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path: root/dropcalc
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authorStarfall <us@starfall.systems>2024-02-07 17:54:47 -0600
committerStarfall <us@starfall.systems>2024-02-07 17:56:03 -0600
commit482794473972a1265308fcb89069066483bbdda0 (patch)
tree5dc3ea5306a5a2648a4815442643ddf2ebf1571f /dropcalc
parentf06167b79397b425272fd4843d599d5f5c372fb6 (diff)
dropcalc: Median XL .txt parser
Was intended to eventually become a drop calculator. Might work for
other Diablo II mods without changes, I don't think there are any
MXL-specific fields involved in this.

Abandoned due to lack of organizational structure on the project and ...
creative differences with one of the lead devs.
Diffstat (limited to 'dropcalc')
16 files changed, 544 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/dropcalc/.gitignore b/dropcalc/.gitignore
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cfff1c9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dropcalc/.gitignore
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+# Intellij IDEA
+# Python
diff --git a/dropcalc/LICENSE b/dropcalc/LICENSE
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..eca96fd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dropcalc/LICENSE
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+                   Version 2, December 2004
+Copyright (C) 2023 Starfall <us@starfall.systems>
+Everyone is permitted to copy and distribute verbatim or modified
+copies of this license document, and changing it is allowed as long
+as the name is changed.
diff --git a/dropcalc/Pipfile b/dropcalc/Pipfile
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..99eb835
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dropcalc/Pipfile
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+url = "https://pypi.org/simple"
+verify_ssl = true
+name = "pypi"
+sqlalchemy = "*"
+python_version = "3.11"
diff --git a/dropcalc/Pipfile.lock b/dropcalc/Pipfile.lock
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..26425ac
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dropcalc/Pipfile.lock
@@ -0,0 +1,147 @@
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diff --git a/dropcalc/README.md b/dropcalc/README.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..265581d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dropcalc/README.md
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+# Future home of Median XL Dropcalc
+and maybe a proper MXLDB eventually, too
+all it does right now is read some of the txts and dump them into an in-memory SQLite database, then do nothing with them
+## Dependencies
+Install python3, pip, and pipenv; I leave it up to the reader to decide how to do it because for me it's `paru -S python python-pip python-pipenv`.
+Run `pipenv shell` to create the dev environment which will install everything from the Pipfile (just sqlalchemy for now).
+If you don't like pipenv you still need python3 and pip, then just `pip install --user sqlalchemy`.
+## Usage
+create_db.py /path/to/txts
+If you just give it the MOD repo or your d2 install folder (if you have the txts in it) that'll work too.
diff --git a/dropcalc/create_db.py b/dropcalc/create_db.py
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..be60fb6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dropcalc/create_db.py
@@ -0,0 +1,69 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+import csv
+import mxl_types
+from argparse import ArgumentParser
+from pathlib import Path
+from sqlalchemy import create_engine, text
+from sqlalchemy.orm import Session
+def generate_tcs():
+	# TODO
+	# grab weapons, armor, misc? with spawnable=1 *and* who have itemtype with TreasureClass=1 (any itemtype? just direct?)
