/app/javascript/mastodon/locales/ar.json
+++ b/app/javascript/mastodon/locales/ar.json
@@ -309,7 +309,7 @@
   "navigation_bar.preferences": "التفضيلات",
   "navigation_bar.public_timeline": "الخيط العام الموحد",
   "navigation_bar.security": "الأمان",
-  "notification.admin.sign_up": "{name} signed up",
+  "notification.admin.sign_up": "أنشأ {name} حسابًا",
   "notification.favourite": "أُعجِب {name} بمنشورك",
   "notification.follow": "{name} يتابعك",
   "notification.follow_request": "لقد طلب {name} متابعتك",
@@ -318,7 +318,7 @@
   "notification.poll": "لقد انتهى استطلاع رأي شاركتَ فيه",
   "notification.reblog": "قام {name} بمشاركة منشورك",
   "notification.status": "{name} نشر للتو",
-  "notification.update": "{name} edited a post",
+  "notification.update": "عدّلَ {name} منشورًا",
   "notifications.clear": "امسح الإخطارات",
   "notifications.clear_confirmation": "أمتأكد من أنك تود مسح جل الإخطارات الخاصة بك و المتلقاة إلى حد الآن ؟",
   "notifications.column_settings.admin.sign_up": "التسجيلات الجديدة:",
@@ -408,8 +408,8 @@
   "report.placeholder": "تعليقات إضافية",
   "report.reasons.dislike": "لايعجبني",
   "report.reasons.dislike_description": "ألا ترغب برؤيته",
-  "report.reasons.other": "It's something else",
-  "report.reasons.other_description": "The issue does not fit into other categories",
+  "report.reasons.other": "شيء آخر",
+  "report.reasons.other_description": "لا تندرج هذه المشكلة ضمن فئات أخرى",
   "report.reasons.spam": "إنها رسالة مزعجة",
   "report.reasons.spam_description": "Malicious links, fake engagement, or repetitive replies",
   "report.reasons.violation": "ينتهك قواعد الخادم",
@@ -456,8 +456,8 @@
   "status.embed": "إدماج",
   "status.favourite": "أضف إلى المفضلة",
   "status.filtered": "مُصفّى",
-  "status.history.created": "{name} created {date}",
-  "status.history.edited": "{name} edited {date}",
+  "status.history.created": "أنشأه {name} {date}",
+  "status.history.edited": "عدله {name} {date}",
   "status.load_more": "حمّل المزيد",
   "status.media_hidden": "الصورة مستترة",
   "status.mention": "أذكُر @{name}",
@@ -515,7 +515,7 @@
   "upload_error.poll": "لا يمكن إدراج ملفات في استطلاعات الرأي.",
   "upload_form.audio_description": "وصف للأشخاص ذي قِصر السمع",
   "upload_form.description": "وصف للمعاقين بصريا",
-  "upload_form.description_missing": "No description added",
+  "upload_form.description_missing": "لم يُضف وصف",
   "upload_form.edit": "تعديل",
   "upload_form.thumbnail": "غيّر الصورة المصغرة",
   "upload_form.undo": "حذف",
diff --git a/app/javascript/mastodon/locales/ca.json b/app/javascript/mastodon/locales/ca.json
index bf0d621d7..a325426c3 100644
--- a/app/javascript/mastodon/locales/ca.json
+++ b/app/javascript/mastodon/locales/ca.json
@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@
   "account.blocked": "Bloquejat",
   "account.browse_more_on_origin_server": "Navega més en el perfil original",
   "account.cancel_follow_request": "Anul·la la sol·licitud de seguiment",
-  "account.direct": "Missatge directe @{name}",
+  "account.direct": "Enviar missatge directe a @{name}",
   "account.disable_notifications": "Deixa de notificar-me les publicacions de @{name}",
   "account.domain_blocked": "Domini bloquejat",
   "account.edit_profile": "Editar el perfil",
diff --git a/app/javascript/mastodon/locales/de.json b/app/javascript/mastodon/locales/de.json
index 47e3f33c2..c37cc179c 100644
--- a/app/javascript/mastodon/locales/de.json
+++ b/app/javascript/mastodon/locales/de.json
@@ -13,22 +13,22 @@
   "account.domain_blocked": "Domain versteckt",
   "account.edit_profile": "Profil bearbeiten",
   "account.enable_notifications": "Benachrichtige mich wenn @{name} etwas postet",
-  "account.endorse": "Auf Profil hervorheben",
+  "account.endorse": "Im Profil anzeigen",
   "account.follow": "Folgen",
   "account.followers": "Follower",
