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2 files changed, 31 insertions, 5 deletions
diff --git a/spec/controllers/auth/sessions_controller_spec.rb b/spec/controllers/auth/sessions_controller_spec.rb
index 1b8fd0b7b..d3db7aa1a 100644
--- a/spec/controllers/auth/sessions_controller_spec.rb
+++ b/spec/controllers/auth/sessions_controller_spec.rb
@@ -119,6 +119,32 @@ RSpec.describe Auth::SessionsController, type: :controller do
+      context 'using a valid password on a previously-used account with a new IP address' do
+        let(:previous_ip) { '' }
+        let(:current_ip)  { '' }
+        let!(:previous_login) { Fabricate(:login_activity, user: user, ip: previous_ip) }
+        before do
+          allow_any_instance_of(ActionDispatch::Request).to receive(:remote_ip).and_return(current_ip)
+          allow(UserMailer).to receive(:suspicious_sign_in).and_return(double('email', 'deliver_later!': nil))
+          user.update(current_sign_in_at: 1.month.ago)
+          post :create, params: { user: { email: user.email, password: user.password } }
+        end
+        it 'redirects to home' do
+          expect(response).to redirect_to(root_path)
+        end
+        it 'logs the user in' do
+          expect(controller.current_user).to eq user
+        end
+        it 'sends a suspicious sign-in mail' do
+          expect(UserMailer).to have_received(:suspicious_sign_in).with(user, current_ip, anything, anything)
+        end
+      end
       context 'using email with uppercase letters' do
         before do
           post :create, params: { user: { email: user.email.upcase, password: user.password } }
diff --git a/spec/fabricators/login_activity_fabricator.rb b/spec/fabricators/login_activity_fabricator.rb
index 931d3082c..686fd6483 100644
--- a/spec/fabricators/login_activity_fabricator.rb
+++ b/spec/fabricators/login_activity_fabricator.rb
@@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
 Fabricator(:login_activity) do
-  strategy       'password'
-  success        true
-  failure_reason nil
-  ip             { Faker::Internet.ip_v4_address }
-  user_agent     { Faker::Internet.user_agent }
+  authentication_method 'password'
+  success               true
+  failure_reason        nil
+  ip                    { Faker::Internet.ip_v4_address }
+  user_agent            { Faker::Internet.user_agent }