+	# qlvl 1-3 in weap3, 4-6 in weap6, 7-9 in weap9 ... 91-93 in weap93
+	# armo3 ... armo99
+	# vanilla has bow3 ... bow87 as well, unknown but probably based on the itemtype having Shoots and Quiver
+	# don't know if misc TCs are generated, neither median nor vanilla actually uses them if they are
+	pass
+def create_db(folder):
+	engine = create_engine("sqlite+pysqlite:///:memory:", echo=False)
+	mxl_types.BaseDAO.metadata.create_all(engine)
+	try1 = (Path(folder) / "Data" / "global" / "excel")
+	if try1.exists():
+		data_folder = try1
+	else:
+		data_folder = folder
+	types = [
+		mxl_types.ItemRatio,
+		mxl_types.ItemType,
+		mxl_types.Weapon,
+		mxl_types.Armor,
+		mxl_types.Misc,
+		mxl_types.UniqueItem,
+		mxl_types.SetItem,
+		mxl_types.TreasureClass,
+	]
+	for mytype in types:
+		file = data_folder / mytype.filename
+		with file.open(encoding='windows-1252') as csvfile, Session(engine) as session:
+			reader = csv.DictReader(csvfile, dialect='excel-tab')
+			for csv_row in reader:
+				db_row = mytype(csv_row)
+				if not db_row.is_valid():
+					continue
+				session.add(db_row)
+			session.commit()
+			count = session.scalar(text(f'select count(*) from {mytype.__tablename__}'))
+			print(f'Counted {count} {mytype.__tablename__}')
+def handle_args():
+	parser = ArgumentParser()
+	parser.add_argument('folder', help='Location of Median XL .txt files')
+	return parser.parse_args()
+def main():
+	args = handle_args()
+	create_db(args.folder)
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+	import sys
+	sys.exit(main())
diff --git a/dropcalc/dropcalc-notes b/dropcalc/dropcalc-notes
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b334e43
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dropcalc/dropcalc-notes
@@ -0,0 +1,61 @@
+Unique, Set, Rare, Magic
+Item{1-10} : can be a TC name, Weapons/Armor/Misc/Gems code, UniqueItems index, maybe even SetItems index
+group/level can upgrade tc but that's skippable for now until we need to deal with monsters
+for generic TCs:
+read Weapons.txt, Armor.txt code, rarity
+use name for now, deal with namestr & string tbls later
+NoDrop adjustment:
+fundamentally it just retries once per (close, partied) player until an item is hit.
+far and/or unpartied players count half
+item quality:
+Unique, UniqueDivisor, UniqueMin... etc
+chance = 128 * (Unique - (ilvl-qlvl)/Divisor)
+eMF = (MF * factor) / (MF + Factor) like basically all diminishing returns
+chance = chance * eMF
+cap to minChance
+chance = chance - (chance * tcUnique / 1024)
+roll 0 to chance-1, if less than 128 then success
+which means lower "chance" is better
+unique is picked with rarity / total rarity of uniques for base that have the right ilvl as expected
+game rolls unique - set - rare - magic - superior - normal in order
+affixes the fuckening:
+rares have 2+d4 affixes, 50/50 for each to be prefix or suffix until 3
+crafts have 4 affixes (or 0.4/0.2/0.2/0.2 for 1-4 at ilvl 1), otherwise the same
+generate in order, exclude by group
+alvl of item is:
+tmplvl = min(ilvl, 99)
+tmplvl = max(qlvl, tmplvl)
+if magic_level: 
+	alvl = tmplvl + magic_level	
+else if tmplvl < (99 - qlvl/2):
+	alvl = tmplvl - qlvl/2
+	alvl = 2 * tmplvl - 99
+return min(alvl, 99)
+should likely monte carlo simulate crafts rather than try and calculate them
+need to fuck around with Itemtypes, MagicPrefix, MagicSuffix to get all the possible affixes
diff --git a/dropcalc/mxl_types/__init__.py b/dropcalc/mxl_types/__init__.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..09b00bc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dropcalc/mxl_types/__init__.py
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+__all__ = ["ItemRatio", "ItemType", "BaseItem", "Weapon", "Armor", "Misc", "UniqueItem", "SetItem", "TreasureClass"]
+from .dao import BaseDAO
+from .item_ratio import ItemRatio
+from .item_type import ItemType
+from .base import BaseItem, Weapon, Armor, Misc
+from .unique import UniqueItem
+from .set import SetItem
+from .treasure_class import TreasureClass
+# MonStats grab Id, hcIdx, enabled, TreasureClass1(H), maybe remaining TC2/3/4(H)
+# SuperUniques Superunique, TC(H)
+# Levels MonLvl3 and nmon1-nmon20
diff --git a/dropcalc/mxl_types/base.py b/dropcalc/mxl_types/base.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cd7e8be
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dropcalc/mxl_types/base.py
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+from sqlalchemy import ForeignKey, String
+from sqlalchemy.orm import Mapped, mapped_column
+from .dao import BaseDAO
+class BaseItem(BaseDAO):
+	__tablename__ = "base"
+	code: Mapped[str] = mapped_column(String(4), primary_key=True)
+	name: Mapped[str]                                    # internal name only, game actually looks up `code` in strings