-  "account.followers.empty": "Diesem Profil folgt noch niemand.",
+  "account.followers.empty": "Diesem Profil folgt bislang niemand.",
   "account.followers_counter": "{count, plural, one {{counter} Follower} other {{counter} Follower}}",
   "account.following": "Folgt",
-  "account.following_counter": "{count, plural, one {{counter} Folgender} other {{counter} Folgende}}",
+  "account.following_counter": "{count, plural, one {{counter} Folgt} other {{counter} Folgt}}",
   "account.follows.empty": "Dieses Profil folgt noch niemandem.",
   "account.follows_you": "Folgt dir",
   "account.hide_reblogs": "Geteilte Beiträge von @{name} verbergen",
   "account.joined": "Beigetreten am {date}",
   "account.link_verified_on": "Besitz dieses Links wurde geprüft am {date}",
-  "account.locked_info": "Der Privatsphärenstatus dieses Accounts wurde auf gesperrt gesetzt. Die Person bestimmt manuell wer ihm/ihr folgen darf.",
+  "account.locked_info": "Der Privatsphärenstatus dieses Accounts wurde auf „gesperrt“ gesetzt. Die Person bestimmt manuell, wer ihm/ihr folgen darf.",
   "account.media": "Medien",
   "account.mention": "@{name} erwähnen",
-  "account.moved_to": "{name} ist umgezogen auf:",
+  "account.moved_to": "{name} ist umgezogen nach:",
   "account.mute": "@{name} stummschalten",
   "account.mute_notifications": "Benachrichtigungen von @{name} stummschalten",
   "account.muted": "Stummgeschaltet",
@@ -39,26 +39,26 @@
   "account.share": "Profil von @{name} teilen",
   "account.show_reblogs": "Von @{name} geteilte Beiträge anzeigen",
   "account.statuses_counter": "{count, plural, one {{counter} Beitrag} other {{counter} Beiträge}}",
-  "account.unblock": "@{name} entblocken",
+  "account.unblock": "Blockierung von @{name} aufheben",
   "account.unblock_domain": "{domain} wieder anzeigen",
   "account.unblock_short": "Blockierung aufheben",
-  "account.unendorse": "Nicht auf Profil hervorheben",
+  "account.unendorse": "Nicht mehr im Profil anzeigen",
   "account.unfollow": "Entfolgen",
-  "account.unmute": "@{name} nicht mehr stummschalten",
+  "account.unmute": "Stummschaltung von @{name} aufheben",
   "account.unmute_notifications": "Benachrichtigungen von @{name} einschalten",
-  "account.unmute_short": "Nicht mehr stummschalten",
+  "account.unmute_short": "Stummschaltung aufheben",
   "account_note.placeholder": "Notiz durch Klicken hinzufügen",
   "admin.dashboard.daily_retention": "Benutzerverbleibrate nach Tag nach Anmeldung",
   "admin.dashboard.monthly_retention": "Benutzerverbleibrate nach Monat nach Anmeldung",
   "admin.dashboard.retention.average": "Durchschnitt",
-  "admin.dashboard.retention.cohort": "Anmeldemonat",
+  "admin.dashboard.retention.cohort": "Monat der Anmeldung",
   "admin.dashboard.retention.cohort_size": "Neue Benutzer",
-  "alert.rate_limited.message": "Bitte versuche es nach {retry_time, time, medium}.",
+  "alert.rate_limited.message": "Bitte versuche es nach {retry_time, time, medium} erneut.",
   "alert.rate_limited.title": "Anfragelimit überschritten",
   "alert.unexpected.message": "Ein unerwarteter Fehler ist aufgetreten.",
   "alert.unexpected.title": "Hoppla!",
   "announcement.announcement": "Ankündigung",
-  "attachments_list.unprocessed": "(unverarbeitet)",
+  "attachments_list.unprocessed": "(ausstehend)",
   "autosuggest_hashtag.per_week": "{count} pro Woche",
   "boost_modal.combo": "Drücke {combo}, um dieses Fenster zu überspringen",
   "bundle_column_error.body": "Etwas ist beim Laden schiefgelaufen.",
diff --git a/app/javascript/mastodon/locales/ga.json b/app/javascript/mastodon/locales/ga.json
index e72e8bca0..0f59bea92 100644
--- a/app/javascript/mastodon/locales/ga.json
+++ b/app/javascript/mastodon/locales/ga.json
@@ -1,54 +1,54 @@
-  "account.account_note_header": "Your note for @{name}",
-  "account.add_or_remove_from_list": "Add or Remove from lists",
-  "account.badges.bot": "Bot",
