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6 files changed, 161 insertions, 32 deletions
diff --git a/spec/controllers/admin/dashboard_controller_spec.rb b/spec/controllers/admin/dashboard_controller_spec.rb
index 73b50e721..7824854f9 100644
--- a/spec/controllers/admin/dashboard_controller_spec.rb
+++ b/spec/controllers/admin/dashboard_controller_spec.rb
@@ -3,9 +3,19 @@
 require 'rails_helper'
 describe Admin::DashboardController, type: :controller do
+  render_views
   describe 'GET #index' do
-    it 'returns 200' do
+    before do
+      allow(Admin::SystemCheck).to receive(:perform).and_return([
+        Admin::SystemCheck::Message.new(:database_schema_check),
+        Admin::SystemCheck::Message.new(:rules_check, nil, admin_rules_path),
+        Admin::SystemCheck::Message.new(:sidekiq_process_check, 'foo, bar'),
+      ])
       sign_in Fabricate(:user, admin: true)
+    end
+    it 'returns 200' do
       get :index
       expect(response).to have_http_status(200)
diff --git a/spec/controllers/api/v1/apps_controller_spec.rb b/spec/controllers/api/v1/apps_controller_spec.rb
index 60a4c3b41..70cd62d48 100644
--- a/spec/controllers/api/v1/apps_controller_spec.rb
+++ b/spec/controllers/api/v1/apps_controller_spec.rb
@@ -4,23 +4,83 @@ RSpec.describe Api::V1::AppsController, type: :controller do
   describe 'POST #create' do
+    let(:client_name) { 'Test app' }
+    let(:scopes) { nil }
+    let(:redirect_uris) { 'urn:ietf:wg:oauth:2.0:oob' }
+    let(:website) { nil }
+    let(:app_params) do
+      {
+        client_name: client_name,
+        redirect_uris: redirect_uris,
+        scopes: scopes,
+        website: website,
+      }
+    end
     before do
-      post :create, params: { client_name: 'Test app', redirect_uris: 'urn:ietf:wg:oauth:2.0:oob' }
+      post :create, params: app_params
-    it 'returns http success' do
-      expect(response).to have_http_status(200)
+    context 'with valid params' do
+      it 'returns http success' do
+        expect(response).to have_http_status(200)
+      end
+      it 'creates an OAuth app' do
+        expect(Doorkeeper::Application.find_by(name: client_name)).to_not be nil
+      end
+      it 'returns client ID and client secret' do
+        json = body_as_json
+        expect(json[:client_id]).to_not be_blank
+        expect(json[:client_secret]).to_not be_blank
+      end
+    end
+    context 'with an unsupported scope' do
+      let(:scopes) { 'hoge' }
+      it 'returns http unprocessable entity' do
+        expect(response).to have_http_status(422)
+      end
-    it 'creates an OAuth app' do
-      expect(Doorkeeper::Application.find_by(name: 'Test app')).to_not be nil
+    context 'with many duplicate scopes' do
+      let(:scopes) { (%w(read) * 40).join(' ') }
+      it 'returns http success' do
+        expect(response).to have_http_status(200)
+      end
+      it 'only saves the scope once' do
+        expect(Doorkeeper::Application.find_by(name: client_name).scopes.to_s).to eq 'read'
+      end
+    end
+    context 'with a too-long name' do
+      let(:client_name) { 'hoge' * 20 }
+      it 'returns http unprocessable entity' do
+        expect(response).to have_http_status(422)
+      end
+    end
+    context 'with a too-long website' do
+      let(:website) { 'https://foo.bar/' + ('hoge' * 2_000) }
+      it 'returns http unprocessable entity' do
+        expect(response).to have_http_status(422)
+      end
-    it 'returns client ID and client secret' do
-      json = body_as_json
+    context 'with a too-long redirect_uris' do
+      let(:redirect_uris) { 'https://foo.bar/' + ('hoge' * 2_000) }
-      expect(json[:client_id]).to_not be_blank
-      expect(json[:client_secret]).to_not be_blank
+      it 'returns http unprocessable entity' do
+        expect(response).to have_http_status(422)
+      end
diff --git a/spec/controllers/api/v1/push/subscriptions_controller_spec.rb b/spec/controllers/api/v1/push/subscriptions_controller_spec.rb