+	type = mapped_column(ForeignKey("item_type.Code"))   # can have two item_type... and all their parents
+	type2 = mapped_column(ForeignKey("item_type.Code"))  # should really figure out a better way to store them
+	rarity: Mapped[int]
+	level: Mapped[int]                                   # variously referred to as ilvl or qlvl
+	spawnable: Mapped[int]                               # items with spawnable=0 *can* be dropped directly from TCs, but shouldn't randomly drop
+	category: Mapped[str]
+	__mapper_args__ = {'polymorphic_on': 'category'}
+class Weapon(BaseItem):
+	filename = "Weapons.txt"
+	__mapper_args__ = {'polymorphic_identity': 'weap'}
+class Armor(BaseItem):
+	filename = "Armor.txt"
+	__mapper_args__ = {'polymorphic_identity': 'armo'}
+class Misc(BaseItem):
+	filename = "Misc.txt"
+	__mapper_args__ = {'polymorphic_identity': 'misc'}
diff --git a/dropcalc/mxl_types/dao.py b/dropcalc/mxl_types/dao.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..db459e7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dropcalc/mxl_types/dao.py
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+from sqlalchemy.orm import DeclarativeBase
+class BaseDAO(DeclarativeBase):
+	__csv_to_db__ = dict()
+	def is_valid(self):
+		return True
+	def __init__(self, iterable=(), **kwargs):
+		self.__dict__.update(iterable, **kwargs)
+		for this, that in self.__csv_to_db__.items():
+			self.__dict__[this] = self.__dict__[that]
diff --git a/dropcalc/mxl_types/item_ratio.py b/dropcalc/mxl_types/item_ratio.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7a783c3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dropcalc/mxl_types/item_ratio.py
@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
+from sqlalchemy.orm import Mapped, mapped_column
+from .dao import BaseDAO
+class ItemRatio(BaseDAO):
+	filename = "ItemRatio_mp.txt"
+	__csv_to_db__ = {"Class_Specific": "Class Specific"}
+	__tablename__ = "item_ratio"
+	id: Mapped[int] = mapped_column(primary_key=True)
+	# D2Fileguide goes into more detail about how these are used
+	# the gist is 1 in (Quality - (mlvl-ilvl) / Divisor) * 128 of rolling each of these
+	# in the order unique, set, rare, magic, hiq, normal (and falling back on loq)
+	# further modified by MF after diminishing returns value (250 uni, 500 set, 600 rar) - which I believe is hardcoded
+	# and then the TC values
+	Unique: Mapped[int]
+	UniqueDivisor: Mapped[int]
+	UniqueMin: Mapped[int]
+	Rare: Mapped[int]
+	RareDivisor: Mapped[int]
+	RareMin: Mapped[int]
+	Set: Mapped[int]
+	SetDivisor: Mapped[int]
+	SetMin: Mapped[int]
+	Magic: Mapped[int]
+	MagicDivisor: Mapped[int]
+	MagicMin: Mapped[int]
+	HiQuality: Mapped[int]
+	HiQualityDivisor: Mapped[int]
+	Normal: Mapped[int]
+	NormalDivisor: Mapped[int]
+	Uber: Mapped[int]  # exceptional/elite as decided by normcode, ubercode, ultracode in Weapons.txt / Armor.txt
+	Class_Specific: Mapped[int]  # class specifics as decided by Class in Itemtypes.txt
+	def is_valid(self):
+		return self.Version == "1"
diff --git a/dropcalc/mxl_types/item_type.py b/dropcalc/mxl_types/item_type.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8dd9b37
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dropcalc/mxl_types/item_type.py
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+from typing import Optional
+from sqlalchemy import ForeignKey, String
+from sqlalchemy.orm import Mapped, mapped_column
+from .dao import BaseDAO
+class ItemType(BaseDAO):
+	filename = "ItemTypes.txt"
+	__tablename__ = "item_type"
+	Id: Mapped[int] = mapped_column(primary_key=True)
+	Code: Mapped[str] = mapped_column(String(4))  # referred to by other tables
+	ItemType: Mapped[Optional[str]]               # internal human readable name
+	Equiv1 = mapped_column(ForeignKey("item_type.Code"))
+	Equiv2 = mapped_column(ForeignKey("item_type.Code"))
+	# what does Rarity do here? fileguide description is unclear
+	def is_valid(self):
+		return is_int(self.Id) and self.Code not in (None, '')
+def is_int(obj):
+	try:
+		int(obj)
+	except ValueError:
+		return False
+	else:
+		return True
diff --git a/dropcalc/mxl_types/set.py b/dropcalc/mxl_types/set.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..498cdcf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dropcalc/mxl_types/set.py
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+from sqlalchemy import ForeignKey
+from sqlalchemy.orm import Mapped, mapped_column
+from . import BaseDAO
+class SetItem(BaseDAO):
+	filename = "SetItems.txt"
+	__tablename__ = "set_item"
+	id: Mapped[int] = mapped_column(primary_key=True)
+	index: Mapped[str]   # string reference, often also human-readable
+	item = mapped_column(ForeignKey("base.code"))  # note inconsistency with everything else...