-  "account.badges.group": "Group",
-  "account.block": "Block @{name}",
-  "account.block_domain": "Hide everything from {domain}",
-  "account.blocked": "Blocked",
-  "account.browse_more_on_origin_server": "Browse more on the original profile",
-  "account.cancel_follow_request": "Cancel follow request",
-  "account.direct": "Direct message @{name}",
-  "account.disable_notifications": "Stop notifying me when @{name} posts",
-  "account.domain_blocked": "Domain hidden",
-  "account.edit_profile": "Edit profile",
-  "account.enable_notifications": "Notify me when @{name} posts",
-  "account.endorse": "Feature on profile",
-  "account.follow": "Follow",
-  "account.followers": "Followers",
-  "account.followers.empty": "No one follows this user yet.",
-  "account.followers_counter": "{count, plural, one {{counter} Follower} other {{counter} Followers}}",
-  "account.following": "Following",
-  "account.following_counter": "{count, plural, one {{counter} Following} other {{counter} Following}}",
-  "account.follows.empty": "This user doesn't follow anyone yet.",
-  "account.follows_you": "Follows you",
-  "account.hide_reblogs": "Hide boosts from @{name}",
-  "account.joined": "Joined {date}",
+  "account.account_note_header": "Nóta",
+  "account.add_or_remove_from_list": "Cuir Le nó Bain De na liostaí",
+  "account.badges.bot": "Bota",
+  "account.badges.group": "Grúpa",
+  "account.block": "Bac @{name}",
+  "account.block_domain": "Bac ainm fearainn {domain}",
+  "account.blocked": "Bactha",
+  "account.browse_more_on_origin_server": "Brabhsáil níos mó ar an phróifíl bhunaidh",
+  "account.cancel_follow_request": "Cealaigh iarratas leanúnaí",
+  "account.direct": "Cuir teachtaireacht dhíreach ar @{name}",
+  "account.disable_notifications": "Éirigh as ag cuir mé in eol nuair bpostálann @{name}",
+  "account.domain_blocked": "Ainm fearainn bactha",
+  "account.edit_profile": "Cuir an phróifíl in eagar",
+  "account.enable_notifications": "Cuir mé in eol nuair bpostálann @{name}",
+  "account.endorse": "Cuir ar an phróifíl mar ghné",
+  "account.follow": "Lean",
+  "account.followers": "Leantóirí",
+  "account.followers.empty": "Ní leanann éinne an t-úsáideoir seo fós.",
+  "account.followers_counter": "{count, plural, one {Leantóir amháin} other {{counter} Leantóir}}",
+  "account.following": "Ag leanúint",
+  "account.following_counter": "{count, plural, one {Ag leanúint cúntas amháin} other {Ag leanúint {counter} cúntas}}",
+  "account.follows.empty": "Ní leanann an t-úsáideoir seo duine ar bith fós.",
+  "account.follows_you": "Do do leanúint",
+  "account.hide_reblogs": "Folaigh athphostálacha ó @{name}",
+  "account.joined": "Ina bhall ó {date}",
   "account.link_verified_on": "Ownership of this link was checked on {date}",
-  "account.locked_info": "This account privacy status is set to locked. The owner manually reviews who can follow them.",
-  "account.media": "Media",
-  "account.mention": "Mention @{name}",
-  "account.moved_to": "{name} has moved to:",
-  "account.mute": "Mute @{name}",
-  "account.mute_notifications": "Mute notifications from @{name}",
-  "account.muted": "Muted",
-  "account.posts": "Toots",
-  "account.posts_with_replies": "Toots and replies",
-  "account.report": "Report @{name}",
-  "account.requested": "Awaiting approval",
-  "account.share": "Share @{name}'s profile",
-  "account.show_reblogs": "Show boosts from @{name}",
-  "account.statuses_counter": "{count, plural, one {{counter} Toot} other {{counter} Toots}}",
-  "account.unblock": "Unblock @{name}",
-  "account.unblock_domain": "Unhide {domain}",
-  "account.unblock_short": "Unblock",
-  "account.unendorse": "Don't feature on profile",
-  "account.unfollow": "Unfollow",
-  "account.unmute": "Unmute @{name}",
-  "account.unmute_notifications": "Unmute notifications from @{name}",
-  "account.unmute_short": "Unmute",