index 01146294f..534d02879 100644
--- a/spec/controllers/api/v1/push/subscriptions_controller_spec.rb
+++ b/spec/controllers/api/v1/push/subscriptions_controller_spec.rb
@@ -27,20 +27,27 @@ describe Api::V1::Push::SubscriptionsController do
   let(:alerts_payload) do
       data: {
+        policy: 'all',
         alerts: {
           follow: true,
+          follow_request: true,
           favourite: false,
           reblog: true,
           mention: false,
+          poll: true,
+          status: false,
   describe 'POST #create' do
-    it 'saves push subscriptions' do
+    before do
       post :create, params: create_payload
+    end
+    it 'saves push subscriptions' do
       push_subscription = Web::PushSubscription.find_by(endpoint: create_payload[:subscription][:endpoint])
       expect(push_subscription.endpoint).to eq(create_payload[:subscription][:endpoint])
@@ -52,31 +59,34 @@ describe Api::V1::Push::SubscriptionsController do
     it 'replaces old subscription on repeat calls' do
       post :create, params: create_payload
-      post :create, params: create_payload
       expect(Web::PushSubscription.where(endpoint: create_payload[:subscription][:endpoint]).count).to eq 1
   describe 'PUT #update' do
-    it 'changes alert settings' do
+    before do
       post :create, params: create_payload
       put :update, params: alerts_payload
+    end
+    it 'changes alert settings' do
       push_subscription = Web::PushSubscription.find_by(endpoint: create_payload[:subscription][:endpoint])
-      expect(push_subscription.data.dig('alerts', 'follow')).to eq(alerts_payload[:data][:alerts][:follow].to_s)
-      expect(push_subscription.data.dig('alerts', 'favourite')).to eq(alerts_payload[:data][:alerts][:favourite].to_s)
-      expect(push_subscription.data.dig('alerts', 'reblog')).to eq(alerts_payload[:data][:alerts][:reblog].to_s)
-      expect(push_subscription.data.dig('alerts', 'mention')).to eq(alerts_payload[:data][:alerts][:mention].to_s)
+      expect(push_subscription.data['policy']).to eq(alerts_payload[:data][:policy])
+      %w(follow follow_request favourite reblog mention poll status).each do |type|
+        expect(push_subscription.data['alerts'][type]).to eq(alerts_payload[:data][:alerts][type.to_sym].to_s)
+      end
   describe 'DELETE #destroy' do
-    it 'removes the subscription' do
+    before do
       post :create, params: create_payload
       delete :destroy
+    end
+    it 'removes the subscription' do
       expect(Web::PushSubscription.find_by(endpoint: create_payload[:subscription][:endpoint])).to be_nil
diff --git a/spec/controllers/api/web/push_subscriptions_controller_spec.rb b/spec/controllers/api/web/push_subscriptions_controller_spec.rb
index 381cdeab9..bda4a7661 100644
--- a/spec/controllers/api/web/push_subscriptions_controller_spec.rb
+++ b/spec/controllers/api/web/push_subscriptions_controller_spec.rb
@@ -22,11 +22,16 @@ describe Api::Web::PushSubscriptionsController do
   let(:alerts_payload) do
       data: {
+        policy: 'all',
         alerts: {
           follow: true,
+          follow_request: false,
           favourite: false,
           reblog: true,
           mention: false,
+          poll: true,
+          status: false,
@@ -59,10 +64,11 @@ describe Api::Web::PushSubscriptionsController do
         push_subscription = Web::PushSubscription.find_by(endpoint: create_payload[:subscription][:endpoint])
-        expect(push_subscription.data['alerts']['follow']).to eq(alerts_payload[:data][:alerts][:follow].to_s)
-        expect(push_subscription.data['alerts']['favourite']).to eq(alerts_payload[:data][:alerts][:favourite].to_s)
-        expect(push_subscription.data['alerts']['reblog']).to eq(alerts_payload[:data][:alerts][:reblog].to_s)
-        expect(push_subscription.data['alerts']['mention']).to eq(alerts_payload[:data][:alerts][:mention].to_s)