+	rarity: Mapped[int]  # drop frequency, relative to other sets on this base
+	lvl: Mapped[int]     # minimum drop level
diff --git a/dropcalc/mxl_types/treasure_class.py b/dropcalc/mxl_types/treasure_class.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d00da6f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dropcalc/mxl_types/treasure_class.py
@@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
+from typing import Optional
+from sqlalchemy.orm import Mapped, mapped_column
+from . import BaseDAO
+class TreasureClass(BaseDAO):
+	filename = "TreasureClassEx.txt"
+	__csv_to_db__ = {"name": "Treasure Class"}
+	__tablename__ = "treasure_class"
+	name: Mapped[str] = mapped_column(primary_key=True)
+	group: Mapped[Optional[int]]
+	level: Mapped[Optional[int]]
+	Picks: Mapped[int]
+	Unique: Mapped[Optional[str]]
+	Set: Mapped[Optional[int]]
+	Rare: Mapped[Optional[int]]
+	Magic: Mapped[Optional[int]]
+	NoDrop: Mapped[Optional[int]]
+	Item1: Mapped[str]
+	Prob1: Mapped[int]
+	Item2: Mapped[Optional[str]]
+	Prob2: Mapped[Optional[int]]
+	Item3: Mapped[Optional[str]]
+	Prob3: Mapped[Optional[int]]
+	Item4: Mapped[Optional[str]]
+	Prob4: Mapped[Optional[int]]
+	Item5: Mapped[Optional[str]]
+	Prob5: Mapped[Optional[int]]
+	Item6: Mapped[Optional[str]]
+	Prob6: Mapped[Optional[int]]
+	Item7: Mapped[Optional[str]]
+	Prob7: Mapped[Optional[int]]
+	Item8: Mapped[Optional[str]]
+	Prob8: Mapped[Optional[int]]
+	Item9: Mapped[Optional[str]]
+	Prob9: Mapped[Optional[int]]
+	Item10: Mapped[Optional[str]]
+	Prob10: Mapped[Optional[int]]
diff --git a/dropcalc/mxl_types/unique.py b/dropcalc/mxl_types/unique.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..49c4e39
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dropcalc/mxl_types/unique.py
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+from sqlalchemy import ForeignKey
+from sqlalchemy.orm import Mapped, mapped_column
+from . import BaseDAO
+class UniqueItem(BaseDAO):
+	filename = "UniqueItems.txt"
+	__tablename__ = "unique_item"
+	id: Mapped[int] = mapped_column(primary_key=True)
+	index: Mapped[str]   # string reference, often also human-readable
+	code = mapped_column(ForeignKey("base.code"))
+	rarity: Mapped[int]  # drop frequency, relative to other uniques on this base
+	lvl: Mapped[int]     # minimum drop level
+	def is_valid(self):
+		return self.enabled == "1"  # TODO: can we create fixed drop but not randomly available uniques by setting this to 0?
diff --git a/dropcalc/util.py b/dropcalc/util.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..923765b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dropcalc/util.py
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+def is_int(x):
+    try: int(x)
+    except ValueError: return False
+    else: return True