-  "account_note.placeholder": "No comment provided",
-  "admin.dashboard.daily_retention": "User retention rate by day after sign-up",
+  "account.locked_info": "Tá an socrú príobháideachais don cuntas seo curtha go 'faoi ghlas'. Déanann an t-úinéir léirmheas ar cén daoine atá ceadaithe an cuntas leanúint.",
+  "account.media": "Ábhair",
+  "account.mention": "Luaigh @{name}",
+  "account.moved_to": "Tá {name} bogtha go:",
+  "account.mute": "Ciúnaigh @{name}",
+  "account.mute_notifications": "Ciúnaigh fógraí ó @{name}",
+  "account.muted": "Ciúnaithe",
+  "account.posts": "Postálacha",
+  "account.posts_with_replies": "Postálacha agus freagraí",
+  "account.report": "Gearán @{name}",
+  "account.requested": "Ag fanacht le ceadú. Cliceáil chun an iarratas leanúnaí a chealú",
+  "account.share": "Roinn próifíl @{name}",
+  "account.show_reblogs": "Taispeáin athphostálacha ó @{name}",
+  "account.statuses_counter": "{count, plural, one {Postáil amháin} other {{counter} Postáil}}",
+  "account.unblock": "Bain bac de @{name}",
+  "account.unblock_domain": "Bain bac den ainm fearainn {domain}",
+  "account.unblock_short": "Bain bac de",
+  "account.unendorse": "Ná chuir ar an phróifíl mar ghné",
+  "account.unfollow": "Ná lean a thuilleadh",
+  "account.unmute": "Díchiúnaigh @{name}",
+  "account.unmute_notifications": "Díchiúnaigh fógraí ó @{name}",
+  "account.unmute_short": "Díchiúnaigh",
+  "account_note.placeholder": "Cliceáil chun nóta a chuir leis",
+  "admin.dashboard.daily_retention": "Ráta coinneála an úsáideora de réir an lae tar éis clárú",
   "admin.dashboard.monthly_retention": "User retention rate by month after sign-up",
   "admin.dashboard.retention.average": "Average",
   "admin.dashboard.retention.cohort": "Sign-up month",
@@ -72,7 +72,7 @@
   "column.community": "Local timeline",
   "column.direct": "Direct messages",
   "column.directory": "Browse profiles",
-  "column.domain_blocks": "Hidden domains",
+  "column.domain_blocks": "Blocked domains",
   "column.favourites": "Favourites",
   "column.follow_requests": "Follow requests",
   "column.home": "Home",
@@ -121,8 +121,8 @@
   "confirmations.delete.message": "Are you sure you want to delete this status?",
   "confirmations.delete_list.confirm": "Delete",
   "confirmations.delete_list.message": "Are you sure you want to permanently delete this list?",
-  "confirmations.discard_edit_media.confirm": "Discard",
-  "confirmations.discard_edit_media.message": "You have unsaved changes to the media description or preview, discard them anyway?",
+  "confirmations.discard_edit_media.confirm": "Faigh réidh de",
+  "confirmations.discard_edit_media.message": "Tá athruithe neamhshlánaithe don tuarascáil gné nó réamhamharc agat, faigh réidh dóibh ar aon nós?",
   "confirmations.domain_block.confirm": "Hide entire domain",
   "confirmations.domain_block.message": "Are you really, really sure you want to block the entire {domain}? In most cases a few targeted blocks or mutes are sufficient and preferable. You will not see content from that domain in any public timelines or your notifications. Your followers from that domain will be removed.",
   "confirmations.logout.confirm": "Log out",
@@ -152,7 +152,7 @@
   "emoji_button.food": "Food & Drink",
   "emoji_button.label": "Insert emoji",
   "emoji_button.nature": "Nature",
-  "emoji_button.not_found": "No emojos!! (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻",
+  "emoji_button.not_found": "No matching emojis found",
   "emoji_button.objects": "Objects",
   "emoji_button.people": "People",
   "emoji_button.recent": "Frequently used",
@@ -167,19 +167,19 @@
   "empty_column.bookmarked_statuses": "You don't have any bookmarked toots yet. When you bookmark one, it will show up here.",
   "empty_column.community": "The local timeline is empty. Write something publicly to get the ball rolling!",