+        expect(push_subscription.data['policy']).to eq 'all'
+        %w(follow follow_request favourite reblog mention poll status).each do |type|
+          expect(push_subscription.data['alerts'][type]).to eq(alerts_payload[:data][:alerts][type.to_sym].to_s)
+        end
@@ -81,10 +87,11 @@ describe Api::Web::PushSubscriptionsController do
       push_subscription = Web::PushSubscription.find_by(endpoint: create_payload[:subscription][:endpoint])
-      expect(push_subscription.data['alerts']['follow']).to eq(alerts_payload[:data][:alerts][:follow].to_s)
-      expect(push_subscription.data['alerts']['favourite']).to eq(alerts_payload[:data][:alerts][:favourite].to_s)
-      expect(push_subscription.data['alerts']['reblog']).to eq(alerts_payload[:data][:alerts][:reblog].to_s)
-      expect(push_subscription.data['alerts']['mention']).to eq(alerts_payload[:data][:alerts][:mention].to_s)
+      expect(push_subscription.data['policy']).to eq 'all'
+      %w(follow follow_request favourite reblog mention poll status).each do |type|
+        expect(push_subscription.data['alerts'][type]).to eq(alerts_payload[:data][:alerts][type.to_sym].to_s)
+      end
diff --git a/spec/controllers/auth/confirmations_controller_spec.rb b/spec/controllers/auth/confirmations_controller_spec.rb
index 0b6b74ff9..8469119d2 100644
--- a/spec/controllers/auth/confirmations_controller_spec.rb
+++ b/spec/controllers/auth/confirmations_controller_spec.rb
@@ -32,6 +32,52 @@ describe Auth::ConfirmationsController, type: :controller do
+    context 'when user is unconfirmed and unapproved' do
+      let!(:user) { Fabricate(:user, confirmation_token: 'foobar', confirmed_at: nil, approved: false) }
+      before do
+        allow(BootstrapTimelineWorker).to receive(:perform_async)
+        @request.env['devise.mapping'] = Devise.mappings[:user]
+        get :show, params: { confirmation_token: 'foobar' }
+      end
+      it 'redirects to login' do
+        expect(response).to redirect_to(new_user_session_path)
+      end
+    end
+    context 'when user is already confirmed' do
+      let!(:user) { Fabricate(:user) }
+      before do
+        allow(BootstrapTimelineWorker).to receive(:perform_async)
+        @request.env['devise.mapping'] = Devise.mappings[:user]
+        sign_in(user, scope: :user)
+        get :show, params: { confirmation_token: 'foobar' }
+      end
+      it 'redirects to root path' do
+        expect(response).to redirect_to(root_path)
+      end
+    end
+    context 'when user is already confirmed but unapproved' do
+      let!(:user) { Fabricate(:user, approved: false) }
+      before do
+        allow(BootstrapTimelineWorker).to receive(:perform_async)
+        @request.env['devise.mapping'] = Devise.mappings[:user]
+        user.approved = false
+        user.save!
+        sign_in(user, scope: :user)
+        get :show, params: { confirmation_token: 'foobar' }
+      end
+      it 'redirects to settings' do
+        expect(response).to redirect_to(edit_user_registration_path)
+      end
+    end
     context 'when user is updating email' do
       let!(:user) { Fabricate(:user, confirmation_token: 'foobar', unconfirmed_email: 'new-email@example.com') }
diff --git a/spec/controllers/relationships_controller_spec.rb b/spec/controllers/relationships_controller_spec.rb
index 16e255afe..2056a2ac2 100644
--- a/spec/controllers/relationships_controller_spec.rb
+++ b/spec/controllers/relationships_controller_spec.rb
@@ -36,11 +36,7 @@ describe RelationshipsController do
   describe 'PATCH #update' do
-    let(:poopfeast) { Fabricate(:account, username: 'poopfeast', domain: 'example.com', salmon_url: 'http://example.com/salmon') }
-    before do
-      stub_request(:post, 'http://example.com/salmon').to_return(status: 200)
-    end
+    let(:poopfeast) { Fabricate(:account, username: 'poopfeast', domain: 'example.com') }
     shared_examples 'redirects back to followers page' do
       it 'redirects back to followers page' do