about summary refs log tree commit diff
BranchCommit messageAuthorAge
mainupdated postgresStarfall23 months
AgeCommit messageAuthor
2023-04-22updated postgres HEAD mainStarfall
2023-02-08hang up on cloudflareStarfall
2023-01-17increase s3 timeout per una's recommendationStarfall
2023-01-17slightly less paranoia is required for DB_PASS on the internal-only networkStarfall
2023-01-17update almost everything except the setup scriptStarfall
2021-07-31Haven't been keeping this updated, our badStarfall
2019-12-29Add BACKUP_LOC option to backup scriptStarfall
2018-04-22nginx -> nginx nginxthekettu
2018-04-22Fix typothekettu
2018-04-22Add IPv6 Nat to guidethekettu