   "empty_column.direct": "You don't have any direct messages yet. When you send or receive one, it will show up here.",
-  "empty_column.domain_blocks": "There are no hidden domains yet.",
+  "empty_column.domain_blocks": "There are no blocked domains yet.",
   "empty_column.explore_statuses": "Nothing is trending right now. Check back later!",
   "empty_column.favourited_statuses": "You don't have any favourite toots yet. When you favourite one, it will show up here.",
   "empty_column.favourites": "No one has favourited this toot yet. When someone does, they will show up here.",
   "empty_column.follow_recommendations": "Looks like no suggestions could be generated for you. You can try using search to look for people you might know or explore trending hashtags.",
   "empty_column.follow_requests": "You don't have any follow requests yet. When you receive one, it will show up here.",
   "empty_column.hashtag": "There is nothing in this hashtag yet.",
-  "empty_column.home": "Your home timeline is empty! Visit {public} or use search to get started and meet other users.",
+  "empty_column.home": "Your home timeline is empty! Follow more people to fill it up. {suggestions}",
   "empty_column.home.suggestions": "See some suggestions",
   "empty_column.list": "There is nothing in this list yet. When members of this list post new statuses, they will appear here.",
   "empty_column.lists": "You don't have any lists yet. When you create one, it will show up here.",
   "empty_column.mutes": "You haven't muted any users yet.",
-  "empty_column.notifications": "You don't have any notifications yet. Interact with others to start the conversation.",
+  "empty_column.notifications": "You don't have any notifications yet. When other people interact with you, you will see it here.",
   "empty_column.public": "There is nothing here! Write something publicly, or manually follow users from other servers to fill it up",
   "error.unexpected_crash.explanation": "Due to a bug in our code or a browser compatibility issue, this page could not be displayed correctly.",
   "error.unexpected_crash.explanation_addons": "This page could not be displayed correctly. This error is likely caused by a browser add-on or automatic translation tools.",
@@ -267,8 +267,8 @@
   "lists.account.add": "Add to list",
   "lists.account.remove": "Remove from list",
   "lists.delete": "Delete list",
-  "lists.edit": "Edit list",
-  "lists.edit.submit": "Change title",
+  "lists.edit": "Cuir an liosta in eagar",
+  "lists.edit.submit": "Athraigh teideal",
   "lists.new.create": "Add list",
   "lists.new.title_placeholder": "New list title",
   "lists.replies_policy.followed": "Any followed user",
@@ -279,7 +279,7 @@
   "lists.subheading": "Your lists",
   "load_pending": "{count, plural, one {# new item} other {# new items}}",
   "loading_indicator.label": "Loading...",
-  "media_gallery.toggle_visible": "Hide media",
+  "media_gallery.toggle_visible": "{number, plural, one {Hide image} other {Hide images}}",
   "missing_indicator.label": "Not found",
   "missing_indicator.sublabel": "This resource could not be found",
   "mute_modal.duration": "Duration",
@@ -293,12 +293,12 @@
   "navigation_bar.direct": "Direct messages",
   "navigation_bar.discover": "Discover",
   "navigation_bar.domain_blocks": "Hidden domains",
-  "navigation_bar.edit_profile": "Edit profile",
+  "navigation_bar.edit_profile": "Cuir an phróifíl in eagar",
   "navigation_bar.explore": "Explore",
   "navigation_bar.favourites": "Favourites",
   "navigation_bar.filters": "Muted words",
   "navigation_bar.follow_requests": "Follow requests",
-  "navigation_bar.follows_and_followers": "Follows and followers",
+  "navigation_bar.follows_and_followers": "Ag leanúint agus do do leanúint",
   "navigation_bar.info": "About this server",
   "navigation_bar.keyboard_shortcuts": "Hotkeys",
   "navigation_bar.lists": "Lists",
@@ -311,14 +311,14 @@
   "navigation_bar.security": "Security",
   "notification.admin.sign_up": "{name} signed up",
   "notification.favourite": "{name} favourited your status",
-  "notification.follow": "{name} followed you",
-  "notification.follow_request": "{name} has requested to follow you",
+  "notification.follow": "Lean {name} thú",
+  "notification.follow_request": "D'iarr {name} ort do chuntas a leanúint",
   "notification.mention": "{name} mentioned you",
   "notification.own_poll": "Your poll has ended",
   "notification.poll": "A poll you have voted in has ended",
   "notification.reblog": "{name} boosted your status",
   "notification.status": "{name} just posted",
-  "notification.update": "{name} edited a post",
+  "notification.update": "Chuir {name} postáil in eagar",
   "notifications.clear": "Clear notifications",
   "notifications.clear_confirmation": "Are you sure you want to permanently clear all your notifications?",
   "notifications.column_settings.admin.sign_up": "New sign-ups:",
@@ -327,8 +327,8 @@
   "notifications.column_settings.filter_bar.advanced": "Display all categories",
   "notifications.column_settings.filter_bar.category": "Quick filter bar",
   "notifications.column_settings.filter_bar.show_bar": "Show filter bar",
-  "notifications.column_settings.follow": "New followers:",
-  "notifications.column_settings.follow_request": "New follow requests:",
+  "notifications.column_settings.follow": "Leantóirí nua:",
+  "notifications.column_settings.follow_request": "Iarratais leanúnaí nua:",
   "notifications.column_settings.mention": "Mentions:",
   "notifications.column_settings.poll": "Poll results:",
   "notifications.column_settings.push": "Push notifications",
@@ -338,7 +338,7 @@
   "notifications.column_settings.status": "New toots:",
   "notifications.column_settings.unread_notifications.category": "Unread notifications",
   "notifications.column_settings.unread_notifications.highlight": "Highlight unread notifications",
-  "notifications.column_settings.update": "Edits:",
+  "notifications.column_settings.update": "Eagair:",
   "notifications.filter.all": "All",
   "notifications.filter.boosts": "Boosts",
   "notifications.filter.favourites": "Favourites",
@@ -366,13 +366,13 @@
   "poll_button.add_poll": "Add a poll",
   "poll_button.remove_poll": "Remove poll",
   "privacy.change": "Adjust status privacy",
-  "privacy.direct.long": "Post to mentioned users only",
+  "privacy.direct.long": "Visible for mentioned users only",
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-  "privacy.private.long": "Post to followers only",
-  "privacy.private.short": "Followers-only",
-  "privacy.public.long": "Post to public timelines",
+  "privacy.private.long": "Sofheicthe do Leantóirí amháin",
+  "privacy.private.short": "Leantóirí amháin",
+  "privacy.public.long": "Visible for all, shown in public timelines",
   "privacy.public.short": "Public",
-  "privacy.unlisted.long": "Do not show in public timelines",
+  "privacy.unlisted.long": "Visible for all, but not in public timelines",
   "privacy.unlisted.short": "Unlisted",
   "refresh": "Refresh",
   "regeneration_indicator.label": "Loading…",
@@ -405,20 +405,20 @@
   "report.mute": "Mute",
   "report.mute_explanation": "You will not see their posts. They can still follow you and see your posts and will not know that they are muted.",
   "report.next": "Next",
-  "report.placeholder": "Additional comments",
+  "report.placeholder": "Type or paste additional comments",
   "report.reasons.dislike": "I don't like it",
   "report.reasons.dislike_description": "It is not something you want to see",
   "report.reasons.other": "It's something else",
   "report.reasons.other_description": "The issue does not fit into other categories",
   "report.reasons.spam": "It's spam",
-  "report.reasons.spam_description": "Malicious links, fake engagement, or repetetive replies",
+  "report.reasons.spam_description": "Malicious links, fake engagement, or repetitive replies",
   "report.reasons.violation": "It violates server rules",
   "report.reasons.violation_description": "You are aware that it breaks specific rules",
   "report.rules.subtitle": "Select all that apply",
   "report.rules.title": "Which rules are being violated?",
   "report.statuses.subtitle": "Select all that apply",
   "report.statuses.title": "Are there any posts that back up this report?",
-  "report.submit": "Submit",
+  "report.submit": "Submit report",
   "report.target": "Report {target}",
   "report.thanks.take_action": "Here are your options for controlling what you see on Mastodon:",
   "report.thanks.take_action_actionable": "While we review this, you can take action against @{name}:",
@@ -450,14 +450,14 @@
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   "status.direct": "Direct message @{name}",
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-  "status.edited": "Edited {date}",
-  "status.edited_x_times": "Edited {count, plural, one {{count} time} other {{count} times}}",
+  "status.edit": "Cuir in eagar",
+  "status.edited": "Curtha in eagar in {date}",
+  "status.edited_x_times": "Curtha in eagar {count, plural, one {{count} uair amháin} two {{count} uair} few {{count} uair} many {{count} uair} other {{count} uair}}",
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   "status.filtered": "Filtered",
   "status.history.created": "{name} created {date}",
-  "status.history.edited": "{name} edited {date}",
+  "status.history.edited": "Curtha in eagar ag {name} in {date}",
   "status.load_more": "Load more",
   "status.media_hidden": "Media hidden",
   "status.mention": "Mention @{name}",
@@ -500,7 +500,7 @@
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   "time_remaining.seconds": "{number, plural, one {# second} other {# seconds}} left",
   "timeline_hint.remote_resource_not_displayed": "{resource} from other servers are not displayed.",
-  "timeline_hint.resources.followers": "Followers",
+  "timeline_hint.resources.followers": "Leantóirí",
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   "timeline_hint.resources.statuses": "Older toots",
   "trends.counter_by_accounts": "{count, plural, one {{counter} person} other {{counter} people}} talking",
@@ -510,13 +510,13 @@
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-  "upload_button.label": "Add media ({formats})",
+  "upload_button.label": "Add images, a video or an audio file",
   "upload_error.limit": "File upload limit exceeded.",
   "upload_error.poll": "File upload not allowed with polls.",
   "upload_form.audio_description": "Describe for people with hearing loss",
   "upload_form.description": "Describe for the visually impaired",
   "upload_form.description_missing": "No description added",
-  "upload_form.edit": "Edit",
+  "upload_form.edit": "Cuir in eagar",
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   "upload_form.undo": "Delete",
   "upload_form.video_description": "Describe for people with hearing loss or visual impairment",
@@ -526,19 +526,19 @@
   "upload_modal.choose_image": "Choose image",
   "upload_modal.description_placeholder": "A quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog",
   "upload_modal.detect_text": "Detect text from picture",
-  "upload_modal.edit_media": "Edit media",
+  "upload_modal.edit_media": "Cuir gné in eagar",
   "upload_modal.hint": "Click or drag the circle on the preview to choose the focal point which will always be in view on all thumbnails.",
   "upload_modal.preparing_ocr": "Preparing OCR…",
   "upload_modal.preview_label": "Preview ({ratio})",
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+  "video.mute": "Ciúnaigh fuaim",
+  "video.pause": "Cuir ar sos",
+  "video.play": "Cuir ar siúl",
+  "video.unmute": "Díchiúnaigh fuaim"